
Part of me feels this post may be a little late, however this year will be here for a while, so there's no rushing these things.

I feel this blog post is going to be a rather rambled, chatty one. Not making much sense, but having lots of thoughts and emotions attached to them. 

I rather enjoyed 2013, I got engaged, moved into a lovely little home with Sam and we added to our family with a cheeky little monkey-dog! Things could of been better, I had some down times, work was so very hard and tiring, I wasn't as close to some people as I dreamed we could be, and the small things made a huge difference. I don't like to dwell on the negative though, I think I do too much some times (I do like a good old moan) but really, really if you think about it....things aren't all that bad. 

This year is a very exciting one! I get to plan a wedding, my wedding, our wedding. I get to marry my best friend, have a fun Weekend away with the girls that mean the most to me, watch Sev grow into a (stroppy?) teenager, photograph a close friends wedding, and party hard with all or friends and loved ones at our diy wedding party. I want to get creative and show people what I can do, by growing my blog and YouTube, as well as making the wedding and party bloody good ones. I want my friends and family how much they mean to me, and protect and love the ones that deserve it. I want to get rid of all the negative people in my life, the ones that get me down or don't bother trying at all. 

Life is what we make it, we have one chance, one go! We need to just rock it. Do whatever we can to be happy, grab life and throw it up in the air, make friends that will fill our hearts with love, and care for all the special people that make it worth living. 

My goals are simple this year, marry the man of my dreams on the best day of my life. And train Sev to be a good boy, like Tilly & Alfie. Simple things don't have to be boring, a cup of tea in my favoruite cafe gets me far too excited in fact. Walk down the canal, meet up with a friend that you've not seen for a while, tell your closet friends you love them, drink hot chocolate with too much cream, buy those shoes, blog blog blog, watch too many YouTube videos!! Take everything in, explore, live life, have fun, and be happy. No one can take these things away from you, expect for yourself!

[Illustration c/o Jammy and Jelly]


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