Due to maintenance being performed on access networks at both enterprise data centers, all enterprise services will be unavailable beginning at 4:30 am on Sunday, November 27, 2016. Services are expected to be fully restored by 9:00 a.m. This maintenance will have the following impact:
eServices (ability to search/register/pay for classes, submit an application, etc.)
D2L Brightspace (ability to log in to this application)
StarID maintenance (ability to change password, activate, find out StarID, or sign in to profile)
IT Service Desk Portal (ability to submit a service request via the portal at servicedesk.mnscu.edu)
eServices, including Faculty Administration Application
D2L Brightspace
StarID maintenance (ability to change password, activate, find out StarID, or sign in to profile)
New virtual network access (active connections should not be impacted) for system office virtual desktop infrastructure (VENUS.mnscu.edu)
EPM 11
Management Reports
Program Navigator
ISRS Uniface client/server, and ISRS web applications
ISRS batch processing
IT Service Desk Portal (ability to submit a service request via the portal at servicedesk.mnscu.edu)
System databases and applications such as APPL, HR-SCUPPS, Finance, Accounting, Student Housing, and Student Payroll will also be unavailable. NTP, mail relay, and DNS requests between and from outside each datacenter will be unavailable. This would be across both Students and Faculty/Staff.
System updates can be found at: http://status.mnscu.edu/.