Here are the notes from analysts working as a team as well as their conclusion. To enroll in training, go to, read up on it there and with the search feature here in the blog, and email to enroll.
Law Enforcement:
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On December 12, 2016, Jennifer and David Williams stated that they were attacked by an arsonist racist who was still on the loose.
Jennifer blogged about it in this statement and raised money via Go Fund Me.
Then she reported that David confessed to it (to her) and she is refunding the donations, minus the percentage that Go Fund Me charges.
David, she said, will be arrested when he is released from a mental health facility.
Here is a new twist in the case: the original analysis showed that she had guilty knowledge of the fake hate crime. Now, go back into the analysis and consider this knowledge (prior analysis conclusion) as a form of contamination.
*Does she cover for him?
*At what time did he start the fire?
*Where was she when he started the fire?
Critical is the fire, itself, above spray painting. Please focus upon the time periods in her language.
Question for Statement Analysis:
Does the subject (statement) have guilty knowledge of the crime?
First, the statement and then the analysis and profile.
I. The Statement
Breaking My Social Media Silence.
I have stayed pretty quiet about what happened at our home on Monday the 12th of December. You see, there is so much that I could say, but I want to say the right things. I wanted to speak wisdom and not perpetuate hate. Sunday night was just like any other school night this year. The kids went to bed at 8. David and I watched TV while I worked from home, something I am glad to be able to do. Then just like any other night, we went to bed.
In the wee hours of Monday morning I heard, what I though was the transformer behind our house blow. A sound we have heard a number of times and think nothing of. I nudged David awake and asked him if he had heard it too. I don't know if he had heard it, I know he recalls a coherent response, I do not. We both drifted back to sleep without much thought. It was a short time later, that there was a pounding on our door. We were both awake again, rattled this time. Who was banging on our door and what could be so urgent. A father moving his son into a house 4 doors down the street, had heard the explosion too, followed by the sound of a car horn. He was curious about the sound, stuck his head out the front door, saw nothing and went about his business. A short time later his son arrived home from a trip to the grocery store and told him that there was a fire down the street. Both the men came to our aid. David answered the door in his boxers. "Your truck is on fire, is their anyone else in the house." David hurried back to the bedroom to put on some pants. We woke the children before we knew the house itself wasn't on fire. In the middle of the night it is hard to tell the difference between smoke and steam. The kids and I gathered in the living room waiting for word of all clear or evacuate. I don't know if we were all slow or the fire department was that fast, by the time I reached the back of the house the fire was out. I came back to the house to tell the kids to go back to sleep. "Mom, there is a fire truck at our house, I want to see it." So I let the children outside, far enough that they could see the fire truck, not so close that they could be underfoot or get hurt. Then I ushered them all back in, telling them to go to bed. Reality check, in what world after all of that commotion was anyone going to go back to sleep. I went back around to the back of the house. The gentlemen, who's name I still don't know asked if we knew of anything spray painted on our garage door. I will let the pictures here speak for themselves as I have no desire to type those words. After the fire was out and the smoke had cleared, the firefighters pulled their truck up to the hydrant that is in our front yard. We offered coffee or warm drinks as we all waited for the arson investor to arrive. The kids had still not gone to bed. The firemen offered them a private tour of a fire truck. Yes, even our oldest, who is almost 14, couldn't resist that offer. The arson investigator arrived and after a brief reporting of what they had found and done, the firemen loaded up and left. I was astounded by the vast knowledge of the arson investigator.
As one of our dogs returned home after being let out, or escaping from the back yard in fear, the investigator stopped to help us try to find the other. We wouldn't have any luck with that, but she would be found and returned later in the day. Back to the investigation, evidence was collected. Motives and suspects were discussed. We said good bye to the investigator and went in the house. The children, who had never made it back to bed, were much to my amazement ready to go to school when we came back in the house. I had offered to let them stay home, since they had missed out on sleep. They all said that they were not tired and off to school they went. So there, now you have it, the narrative of the events that occurred. We have been asked a few questions several times, so I will answer them now. If you have more questions please ask in the comment section below and I will do my best to answer them. Do you know who did this? No, there are 2 people that we know and 2 incidents that we are aware of that this could be tied to. The arson investigator has all of those details and will pursue them. How did the fire start? While the investigator has shared his theory with us, one I fully support, I am not going to broadcast that on the internet. If you know David or Me personally we will happily tell you one on one.
