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May 8, 2014


Support The Open Internet
'Just now Fred Wilson posted an Open Internet Letter to the FCC  that my partners and I at Foundry Group signed on to. It came together in the last 24 hours and was driven by our friends at Union Square Ventures. The post Support The Open Internet appeared first on Feld Thoughts. Politics fcc net neutrality open internet MORE >>


59 Tweets


On Identifying Riskiest Assumptions
'The true job of an entrepreneur is to systematically de-risk their business model over time. While you might be really excited by your idea’s potential, others don’t see what you see. What they see instead is something untested and risky. And you have to derisk your idea to convince investors to give you money to grow your business. MORE >>


55 Tweets


I Am Not My Stock Price
'If you are an founder or employee of a public company, repeat after me: “ I am not my stock price.” ” This is one of my favorite Jeff Bezos quotes. It’s easily to get bummed out when your stock price drops. believe the emotions follow the +1/-5 rule. Each time it goes up, you get one unit of happiness. Run your business. MORE >>


29 Tweets


What fuels great design (and why most startups don’t do it)
'This article was originally published at The Wall Street Journal. “How can my company become great at design?” ” Founders ask me this question more than any other. They’re often considering hiring a hotshot designer or expensive design agency. I’m glad that the startup community has been focusing on design lately. MORE >>


65 Tweets


13 Of The Biggest Mistakes Entrepreneurs Make (That May Not Seem Like Mistakes At All)
'by Tom Panaggio, author of “ The Risk Advantage: Embracing the Entrepreneur’s Unexpected Edge “ The entrepreneurial life is rife with potential pitfalls. Or a key vendor declares bankruptcy. Or a partner defects with your top client. Or a new law undermines your viability. So yeah… a lot can go wrong. It isn’t. Yes, risk is scary. MORE >>


20 Tweets


5 principles for great interface copywriting
'This article was originally published at Fast Company. For many technology companies, design is mysterious. So when I work with startups, I try to demystify design by talking about processes and skills. The idea is: design is not a magical creative thing that designers are blessed to do. His defense was: “Isn’t all design visual?” MORE >>


43 Tweets


Austin Chamber Names 12 Startups to its Austin A-List for 2014
'By LAURA LOREK Founder of Silicon Hills News The Austin Chamber of Commerce Wednesday night named 12 companies to its A-List of Startups for 2014. In the “Emerging” category, for companies that have raised less than $1 million, the winners were Datical, Compare Metrics, Embrace, TeVido, TrustRadius and Spot on Sciences. MORE >>


18 Tweets


This Entrepreneur Has One Simple Goal: Improve a Billion People's Lives
'David Gorodyansky, whose company AnchorFree developed an app that has helped revolutionaries in several countries evade government censorship, talks about the people who inspired him. The duo had loftier goals in mind, however: they wanted to positively impact a billion people. Unfortunately, they hadn''t yet worked out how to accomplish that. MORE >>


277 Tweets


The guide to brainstorming the perfect name for your company
'Mikael Cho is the co-founder of Crew, a network that connects short-term software projects with handpicked developers and designers. This post originally appeared on the Crew blog. ve heard of many different approaches for how people come up with names for their companies. And some just figure it out themselves. The process wasn’t easy. MORE >>


587 Tweets


What Leadership Is Not
'Don''t let these dangerous leadership myths keep you from achieving your potential. In previous extracts, we first redefined what leadership is, in order to de-mystify it, and took a fresh look at where leadership occurs. Dangerous? guess ''debilitating'' would be a better word. Leadership isn''t about charisma. Leadership isn''t about genius. MORE >>


242 Tweets

Product lessons we can learn from Google+ THE NEXT WEB | THURSDAY, MAY 8, 2014

Don't Get Duped by Puffery: How to Recognize Résumé Fraud FRESH INC.: THE STAFF BLOG | THURSDAY, MAY 8, 2014

