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Can someone with Admin privileges please update the top Nav bar? It's the midpoint of Season 2, yet even the "Season 1" nav menu is incomplete.

I'm an Admin over on Game of Thrones Wiki.

To edit the top Nav bar, go to this address: http://starwarsrebels.wikia.com/wiki/MediaWiki:Wiki-navigation?action=edit

Anyone can view the source but only Admins can edit it.

There are physical limits to Wikia nav bars they consist of three Tiers. You can have 5 Tier 1 menu items, which in turn can have up to 7 Tier 2 items. Tier 3 items are in dropdown menus, up to 10 of them. Thus any "Tier 1" menu tab can have 7 x 10 = 70 items, and overall the nav bar can contain 70 x 5 = 350 items.

However, you can't actually edit the first Tier 1 tab, with the basic links to "Wiki activity", "photos", "forum" etc. So it's more like you have 4 Tier 1 tabs, and 4 x 70 = 280 menu items you can actually control.

'''I strongly suggest you replace the "Star Wars Rebels Wiki" tab with another one.''' You're wasting an entire "Tier 1" tab, capable of holding up to ''seventy'' (70) menu items, on just a link to wiki polices and a dropdown menu of Admins. What I did on Game of Thrones Wiki was move the announcements and links about policies and Admins to the "Community Messages" sidebar, which shows up in the Recent Changes page -- http://starwarsrebels.wikia.com/wiki/MediaWiki:Community-corner?action=edit

Anyway, I put some thought into it, and here's my suggestions for a basic nav bar redesign -- by no means perfect, but a good starting point which can be refined and tweaked later:

Tier 1: Episodes; Characters; Groups, Species, & Planets; Vehicles & Technology


Needs to update Season 1.

Should include "Season 3", and also the other "Media" things like "Comics", "Books", "Rebels Recon", and "Video Games" - you'll remove some of these extra ones as the TV series expands into more TV seasons - so far the 7 Tier 2 slots under "Episodes" are kind of use it or lose it, so might as well make the comics and stuff more visible (particularly because Hidalgo and Finoli actually frequently mention the comics in Rebels Recon).


**Rebel crew of the Ghost

***Ezra Bridger

***Kanan Jarrus

***Hera Syndulla

***Zeb Orrelios

***Sabine Wren


**Other rebels & allies

***Bail Organa

***Ahsoka Tano

***Commander Rex

***Jun Sato

***Phoenix Squadron



***Obi-Wan Kenobi

**Galactic Empire

***Emperor Palpatine

***Darth Vader



***Maketh Tua

***Admiral Constantine

***Grand Inquisitor

***Fifth Brother

***Seventh Sister


**Criminals, Gangsters, & Bounty Hunters

***Ketsu Onyo

***Hondo Ohnaka

***Cikatro Vizago

***Lando Calrissian


**Other Lothal locals

***Ephraim Bridger

***Mira Bridger

***Old Jho


***Morad Sumar

***Marida Sumar



***Kanan Jarrus

***Ezra Bridger

***Obi-Wan Kenobi


***Ahsoka Tano

***Luminara Unduli

***Depa Billaba


***Emperor Palpatine

***Darth Vader


***The Grand Inquisitor

***Fifth Brother

***Seventh Sister

*Groups, Species, & Planets










***Stygeon Prime


**Sentient Species








***Mon Calamari







***Puffer pig



**Government groups

***Galactic Republic

Galactic Empire


***Imperial Senate

***Imperial Security Bureau

***Imperial Navy




***Imperial Officer

***TIE Pilot

***Imperial Weapons Technician

***AT-AT Pilot


***Clone Troopers

***Rebel Pilot

***Rebel Crewman

***Imperial Combat Driver


***Sienar Fleet Systems

***Corellian Engineering Corporation

***Holonet News

**Criminal syndicates

***Black Sun

***Broken Horn Syndicate

*Vehicles & Technology

**Imperial Starships

***Imperial Star Destroyer

***Imperial Light Cruiser

***Imperial Interdictor

***Imperial freighter

***TIE Fighter

***TIE Advanced v1

***TIE Advanced x1

***TIE Bomber

***Sentinel-class Shuttle

**Rebel starships



***Alderaan Cruiser

***Pelta-class Frigate

***Tantive IV

***A-Wing Starfighter

***B-Wing Starfighter

**Other starships

***C-ROC Gozanti-class Cruiser

***Broken Horn

***Merchant One

***Star Commuter Shuttle

***Taylander Shuttle

***Shadow Caster

**Ground vehicles




***Imperial Troop Transport

***Imperial Patrol Transport

***614-AvA Speeder Bike

***V-35 landspeeder

***RGC Landspeeder

***Undicur-class Jumpspeeder

***Joben T-85 speeder bike



***E-11 Blaster Rifle

***AB-75 Bo-Rifle

***T-7 Ion Disruptor

***DL-18 Blaster Pistol

***WESTAR-35 Blaster Pistol

***Blurrg-1120 holdout blaster

***Energy Slingshot

***Paint Bomb

***Thermal Detonator


***Protocol Droid

***Astromech Droid

***Viper Probe Droid

***ID9 Seeker Droid

***GNK Droid - EG-86

***IT-O Interrogator

***RX-Series droid

***IG-RM Thug Droid

***Spy Droid

***Tactical Droid





***Kyber Crystal



***Shield genderator

***Power Generator


***XX-23 S-Thread Tracer

This is just for starters, it can be refined later. But it would greatly encourage further editing if new visitors could easily find stuff through the top navigation bar.--[[User:The Dragon Demands|The Dragon Demands]] ([[User talk:The Dragon Demands|talk]]) 05:44, December 13, 2015 (UTC)<ac_metadata title="Please update the top Navigation bar - with suggestions"> </ac_metadata>

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