
Michael Conneely

What if 2016 is the year when you step into being the person you were born to be?  You can maximise your strengths and heal your challenges?

What if 2016 is the year when you learn and perfect a skill which will enable you to heal and empower others as well?

Astrology is an amazing tool for helping us understand our Dharma, our own very special spark in being here, and also to defining the obstacles to living our fullest life. We can use the special perceptions of Astrology to successfully heal and transform our lives.

Become an astrologer. Make great personal, spiritual and psychological growth. Prepare yourself to teach others.

Enrol Now for this wonderful 2016 worldwide Astrology learning Webinar Opportunity. Both Western and Vedic Astrology are available, and there can be crossover between the two. Each webinar series is linked to a wonderful ongoing course.


You have Four Exceptional Worldwide Astrology Webinar Series to choose from:

You have four exceptional, skilled and inspirational worldwide Astrology Webinar series to choose from. Each is linked to a vibrant and caringly taught astrology course.  Each is linked to a range of healing and empowerment modalities, where the astrological perception is developed with use of art and embodiment work, and for example: psychosynthesis, psychosynthesis roleplay, Inner Child Work and Family Constellation Work, where applicable. At additional cost, a wide range of skilled worldwide Healing Modalities is also available if you would feel this would be individually beneficial for you.

Summary of the Webinar Series: Here is a summary of each of the four Webinar series. Then you can read on below, for a statement of the course principles. And for more thorough information, there is a full summary of all the topics taught in each webinar series on the relevant course website:

Chiron: The Wounded Healer

Level 1 Western Astrology Course

Worldwide Webinar Series 2016
– Psychodynamic and Evolutionary Astrology:

Learn and experience the great archetypes of the Planets. Understand them through filters of perception such as Signs, Houses, Aspects and Aspect Shapes, as well as their position in your birth chart such as Hemispheres, Quadrants, and Sign and House strength of position.

We use psychosynthesis, psychosynthesis roleplay, Inner Child Work, Family Constellation Work. We focus on Chiron the Wounded Healer in your life; your incarnational life purpose: Evolutionary and Nodal Astrology. Nature versus Nurture is a special Theme. Myth is a wonderful guideline to understanding. Evolutionary astrology brings a powerful understanding of our special destiny this time.
Webinars: Weekly: Every Saturday at 17.00 hrs UK time. Starts Saturday 6th February 2016. Ends Saturday 5th November 2016.

Your chart is reviewed in relation to each lesson. The webinar download and review is especially useful if your time zone is awkward for the UK time of this webinar.
Linked Course: Links to my Level 1 Western Astrology Course.
N.B. Level 2 Western Astrology: There will be a similar Level 2 Western Astrology Webinar Series to run through 2017.

My Level 1 Vedic Astrology Course

Webinar Worldwide Series 2016:
Learn the sure and powerful basics of how to interpret your Vedic birth chart.

Work with the divine planets of Vedic Astrology, the signs and houses they fall in in your birth chart. Learn key basic perceptions of the ancient, sure and powerful Vedic Astrology framework such as: Vedic Myth, The Purushartha the Four Aims of Life, (Dharma, Artha, Kama and Moksha), The Three Gunas or qualities of our nature (Sattva, Rajas, Tamas), The five Elements, The three Ayurveda Doshas: vata/air, pitta/fire and kapha/water, The Temperaments such as Brahmin (priests), Kshatriya (politics and war), Vaisya (business) and Sudra (manual labour and service); The Ganas that are part of your makeup: Deva, Nara and Rakshasha : Gods, Humans, Demons. Learn how to handle Malefic or Benefic planets in your life and how to gauge the strength of each planet’s influence in your destiny. Learn how to define your incarnational life purpose. Learn Kalpurusha: Body parts/health.

Develop a basic minimum awareness of  the 27 Nakshatras (the miraculously powerful Lunar Signs of Vedic Astrology) System; the Navamsa Chart (the crucial soul chart/chart of marriage) plus the Atmakaraka: your Soul Indicator.
Webinars: Weekly Every Saturday at 19.30 hrs UK time. Starts Saturday 6th February 2016. Ends Saturday 5th November 2016.