NC Senate leader expects teacher, employee raises WINSTON-SALEM JOURNAL STATE/REGION NEWS | THURSDAY, MAY 8, 2014

10 Times You're Better Off Saying Nothing at All FRESH INC.: THE STAFF BLOG | THURSDAY, MAY 8, 2014

N.C.’s flu death total rises to 106 WINSTON-SALEM JOURNAL STATE/REGION NEWS | THURSDAY, MAY 8, 2014

9 Tips For Handling Rejection FRESH INC.: THE STAFF BLOG | THURSDAY, MAY 8, 2014

Our seven favorite startups from the 500 Startups demo day THE NEXT WEB | THURSDAY, MAY 8, 2014

6 Easy Ways to Turn Customers Into Brand Fanatics (Infographic) FRESH INC.: THE STAFF BLOG | THURSDAY, MAY 8, 2014

Hacking Education – Fracking Education SEEING BOTH SIDES | THURSDAY, MAY 8, 2014

11 ways to Get Your First 1,000 Customers FRESH INC.: THE STAFF BLOG | THURSDAY, MAY 8, 2014

5 Steps to an Email Newsletter Your Customers Will Love (and share!) DUCT TAPE MARKETING | THURSDAY, MAY 8, 2014

Report: The Future of Entrepreneurship? Not So Bright FRESH INC.: THE STAFF BLOG | THURSDAY, MAY 8, 2014

Making Data Centers Smarter and Greener SILICONHILLS | THURSDAY, MAY 8, 2014

Do These 3 Things and Be a Better Leader FRESH INC.: THE STAFF BLOG | THURSDAY, MAY 8, 2014

Entrepreneurs need the ability to “shake it off” like little Ethan JEFF HILIMIRE | THURSDAY, MAY 8, 2014

Are You a Procrastinator? Blame Your Parents FRESH INC.: THE STAFF BLOG | THURSDAY, MAY 8, 2014

Is Networking a Waste of Time? DUCT TAPE MARKETING | THURSDAY, MAY 8, 2014

The Power of Forgiveness FRESH INC.: THE STAFF BLOG | THURSDAY, MAY 8, 2014

Lighting the fuse for the in-app advertising explosion THE NEXT WEB | THURSDAY, MAY 8, 2014

Follow Your Customer's Lead FRESH INC.: THE STAFF BLOG | THURSDAY, MAY 8, 2014

Do’s And Don’ts Of Email Writing YOUNGUPSTARTS | THURSDAY, MAY 8, 2014

5 Short, Must-Read Business Books FRESH INC.: THE STAFF BLOG | THURSDAY, MAY 8, 2014

5 Tactics To Help Invest Before Graduating College YOUNGUPSTARTS | THURSDAY, MAY 8, 2014

4 Great Ways to Work Effectively On the Go FRESH INC.: THE STAFF BLOG | THURSDAY, MAY 8, 2014

Book Short: Like Reading a Good Speech ONLYONCE | THURSDAY, MAY 8, 2014

What Spotify's 'Skipping' Study Can Teach You About Consumer Attention Span FRESH INC.: THE STAFF BLOG | THURSDAY, MAY 8, 2014

NC marks 2nd anniversary of same-sex marriage ban WINSTON-SALEM JOURNAL STATE/REGION NEWS | THURSDAY, MAY 8, 2014

How Alibaba Went From a Band of Thieves to a Huge E-Commerce Company FRESH INC.: THE STAFF BLOG | THURSDAY, MAY 8, 2014

Guide To Flexible Working YOUNGUPSTARTS | THURSDAY, MAY 8, 2014

A VC Left Nasty Gal's Founder a 'Super Aggressive' Voice Mail, Then Blamed It on Being Drunk and High FRESH INC.: THE STAFF BLOG | THURSDAY, MAY 8, 2014

Why Your Customers Buy More When Value Outweighs Cost CONVERSIONXL | THURSDAY, MAY 8, 2014

