
As experienced investigators learn, the Statement Analysis 101 seminars proved to be something of great value in sparking their interest in discerning truth from deception.

They also learn that the "magic words" teaching of a denial is...

unreliable at best, and embarrassing for them.

Chris Christie eventually did say he did not know about Bridgegate.  Advanced Analysis shows that it took him 40 minutes of preface to do so.  It was not reliable; it was silly.

Amanda Knox put out a book, years after the murder, issuing a denial.  The "magic words uttered" does not preclude her guilty knowledge (presence) of the crime, nor her other statements which show knowledge of sexual homicide.  Dismissing her as mentally ill only leads to her defense, as she now works as a journalist, without the seeming "mental illness" defense necessary.  Her linguistic indicators of knowledge of sexual homicide are so pronounced that they are used today to teach investigators how to recognize them.  In a sense, it is "Sexual Homicide Language 101"

Recently, an iman and his brother were both shot in New York. The denial is reminiscent of the cleverness of William Jefferson Clinton's famous finger pointing denial:

"I did not have sexual relations with that woman, Ms. Lewinsky" showing fearlessness of consequence as he deceived not only 300 million people in the United States, but he was making a public statement that those entrusted with upholding the laws of the land would hear.  He told Lewinsky that his definition of "sexual relations" is intercourse and since they did not have intercourse, this would be a way of deceiving investigators without perjuring oneself.

Loretta Lynch and Bill Clinton's Meeting

Today, Hillary Clinton shows greater boldness and fearlessness than her husband did years ago, where they now ridicule the FBI and lie with impunity, with Bill calling Comey "full of bull" and Hillary saying that Comey said she told the truth.  Main stream or corporate media has "come out of the closet" about their deceptive coverage and "ethics." If it serves their purpose, they will lie.  This is the pragmatic liar who often is heard saying, in defense, "I have no reason to lie."

Americans did not believe that Lynch and Clinton just happened upon each other days before the FBI final announcement.  MSM let this slide, too, but the American people knew otherwise, reminding us of the extreme threats and warnings about the end of British civilization the morning after Brexit.

I suggest that the extreme deception, such as practiced so commonly today in Europe and more and more in America, actually aids the cause of freedom, as MSM loses all credibility.

From the New York Post:  Oscar Morel

Meanwhile, sources said Monday that Oscar Morel admitted to cops that he was at the scene at the time of the slaying and that he is the person caught on video sneaking up behind the pair. But he insists he never shot anyone.

“I did not shoot the guy,’’ Morel said to cops, according to sources.

If sources are correct, please note that "I did not shoot the guy" is something one might say if one is thinking that he should not say,

"I shot both."  

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