
According to the Shadow Conspiracy novelization, Vizsla did in fact take up the mantle of Mandalore.

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Reclaiming the [[Mandalorian armor/Legends|Mandalorian armor]] that had been stolen from him by the governor of Galidraan, Fett set out to exact his revenge upon Tor Vizsla. Tracking the Death Watch leader to [[Corellia/Legends|Corellia]], Fett destroyed [[Death Rattle|Vizsla's ship]], and engaged him in a fight that led to the planet's surface. After a lengthy brawl, Vizsla poisoned Fett, but the ''Mand'alor'' was able to inflict a deep wound to Vizsla's abdomen, in turn. When a nearby pack of Corellian [[dire-cat]]s smelled the spilled blood, they attacked and killed Vizsla, but ignored Fett due to the scent of the poison. With Vizsla dead and the war over, Fett turned to a life of bounty hunting to earn a living.<ref name="OpenSeasons" /> The loss of his comrades and his time as a slave made Fett a bitter man, and he grew distant from the rest of the Mandalorian people and his role as ''Mand'alor''.<ref name="O66" /> In [[32 BBY/Legends|32 BBY]], Fett was [[The Hunt|chosen]] by [[Count/Legends|Count]] [[Dooku/Legends|Dooku]] of [[Serenno/Legends|Serenno]]—secretly the Sith Lord Darth Tyranus—to become the [[Prime clone|template]] for a [[Cloning/Legends|clone]] army,<ref name="BH">''[[Star Wars: Bounty Hunter]]''</ref> but did not live to see their deployment, as he was [[Sai cha|killed]] in the [[Petranaki arena/Legends|Petranaki arena]] on Geonosis by Jedi Master [[Mace Windu/Legends|Mace Windu]], during the early stages of what became the first battle of the Clone Wars.<ref name="AotC">[[Star Wars: Episode II Attack of the Clones|''Star Wars'': Episode II ''Attack of the Clones'']]</ref>

Reclaiming the [[Mandalorian armor/Legends|Mandalorian armor]] that had been stolen from him by the governor of Galidraan, Fett set out to exact his revenge upon Tor Vizsla. Tracking the Death Watch leader to [[Corellia/Legends|Corellia]], Fett destroyed [[Death Rattle|Vizsla's ship]], and engaged him in a fight that led to the planet's surface. After a lengthy brawl, Vizsla poisoned Fett, but the ''Mand'alor'' was able to inflict a deep wound to Vizsla's abdomen, in turn. When a nearby pack of Corellian [[dire-cat]]s smelled the spilled blood, they attacked and killed Vizsla, but ignored Fett due to the scent of the poison. With Vizsla dead and the war over, Fett turned to a life of bounty hunting to earn a living.<ref name="OpenSeasons" /> The loss of his comrades and his time as a slave made Fett a bitter man, and he grew distant from the rest of the Mandalorian people and his role as ''Mand'alor''.<ref name="O66" /> In [[32 BBY/Legends|32 BBY]], Fett was [[The Hunt|chosen]] by [[Count/Legends|Count]] [[Dooku/Legends|Dooku]] of [[Serenno/Legends|Serenno]]—secretly the Sith Lord Darth Tyranus—to become the [[Prime clone|template]] for a [[Cloning/Legends|clone]] army,<ref name="BH">''[[Star Wars: Bounty Hunter]]''</ref> but did not live to see their deployment, as he was [[Sai cha|killed]] in the [[Petranaki arena/Legends|Petranaki arena]] on Geonosis by Jedi Master [[Mace Windu/Legends|Mace Windu]], during the early stages of what became the first battle of the Clone Wars.<ref name="AotC">[[Star Wars: Episode II Attack of the Clones|''Star Wars'': Episode II ''Attack of the Clones'']]</ref>



===Pre Vizsla===


{{Main|Pre Vizsla/Legends}}


[[File:PreVizslaHS-AFIN.png|right|thumb|190px|Pre Vizsla]]


{{Quote|Listen, Duchess. Do you hear the people? They cry out for change. Your weak-minded rule of Mandalore is at an end. The resurrection of our warrior past is about to begin!|Pre Vizsla to Duchess Satine|Shades of Reason}}


Pre Vizsla was the leader of the splinter Mandalorian faction, Death Watch. With death of Mand'alor Jango Fett at hands of Mace Windu, Pre Vizsla began leading the Death Watch in attempts overthrow the New Mandalorians leadership in attempt restore the Mandalorian warrior culture ways, seeing Duchess Satine as an insult to all Mandalorians.



