The lies were incessant and they were increasingly bold.
What began with "we're better than that" of not discerning immigration by religion (more than 99% Muslim as Syrian Christians were discriminated against in policy practice) brought in a culture in which the Koran teaches rape and its adherers believe Sharia trumps any legal constitution of any nation. The expected has followed: Europe and the U.S. experiencing what Islamic countries experience regularly.
As lies progressed, so did the death toll, and sexual assault toll, in Europe and the United States. In Sweden, 1 of ever 4 Swedish woman is raped. "Tarush" was so acute in Germany last week, that a band stopped playing to plead with the Muslims to stop sexually assaulting girls and women. Reports did not indicate any German male intervention. This follows the European male "protest march" against Islamic rape, with the men wearing mini skirts. The psychological impact upon the Islamic rapists is only imaginable.
First it was "we are following international law" followed by "war refugees by a war where the U.S. armed the Islamic supremacists. Rather than making their country safe, the plan was to move them thousands of miles to other lands. When international law was cited saying the first non-combantant country is to offer asylum, rather than the two with the richest welfare benefits, the law was ignored and the narrative changed into who it was that were coming in. This is to infuse "emotion" where "logic" has failed and is a deception by tangent:
"women and children mostly"
which had to change due to citizens videos, which Europe and Facebook tried to stop, including making threats of prosecution. The 'poor refugee child drowned' was not a refugee child, but a child of human smugglers. Yet, the narrative remained the same with new emotional traction. As violence increased, the language shifted again:
"widows and orphans" in ridicule of critics instead of answering the video evidence that showed the people were not "refugees" but were males, 16-30 mostly, from north Africa, the Middle East, and Pakistan/Afghanistan. Obama said those who disagreed with him were "afraid of widows and orphans" in a juvenile taunt.
The lie went one step further: these men were "doctors and engineers" in main stream media while local refugee centers reported that they were illiterate in their own language and with little or no education, seeking free housing, food and "fast" internet access.
The Islamic State offered warnings that their soldiers were among the refugees, which proved to be truthful threats.
As the rape culture increased, so did the deception. Those who questioned the Islamic culture of rape, violence, jihad and anti-human rights were called "racists" and "Islamophobes." The cover up by politicians was acute, and as is the escalation of deception, it only led to more truth coming out.
As the anti "Brexit" campaign increased in deception, including threats from Obama and "guarantees" of imminent financial collapse, so did the deception and propaganda push voters the other way than intended. Such is the nature of too much "need to persuade" in statements.
Idaho Child Rape
Child rape is a cultural phenomena throughout Islamic lands. It is acceptable for a male to rape a male child, while stoning a homosexual to death. U.S. soldiers (and British) were threatened with court-martial for intervening and even reporting the norm of child rape in Afghanistan. It was "insulting" to "Islam" while our rules of engagement cost U.S. lives.
One commander who was forced to give a "stand down" order against even reporting child rape abandoned a West Point started career for civilian life, as he could not support the US military any longer, though it was something he dedicated his life to.
In Idaho, a federal prosecutor said she would seek charges against anyone criticizing the Obama policy of importing Islam into the country. When outrage followed, she issued a 'correction' of the "misunderstanding" in which she reiterated her threat, freedom of speech aside.
This 5 year old girl will never be okay.
From Breitbart News:
TWIN FALLS, IDAHO – In a shocking and exclusive interview with Breitbart News, the father of a five-year-old girl that was allegedly raped by refugee children reveals that he watched 30 seconds of a video of the assault taken by one of the three boys charged with the crime. The father also revealed that the parents of the refugee children had urged him not to call the police when he first learned of the attack.
Additionally, new allegations against a ten-year-old boy who was involved in the June 2 attack were revealed in court on Thursday afternoon, alleging the boy both anally and orally penetrated the five-year-old, in addition to urinating on her, as revealed by the father in the clip below. Previously, it had only been known that a seven-year-old boy had orally penetrated the girl and urinated on her.
The little girl’s parents, concerned about biased media coverage as well as their own personal safety and that of their daughter, have not been interviewed on videotape until this Thursday’s interview with Breitbart News.
The father told Breitbart News how he’d gotten a call at work saying his daughter had been raped and left to see what had happened:
Victim’s Father: “I finally got covered and I ran across the street, from my work to my home, and there was just a whole bunch of people outside my apartment, from all families, and I just walked into the apartment and, uh… our… they had, a phone sitting there, and they said yeah, they recorded this, you know. You need to look at this real quick, and I pushed play on that. I watched like thirty seconds.”
Stranahan: “You watched thirty seconds of what?”
