
You’ve made the decision – a boring career isn’t for you. You’re looking for STEM jobs.

How do students who want to pursue STEM jobs set out on the necessary career path? The following tips are excellent places to start:

High School/College Guidance Counselors

A student’s best resource to begin their career search, guidance counselors help devise a scholastic strategy to the best schools and classes to prepare for a career in STEM jobs. Schedule an appointment with a counselor and outline the purpose of your meeting – your needs and goals – prior to your visit.

School-based Job-service Departments

Visit your school’s career development services center. Similar to school counselors, it is the job of these professionals to help students find employment or internships. If you’ve already made your career choice to embark upon a STEM jobs-focused career path, it doesn’t hurt to start early.

Internships: So Nice it’s Mentioned Twice

Many reputable companies rely on partnerships with schools to find fresh talent and students rely on internships to learn industry basics, forge relationships with established professionals (some of whom might be well-known industry leaders) and earn credits or a stipend. The experience gained during an internship is invaluable and while employment after graduation is not guaranteed, it is possible that perseverance will pay off and a company that is pleased with an intern might eventually make a job offer.

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Professional Networking Sites

Though sites such as LinkedIn and Levo League might seem to cater to the big kids, it’s never too early to begin networking and cultivating relationships with professionals who have STEM jobs. These sites are filled with alumni who are happy to connect with (and help) students currently enrolled at an alma mater. Don’t be shy when reaching out to potential connections – remember, the sky is the limit and the worst response you will ever receive is “No,” which helps build a thick skin.

Think Outside the STEM Jobs

Many roles exist for students who love STEM, but are passionate about other fields. There are no rules

regarding how STEM-inclined students can contribute to the world by using their knowledge. Opportunities exist in many fields that don’t seem very relevant to STEM Jobs, such as sports, the arts, cosmetics and fashion – for professionals who are smart regarding IQ and style!

Still not sure what STEM jobs are right for you? Take our detailed STEM Type quiz to find the perfect fit!

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