
How to Build a Home Gym >>>Click here to sign up to the email newsletter

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This is a guest post by www.fitness-mad.com 

In this current climate, more and more people are resorting to creating their own home gym.

There are many benefits to installing home fitness equipment which include;

Time Efficiency – No waiting involved to use the equipment when it’s busy.

Cost effectiveness – Paying for travel and gym membership can be very costly.

Flexibility – Home gyms allow you to train how and when it suits you.

There are also drawbacks to this idea which include;

Motivation – Motivation is a key ingredient when working out, you won’t have anybody to help you out with particularly heavy sets or even somebody to drag you to the gym when you don’t feel like training.

No Spotter – Nobody to spot you when bench pressing a particularly heavy weight, this can lead to a potential threat to your safety.

Recommended Equipment

If you are creating your own gym at home, it is important that you select the right gym equipment for your needs. Used commercial gym equipment is a far more cost effective option than buying new and you only need a few pieces of equipment:

Power Rack

The Power Rack is considered to be one of the most important pieces of gym equipment. This is used to build muscle and strength.

Home Gym Flooring

When creating your home gym, it is important to install the correct flooring. The point is to protect your flooring from barbells and other weights which can cause damage, protective floor mats can be purchased to prevent this from happening.


There are many exercises which involve using a barbell. They are used to assist compound training. Compound training helps to build serious mass by working every muscle group in one exercise.

Typical barbell exercises can include, back squats, front squats, overhead squats, deadlifts, bench presses and overhead presses.

Weight Plates

The main advantage of using weight plates over machine assisted weights is that free weights do not limit range of motion and ensure correct form. When dealing with weight training, posture and form are key factors.

Day-to-day activity can take its toll on your body whether you are training for a sporting event or generally working out, your body is continuously working. The way you sit, stand, run and drive all affect your body’s posture. After training your body can experience aches, pains and soreness. Using products like Rollers can be used to enhance strength, flexibility, balance, body awareness and muscular flexibility. Rollers are also used to relieve tension on the hips, spine, shoulders and neck helping to co-ordinate your body’s recovery system.

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