Your chart is reviewed in relation to each lesson. The webinar download and review is especially useful if your time zone is awkward for the UK time of this webinar.
Linked Course: Links to my Level 1 Vedic Astrology Course.
N.B. There are also Level 2 (Nakshatras) and Level 3 (Advanced) Webinar Series with linked course and in 2017 there will be similar for Level 4.

My Level 2 Vedic Astrology  – The Nakshatras:

Worldwide Webinar Course Series 2016 Learn and personally experience the sublime teaching of the 27 Celestial Portals of Vedic Astrology. This is the wonderful, powerful, ancient and supremely accurate 27 Nakshatras or Lunar Signs used by Vedic Astrology.

The Nakshatras are actually a sure guide statement to your ‘Mind’. At one level they are novelistically vivid and accurate, not hesitating to offer a ‘warts and all’ description of our consciousness and life scripts. At another level they are exalted text book analysis.

Studying them teaches you how to manage your consciousness, realize your incarnational life purpose; understand, heal and transform your life-scripts, your karmas, your  life, your relationships and your future.

Receive a week by week, one-after-the-other presentation of their essence. As we work through each of the 27 Nakshatras, we identify the life-meaning whenever a student has a planet placed in there in his or her individual birth chart.

Learn the background interpretative framework needed to understand their manifestation in your life. Learn systems of sequential analysis which teaches you whether each Nakshatra will be unfavourable or favourable energy for you personally and in what way. This has huge power and meaning in both relationship and predictive astrology.

See the powerful and inspirational interpretation techniques used: how to apply them to our lives. After the first 27 Webinars, the Webinars following on will present the ancient rules of Nakshatra analysis, always applying them to your chart and mine. You apply the truly powerful analytic rules like Navtara, Nadi Nakshatras and Health Nakshatra Interpretation.

You do not need any previous experience of Vedic astrology to study this Webinar series, though at least a little knowledge of Vedic Astrology is an advantage.
Webinars: Every Thursday 19.00 hrs UK time Starts Thursday 4th February 2016. Ends Thursday 3rd November 2016.

Your chart is reviewed in relation to each lesson. The webinar download and review is especially useful if your time zone is awkward for the UK time of this webinar.
Linked Course: Links to my Level 2 Vedic Astrology Course.

There are also Level 1 (Foundation) and Level 3 (Advanced) Vedic Astrology Webinars with linked courses and there will be a similar Level 4 course/webinar in 2017.

My Level 3 Vedic Astrology

Worldwide Webinar Course:

Learn more advanced, sure and powerful declaration afforded by the ancient Vedic Astrology Interpretation Techniques and systems.

This course sheds such reliable and fascinating illumination on your life. See the website page for the full list of techniques taught, but the course includes such peerless interpretation as:

Your Navamsa Chart in more detail: Rashi Tulya: the wonderful mapping the message of your Soul in this life into your Rashi/Birth Chart so that you can see your soul lessons in respect of each of your planets. There’s Pushkara – your ‘weak link(s) in the purifying/healing of which you will experience great success. There’s introduction to Predictive astrology: unrivalled special understanding such as Ashtamsha; Niddhamsha; 64th Navamsha; Sade Sate, Sade Sate and Nadi Nakshatras, Ashtama Sani: Saturn transits 8th House from Moon, Saturn transits 12th House. Saturn transits natal Sun; 22nd Drekkana Transits; 64th Navamsa Transits; Nadi Nakshatra Transits and many more. There’s basic introduction to other Varga or Divisional/Harmonic charts. There’s Planetary Strength.

There’s the key concept of Bhadaka Planets: Your Block or Obstruction. There’s Tithi Moon Phase which has such a powerful presence in your life and also Daghda (Burnt Rashis) and much more.
Prerequisite: You do need a basic knowledge of Vedic Astrology in order to be able to follow this course. You can consult me if you wish to discuss before enrolling.
Webinars: Weekly: Every Wednesday 21.30 hrs UK time. Starts Wednesday 3rd February 2016. Ends Wednesday 2nd November 2016.

Your chart is reviewed in relation to each lesson. The webinar download and review is especially useful if your time zone is awkward for the UK time of this webinar.
Linked Course: Links to my Level 3 Vedic Astrology Course.

There are also similar Level 1 (Foundation) and Level 3 (Advanced) Vedic Astrology Webinar series/linked course.