Won't your insurance cover it? The homeowner's insurance only covers vehicles that can not be registered to be driven on the road. It would cover the garage door, but the amount of our deductible is grater than the cost of a new door. The Harley was not currently insured or registered as it had a bad voltage regulator. I had lowered the insurance coverage on the truck in September or October to liability coverage only and arson is only covered under comprehensive. UPDATE: Did you know your homeowners insurance will pay to clean your concrete driveway? With the addition of the driveway and a few other miscellaneous melted items, we have exceeded our deductible in damages. The estimated damage done to our home and personal property covered by insurance was just under $1,739, after subtracting our deductible and depreciation we were issued a payment of just over $168.00 Why wasn't your motorcycle in the garage? Anyone who has asked that has never seen the amount of tools David owns. Is this, or why is this, considered a hate crime; aren't you white? Yes this is considered a hate crime. It is considered a hate crime because of what was painted on the garage door. Yes, we are white. It just so happens that we aren't as racist as someone would like us to be. Tell me about the GoFundMe campaign. David and I do not have direct access to this account and had no knowledge of it's creation. It was set up by a dear friend and David's sister. We are very appreciative and would like nothing more that to be able to thank and hug each person who has given to the campaign. As you can imagine, there are expenses that we were not intending to have 2 weeks before Christmas, and this campaign and the generosity shown has lifted a burden. What can I do to help? So many people have asked this question. I am overwhelmed by the generosity and love that has been show to our family. I don't have a specific answer to this question though. At first my obvious answer was, do you have a car I can borrow? Days after, here are my thoughts. I am not going to tell any one how they can help. If you feel like helping, if you have an idea that would benefit anyone, not just my family, do it. Show love in every place and any place available to you. If you have the means to help someone going through a rough patch, do it. So now that all of that has been said... Racism is not comfortable subject. There are many who would like to pretend that it doesn't exist. There are those who believe racism only exists because, we continue to talk about it. I am not going to argue with anyone about the existence of racism or why it continues. What happened at my house is the cold hard evidence that it does exist and that it continues. The questions is what am I going to do about it? What are you going to do about it? In spite of what was meant to cause fear, I am going to continue to love, without regard to race, gender, age, religion, sexual preference or orientation. I am going to acknowledge the experience of those who are discriminated against daily. I will stand up for what I know to be true and right, even when it is uncomfortable to do so. I am going to pick up the pieces and create something beautiful. I am going to embody the cliche "Be the change you want to see in the world."
II. The Analysis: Does the subject show guilty knowledge of the crime?
If so, what does contentreveal
What does the PERSON tell us about herself
Breaking My Social Media Silence.
Allegation: Arson and “hate speech”
Europe = Truth has become “hate speech”
almost anything can be interpreted as “raising animosity”
Personality traits
Projection: journaling and being bluntly honest –
Santa Claus –body posture tension –
Breaking My Social Media Silence.
without the pronoun “I”?
“my” Social Media Silence –
she takes ownership of
likely spends much time
the ‘norm’ is to be very vocal on social media
she has been “un-silent” elsewhere
there is more information to be heard –
suppressing information in reverse: It is challenging for her to keep her mouth shut on social media
“I don’t remember” in an open statement” Education – writing skills (background)
I have stayed pretty quiet about what happened at our home on Monday the 12th of December.
break silence on social media
she is now writing on social media, in the sense of a “blog”
she begins with “I”, psychologically strong
verb: “have stayed” imperfect past tense –this has NOT been easy for her. The event was December 12th, and this statement was approximately December 19th. This short period of time, 1 to 2 weeks max, is very trying for her. This is very long. Emotion is building up in intensity. It is not only difficult for her to be silent, (she has not been!) but the pressure is escalating. “breaking” a pattern? Is something “Broken” for the subject?
The need to be heard ---is this acute for the subject?
Question: When someone has an acute need to be heard, what should be explored?
Answer: That the subject has been ‘silenced’ in possible trauma (experience)
“silence” and “quiet” = “quiet” is now qualified. She has NOT been silent. She has only been “pretty quiet” thus far.
‘quiet’ is the lesser of silence’; quiet speaks to volume, silence speaks to the absence of volume
“Silence” is now “quiet”, which is further sensitive with “pretty.” Is there anything within the context that justifies this change of language? If not, the analyst should consider: possible deception.
“safe space” from disagreement ---males ----they do not like disagreement.
“religion” or “god”: final arbitrator of right from wrong tells us a person’s “religion” or “religious viewpoint” ---emotion. –employment
My feelings versus principle
I “feel” or “sense” that she is not truthful here, but the context is in fact different.