While in public eye he was governor of Mandalore's moon, [[Concordia/Legends|Concordia]], a supporter of Duchess Satine, he lead the Death Watch through the shadows, using the old mines on Concordia to create [[Mandalorian armor/Legends|Mandalorian armor]] and weapons, using these as staging points. Vizsla also sought the allegiance of [[Dooku/Legends|Count Dooku]] and his [[Confederacy of Independent Systems/Legends|Confederacy of Independent Systems]]. Despite Dooku's distaste for Death Watch's first leader, Tor Vizsla, he agreed help the Death Watch in overthrowing the New Mandalorians. In part of their alliance with CIS, the Death Watch began leading attacks on Republic targets.



But this would attract the attention of [[Jedi Master/Legends|Jedi Master]] [[Obi-Wan Kenobi/Legends|Obi-Wan Kenobi]]. At first, the Duchess and her advisers discounted any Mandalorian involvement until Kenobi showed holographic recordings of the Death Watch saboteur who attacked one of Republic's cruiser. Satine later revealed the existence of rumors of the Death Watch's return. This was later proven when a Mandalorian bombed the memorial shrine in the New Mandalorian capital of Sundari before committing suicide when Kenobi attempted to apprehend him, falling to his death. Before his death, he left at the bomb site a holographic representation of the Death Watch symbol, the fallen [[Shriek-hawk/Legends|Shriek-hawk]], this further highlighting the group's return. During these events Pre Vizsla communicated with Count Dooku who revealed his strategy for the Republic to establish peacekeeping forces on Mandalore. Dooku hoped this would cause unrest and lead the Mandalorian populace to the Death Watch's ideals, to which Pre Vizsla agreed to the plan. But on a hunch, Kenobi later discovered the Death Watch base of operations on Concordia in old minding site.



Pre Vizsla would later revel himself as the leader of the Death Watch when confronting Obi-Wan and Duchess after escaping some of his warriors. He gave back Kenobi's lightsaber and reveled the [[Darksaber/Legends|Darksaber]], an ancient lightsaber stolen from the Jedi Temple by his ancestors during fall of the [[Old Republic era]]. Despite putting up a good fight, Vizsla proven unable defeat Obi-Wan's own skills with a lightsaber and thus had his men active their jetpack's rockets try kill them, but failed do so as Obi-Wan and Satine escaped.



Eventually Pre Vizsla would break off alliance with the CIS after not getting the results he had hoped for, Dooku showing his disgust for the man slice across his cheek with his lightsaber, giving him a scar. Pre Vizsla would lead his Death Watch into hiding, hiding on [[Carlac/Legends|Carlac]] for a time, showing his dishonorable nature when bullying the [[Ming Po/Legends|Ming Po]] people. But after a [[Skirmish on Carlac|skirmish]] with both the Republic and CIS forces, losing several lieutenants in the fighting, the Death Watch established a base on [[Zanbar/Legends|Zanbar]]. After a space expedition, the Death Watch found the two Sith [[Zabrak/Legends|Zabrak]] brothers, [[Darth Maul/Legends|Darth Maul]] and [[Savage Opress/Legends|Savage Opress]]. Pre Vizsla would finally gain his chance of overthrowing Duchess Satine as he allied the Death Watch with Darth Maul, forming the [[Shadow Collective/Legends|Shadow Collective]], even bringing the [[Pyke Syndicate/Legends|Pyke Syndicate]]. But after forcing the [[Hutt/Legends|Hutt Cartel]] work for them, Vizsla's and Maul's views began clash, Pre had his top lieutenant, [[Bo-Katan Kryze/Legends|Bo Katan]], be ready remove the brothers when the time comes. With the help of Shadow Collective, New Mandalorians began suffer attacks by them, their guards being ill able face them off. Death Watch lead by Pre Vizsla began their part of plan and help fight the criminals off, making them as heroes in eyes of New Mandalorian people. Pre Vizsla after having Duchess Satine imprison, claimed the ancient title of Mand'alor, betraying Darth Maul and his brother as well.



But Pre Vizsla's reign as Mandalore was short live as the Sith brothers broke out of prison with former Prime Minster, [[Almec/Legends|Almec]]. In the throne room, Maul challenged Pre Vizsla to a duel for leadership of Death Watch, to which Vizsla accepted and had his lightsaber given back to him. Vizsla's unpredictable fighting style allowed him gain ground against the Sith Lord, using his jetpack and blasters gain an edge against him. But after a long and difficult, Maul's Zabrak abilities came in top and he defeated Vizsla. Pre Vizsla seeing Maul was the victor, accepted his fate as Maul grab the darksaber. He was beheaded front of members of Death Watch to Bo's own horror, thus claiming his place as new leader of Death Watch. But because Darth Maul was not a Mandalorian, Bo Katan and her [[Nite Owls/Legends|Nite Owls]] refused follow him and escaped the throne room.

===Mandalore the Resurrector===

===Mandalore the Resurrector===

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