8 Really Effective Tricks to Boost Your Courage FRESH INC.: THE STAFF BLOG | THURSDAY, MAY 8, 2014

Choice Is Killing Your Business MIKE MICHALOWICZ | THURSDAY, MAY 8, 2014

3 Tips for More Productive Meetings FRESH INC.: THE STAFF BLOG | THURSDAY, MAY 8, 2014

Negotiation tip: Don’t leave anything to ambiguity THE EQUITY KICKER | THURSDAY, MAY 8, 2014

How to Get Your Employees to Stop Bickering and Start Working FRESH INC.: THE STAFF BLOG | THURSDAY, MAY 8, 2014

Finnish VC Inventure throwing bi-monthly events starting with Health & Wellness ARCTICSTARTUP | THURSDAY, MAY 8, 2014

How Yahoo May Spend Its $8 Billion Alibaba IPO Windfall FRESH INC.: THE STAFF BLOG | THURSDAY, MAY 8, 2014

The Greatest Steal Ever GROWTHINK BLOG | THURSDAY, MAY 8, 2014

Why You Need A Business Coach--Now FRESH INC.: THE STAFF BLOG | THURSDAY, MAY 8, 2014

3 Start-ups Changing The Landscape Of 3D Printing BLOGTREPRENEUR | ENTREPRENEUR BLOG | THURSDAY, MAY 8, 2014

Why Your Company Needs Brave Employees FRESH INC.: THE STAFF BLOG | THURSDAY, MAY 8, 2014

10 Finance Tips for Very Early-Stage Startups EARLY GROWTH FINANCIAL SERVICES | THURSDAY, MAY 8, 2014

5 Fixes for Your Worst Productivity Mistakes FRESH INC.: THE STAFF BLOG | THURSDAY, MAY 8, 2014

LoomiDeck uses social tools to encourage productivity ARCTICSTARTUP | THURSDAY, MAY 8, 2014

7 Things You Need to Know Today FRESH INC.: THE STAFF BLOG | THURSDAY, MAY 8, 2014

Latvian AVA-Labs Could Revolutionize the Safety of Mechanical Machinery ARCTICSTARTUP | THURSDAY, MAY 8, 2014

How You Know When It Is Time To Move On FRESH INC.: THE STAFF BLOG | THURSDAY, MAY 8, 2014

What tricks are investors throwing into your term sheet? ARCTICSTARTUP | THURSDAY, MAY 8, 2014

Richard Branson Wants to Build a Plane That Can Go From New York to Tokyo in 'Less Than an Hour' FRESH INC.: THE STAFF BLOG | THURSDAY, MAY 8, 2014

Can you finance your company with grants? BERKONOMICS | THURSDAY, MAY 8, 2014

The Many Faces of Jack Ma FRESH INC.: THE STAFF BLOG | THURSDAY, MAY 8, 2014

Panel OKs draft bill on rules for fracking WINSTON-SALEM JOURNAL STATE/REGION NEWS | THURSDAY, MAY 8, 2014

Amazon, Netflix, Google and Others Put Pressure on FCC Over Net Neutrality FRESH INC.: THE STAFF BLOG | THURSDAY, MAY 8, 2014

Davidson College to drop free laundry service WINSTON-SALEM JOURNAL STATE/REGION NEWS | THURSDAY, MAY 8, 2014

Is Stephen Wolfram the Isaac Newton of Our Time? FRESH INC.: THE STAFF BLOG | THURSDAY, MAY 8, 2014

Officials: No danger from tritium leak at SC plant WINSTON-SALEM JOURNAL STATE/REGION NEWS | THURSDAY, MAY 8, 2014

Lizzie Velasquez's Mission to Make the Web a Better Place FRESH INC.: THE STAFF BLOG | THURSDAY, MAY 8, 2014

How Startups are Disrupting Financial Technology DAVID TETEN | THURSDAY, MAY 8, 2014

Dollar Bill by Screaming Trees - Someone I met last week. MARK BIRCH | THURSDAY, MAY 8, 2014

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