Conclusion: The change of language is justified in context. She would have to “talk me out” of this later.
“Tell me what happened” in a sexual assault statement. The subject was the victim’s mother.
She was asked to write this out.
She began with “I was divorced…” 10 years ago.
20 years of age
This was her priority yet it was 10 years before the alleged assault. How could this be?
$100,000 per year
$20,000 per year to the worker
I have stayed pretty quiet about what happened at our home on Monday the 12th of December.
“about what happened” --arson and “Nigger Lover” spray painted on garage.
Passivity but it is also minimizing language.
‘catching readers’ attention encouragingthem to read more to learn…”
Narrative Building or ‘story telling’ –creative/right brain –
appears to need to be heard; likes attention, very regular poster on social media –struggles with being quiet or silent….good grammar, possible trauma victim (need to be heard) –selfish, attention seeker,
I have stayed pretty quiet about what happened at our home on Monday the 12th of December.
“our” home shows sharing of the home. Not “my” but “our” –
“home” is where we sleep. Sleep is a situation of vulnerability –
When a “home” is violated or “intruded upon”, it is often very personal. She began with “I” and the expected is “my home” –of a mother and wife, who is the “nester” of the home.
“home” --- “house” –
I have stayed pretty quiet about what happened at our home on Monday the 12th of December.
Why? Why the need to write/say it this way?
Why not, “On Monday, the 12thof December, we were ______...”
What is more important, her or what happened?
Answer: her
What is important about her?
Answer: her communication (silence/quiet): “herself and her silence” takes precedent over “what happened” on the exact date.
If the date came first, it would be more like a “report” rather than “narrative building” or “story telling” ---emotion over the logical; something that is less reliable than a report.
You see, there is so much that I could say, but I want to say the right things.
I wanted to speak wisdom and not perpetuate hate.
“you see” is “of course” in S/A. This wants acceptance without explanation. We need explanation. We only “see” what one tells us.
“could” addresses limitation.
“but” indicates the explanation: “I want to say the right things.” This subject is concerned about what comes out of her mouth. For one with a need to be heard, this topic (arson/’hate crime’) has told us that she must limit herself. She can say the “wrong” things possibly. She is aware of who is listening (audience; which is going to be very important in a moment), so we ask:
Who is the audience?
Context tells us: the audience is the public, reading this statement. There is a problem with this, however.
The change to past tense tells us: there was a different audience.
Let’s let the statement affirm or deny this:
Did she speak to someone else prior to this address? If so, that communication should be considered very important to her.
We should now consider whether or not her HUSBAND is taking the fall for the wife.
her husband
the message itself
the arson investigator (police/authorities)
Please consider that if this is an embedded confession:
Did husband have relationship with black female?
Only husband’s items were targeted
The pronoun “our” with “home” suggests possible marital discord.
Will these traits show up in her?
Sunday night was just like any other school night this year.
“normal” in S/A 101 tells us that this was anything but normal. This is akin or consistent with narrative building instead of reporting. It is acceptable only after lengthy processing time (usually years)
2016 is the year.
School year is Sept to June
This year, specifically, is her time frame.
Please note that outside the statement we have learned that in January of THIS year, she sought money from the public via Go Fund Me.
*What was this year like?
*how were the finances this year?
*how were the bills this year?
When does the event start? This is a dual question. This means there are two beginning points for us in analysis.
Measuring the form
When does it begin for her
8pm when the kids went to bed.
What happened began, in the subject’s perceived reality, only AFTER the kids (eyewitnesses) went to bed.
The kids went to bed at 8.
potential witnesses are removed from the story. (narrative)
David and I watched TV while I worked from home, something I am glad to be able to do. Then just like any other night, we went to bed.
“David and I” ISI but is this blog article written to those who already know David? If so, the ISI is reduced. If not, the ISI stands alongside the other indicators of a troubled relationship.
when “we” is not used, but “David and I” (separate people) there is sometimes a situation where one watched TV while the other read or was on the I phone or something similar. Generally speaking, “and I” with TV means there was conversationthat took place.
Context: kids are removed from this “social” time. If this was conversation, it was only AFTER the kids were no longer there.
timing is involved. They both watched TV but she did something else: she worked from home.
she is glad to not have to go to a job to work. We work to earn money.
Then” now skips over time. Here we have indication of some form of conversation that is being skipped over.
“home” is where the ‘invasive’ activity took place (incongruent) and it is where she likes to work from.<span s