
Writing Help For The New College Term: Tools to Write a Perfect Academic Paper

Writing the perfect academic paper is more than just presenting research, otherwise, it’s simply a list of facts with the occasional graphic. The perfect paper presents information in an easy to follow and logical manner. The facts are not just presented in front of the intended reader and left to their own devices—the reader finds themselves sucked into the paper and needing to read what is in it.

So how to write a perfect paper? What online tools can help students? Here’s just a few.


This website collects resources to learn how to create that perfect academic paper — not only for professionals in education but also for parents and students to improve reading and writing skills. Check it out and find the most appropriate resource to meet your own needs.

Boom Essay writers

Boom essays is a site that has writing advice and PHD level tutoring and writers for helping you craft your numerous academic papers, including essays, research papers and theses.  This isn’t the only thing they do, however, as they can help you create that top-notch resume and cover letter you will need once you’re done school… or perhaps even to find that perfect summer position.


This is a great, and free, resource.  It has tutorials and downloads to help you create your own fantastic essay.  It’s not quite as pretty to look at as other websites, which does suggest that it may have been a few years since updated.  However, the information is still there and still on point… and free.

Cliché Finder

It only does one thing… but it does it very, very well.  I have this tool bookmarked.  Copy and paste a portion of your writing, or the entirety of it into the box and click “Find Cliches”.  Academic papers should be free of clichés as it is another way of filtering your message instead of getting to the point.  As a point, at the bottom of the page are two links to two more fantastic tools to improve your academic writing:  The Passivator—which hunts down the “passive voice” in your writing—and GNU Style and Diction.


This is for after you’ve created your paper and have a list of resources that need organization, or even while researching.  There are three simple steps.  Select a style, add the citation, and then, once you’re done, download the entire bibliography in the style you need.  Like Cliché Finder, it also has more than just this.  It can save your bibliography, check your writing for plagiarism—even if you have written your work from scratch, sometimes it’s better to be 100% sure—as well as numerous other guides and tools.

EssayRoo Australian writers

Australian online writing team suggests help with academic papers as well as services for professionals for copywriting and marketing goals. Never hurts to have another set of eyes check what you have written. Even the best novelists have an editing team.

Readability Score

This is a critical tool.  This is the tool that will take your writing from okay to good.  This grades, and then helps you edit, your text to make easy and clear to read.  It looks smarter at the end of it.  It won’t write your paper for you, but it will make it a whole lot easier.


If you have ever had a good idea, and then lost it, then this is the tool for you.  Unlike the others that concentrated on after the essay or paper was written, this one helps with brainstorming that idea.  It keeps those ideas organized and visible.

Everyone needs tools in their toolbox, even when writing a paper.  It’s a task and a skill like any other and having a well-written, and clear, paper will mean the difference between a high mark and your instructor asking you what you meant to even say.  The thing is that it doesn’t have to be hard.  These tools are meant to take a task other students also find intimidating and make it manageable—and make your paper stand out from the others.”

Guest post: “Gloria Kopp is a web content writer and an elearning consultant from Manville city. She graduated from University of Wyoming and started a career of creative writer. At present time she works as a freelance writer and editor. Besides, she is working on online writing course project that is going to be launched this autumn.”


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