N.B. My Level 4 Course: There will be a Level 4 Vedic Astrology Webinar Series to run through 2017.

How do the Webinars work? Each Webinar series will run weekly from February to November 2016, and there is an enrolment ‘Early Bird’ opportunity as well for payment in full by January 16th 2016. Every webinar lasts one and a half hours using ‘Hangouts’.

N.B. You receive preparatory charts and presentation papers for each webinar and you receive the download afterwards, so you can review and save the work.

Your chart is reviewed in relation to each lesson. The webinar download and review is especially useful if your time zone is awkward for the UK time of this webinar.

Oxford University

My approach as Your Teacher:

The astrological teaching and perception offered will be expert and caring, also thoroughly grounded and authentic. This is because all principles being taught will be applied to the charts of actual people: myself and members.

I have worked as an astrologer for twenty two years and I have attended a number of western and Vedic Astrology Courses myself. I have completed a university-based five-year Ethnography: a social anthropological field study of spiritual forms new to the modern west comprising Hinduism, Buddhism, paganism, shamanism and Utopian Community. I have five university degrees, including from Oxford University, and I am dedicated to the best in caring teaching methods like the Oxford University Tutorial system that I myself benefited from in the late 1960s. I have teaching and counselling qualifications.

My Very Special Teaching Methods:

I avoid legalistic or formulaic teaching because all the perceptions generated by the western or Vedic Astrology will have pointers to healing methods and because teaching methods will include art work, embodiment work, vision work and empowerment dimensions as well as the top quality astrological perception. Myth is a wonderful and crucial guideline to understanding. We use psychosynthesis, psychosynthesis roleplay, Inner Child Work, Family Constellation Work. There is a vibrant Face Book where you can share your questions, insights and interests with each other. These Courses are to a high level of awareness that you can incorporate into your life. The Courses are certificated subject to satisfactory standard of completion.

How do my 2016 Worldwide Webinars fit in to the rest of my Courses?

You can choose between three different ways of working with the linked course for each of these webinars. You can make your choice at any time in the webinar series, but please do note that to attend the Webinars, you do need to enrol on the linked course:

Firstly, you can do the coursework of the linked course at the same time as following the Webinars.

Or you can do the linked course work later after the webinars have ended.

Or can just participate in the webinars and not do the linked course work at all.

How do my linked courses work? Each of my linked courses embodies four strands:

The first strand is applied astrology: you study the planets one by one, first in your chart and then in my chart.

You alternate this applied study with study of the Rules Consolidation Documents which I send you and exercises arising from these.

The Webinars add another different dimension. They afford stimulation to help us keep going through the written course, as well as sharing with each other. In all cases the webinars will be related to our personal charts in the case of every topic they cover.

In all cases there will be a linking of the astrological perception gained from the course to approaches of healing and empowerment; use of art and embodiment work and psychodynamic work.

There is no set time in which the course has to be completed, this is partly to accommodate individual circumstances and partly to enable you to go as deeply as you wish into each topic.


How do I Enrol now within this wonderful worldwide opportunity?

You can enrol using the PayPal ‘drop down menu’ on the relevant astrology course website shown below.
Level 1 Western Astrology Course:

Webinar: Every Saturday at 17.00 hrs UK time. Starts Saturday 6th February 2016

Level 1 Vedic Astrology Course:

Webinar: Every Saturday at 19.30 hrs UK time. Starts Saturday 6th February 2016

Level 2 Vedic Astrology Course:

Webinar: Every Thursday 19.00 hrs UK time Starts Thursday 4th February 2016

Level 3 Vedic Astrology Course:

Webinar: Every Wednesday 21.30 hrs UK time. Starts Wednesday 3rd February 2016

N.B. Your chart is reviewed in relation to each lesson in each of the above four courses. The webinar download and review is especially useful if your time zone is awkward for the UK time of this webinar.

When Enrolling, please remember to email me separately with your natal data and preferred email contact address.

There is an Early Bird option if you Enrol by January 16th 2016.

For your reference, my Astrology Readings website is: www.starwheelastrology.com

There will be a Level 2 Western Astrology webinar series and a Level 4 Vedic Astrology webinar series through 2017.

I look forward to sharing your journey with you,


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