
We have taken a couple weeks for some R&R here at the Post, trying to enjoy the final days of Summer. During that time we really have been sitting back and not rushing to the Battle Desk to write up stories unless there was a real story. With me spending time with the family and Drew galavanting across Europe, we rested as best we could before the onslaught of news to the run up of Rogue One: A Star Wars Story. Well, with today’s avalanche of Star Wars toys slated for Rogue Friday, that writing dry spell comes to an end.

The leaks for many of the toys began a few weeks back on Star Wars merchandising sites like Jedi Temple Archives and Yak Face. Most of it looked very promising as the merchandising arm of this franchise looks to best its roll out of last years Force Friday. In a great crecendo fashion late last night our good friend Anthony Breznican from Entertainment Weekly, teased the masses with a Tweet that Star Wars fans should stay up last night. Soon after the pebbles falling from the sky became boulders as the marketing machine went into lightspeed. First up was Anthony’e piece in EW showing off the numerous toys of our new heroine Jyn Erso from Rogue One: A Star Wars Story. This was soon followed up with a fantastic Star Wars: Go Rogue Stop Motion Short which shows off some of the cool merchandise you can expect this fall.  The video depicts a funny tale of the building instructions of the Death Star being stolen by our heroine Jyn Erson on the planet Jedha.

Soon after USA Today and Good Morning America got into the action debuting more merchandise for Rogue Friday. These included many of the new Funko Pops and Lego toys including the new U-Wing. During the Good Morning America broadcast, Riz Ahmed got to see his action figure for the first time and showed a bit of emotion, seeing himself in a clear packaged container. This continued on late into this evening when Sideshow teased their new Death Trooper and Toyark with the Imperial Tank Trooper.

Hasbro was also kind to share with us their promotional material for their upcoming line of Rogue One toys for this fall.

The post Today’s Avalanche Of Rogue One Star Wars Toys. appeared first on The Star Wars Post.

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