Victim’s Father: “I watched thirty seconds of a recording that was recorded by the refugee boys of what they…”
Stranahan: “So you’ve seen that video?”
Victim’s Father: “Yes.”
Stranahan: “Wow, that’s… I… I hadn’t heard that.”
Victim’s Mother: “I haven’t seen it. I just can’t.”
Note the lack of qualification of the denial.
Victim’s Father: “With her anxiety and with her condition I did not allow her to see that. I did not watch the whole thing, like I said, I watched about thirty seconds of it. There was a lot more on there that I did not see. But what I did see is… is horrific for a father to watch for their… for that thing. And so after I watched all that, I came outside, trying to keep my composure because that whole family was still outside my apartment, you know, they were trying to stop us from calling the police, pleading with us.”
Stranahan: “The refugee family was trying to stop you from calling the police?”
Victim’s Father: “Yes. They were pleading with us, saying everything was okay, they did nothing wrong, you know – ‘No police! No police!’ – because they did not speak… they speak Arabic, so they had very few words that they can actually…”
Stranahan: “And had they seen the video?”
Victim’s Mother: “No.”
Victim’s Father: “Um, when I watched what I watched, the older brother of the boy that filmed it, or, one of the brothers to the boys, he came in behind me and watched what I watched as well.”
Stranahan: “Now how old is he? He’s an adult, or?”
Victim’s Father: “He looked like he was in his late teens.”
Stranahan: “Okay.”
Victim’s Mother: “But the mother had not seen it, no.”
Victim’s Father: “Yeah, nobody else had seen it. From [the victim’s mother’s] point of view, when they brought the video, the boy that did do the recording, he came to her with this saying, you know, he did nothing wrong – ‘Oh, hey, I filmed it, here you go, I did nothing wrong’ – you know, he stood outside my apartment the whole time – ‘I didn’t do nothing wrong, I just filmed it, nothing wrong at all’.”
Stranahan: “So you watched thirty seconds of the video and it was clear to you from the thirty seconds that you saw what was – thirty seconds was enough for you to see what was going on?”
Victim’s Father: “Thirty seconds showed them in the laundry room, they pulled my daughter around, pushed her up against the wall, pulled her pants off, he dropped his pants, he was trying to get her from behind, you know, they only… no, for the boy that was trying to do it he was, you know, he was only seven to nine years old, so not a lot of… he didn’t know what he was really doing, as you’d expect. My daughter didn’t really, was trying to fight him a little bit, she finally got away, pulled her pants up, ran around to the side of a corner, ran inside a washing machine, hunched down, shaking in fear, while he danced around with his pants down, laughing at her, pointing at her, with all the other boys – you could hear them in the background, doing the same thing – and that’s all I watched. Because after that I was just… man, I don’t want to see any more of this. If I do, I’m gonna do something I shouldn’t do.”
Stranahan: “Could you tell how long the clip was? You only watched thirty seconds, but did you see how long it was?”
Victim’s Father: “I didn’t check. I know it was a couple minutes.”
Stranahan: “A couple minutes.”
Victim’s Father: “I know there was a lot more that happened that was told to me by the prosecutor who had watched the video. More after that, you know, he went back to her, tried doing the front, he, um… oral sex with, you know, oral with her, he shoved it in her mouth…”
Victim’s Mother: “Which is considered a rape.”
Victim’s Father: “He peed all over her in her mouth, all over her body, her face, head… you know, totally defiled her, I mean…”
This is very difficult for western minds to consider. Islam is a supremacist ideology and one of its largest targets is woman. The infidel is first, but within that category, the infidel woman is Islam's greatest target after Jews, followed by homosexuals and 'apostate' Muslims. The urination by a young boy of a child is similar to what Europe has seen in the rape epidemic by Muslims. The animosity towards women leads to contempt. The contempt is seen not only against non Muslim ("infidel") women, but in "honor killings" and female genital mutilation" to make certain a woman does not remain whole, and cannot feel sexual pleasure.
That the child is developmentally disabled is not something that would be noted by Muslims, nor taken into an account. Inbreeding has produced this to a level of 'norm' and as it has spread through Europe, it has overwhelmed social services.
Stranahan: “Yeah.”
Victim’s Father: “So I know it had to be more than a minute or two for that to happen. And after he was all done, like I was saying, um, before the lady walked in and stopped him, the next-older boy had gotten– removed his clothes, and was getting ready to…”
Stranahan: “Join?”
Although interruption is not to be done in interviewing, this may have been for the best.
Victim’s Father: “Join. And that’s when she walked in and stopped it.
The case, which has largely been ignored or dismissed by the mainstream media