
Barack Obama has a record that can only be broken by the Antichrist (whose useful idiot Obama is): Barack Hussein Obama is THE most thoroughly documented liar in the entire history of the human race.  And to paraphrase Obama, “Period.”

Regarding ObamaCare, which isn’t some inconsequential or tangential piece of legislation for Obama, but is his “signature legislative accomplishment,” Obama said stuff like this over and over and over and over again:

“No matter how we reform health care, we will keep this promise: If you like your doctor, you will be able to keep your doctor. Period. If you like your health care plan, you will be able to keep your health care plan. Period. No one will take it away. No matter what.”

It is now a conformed, documented fact that every single thing Obama said about his socialist health care hijack was a pure, distilled, unadulterated, total lie from hell.

Yesterday Obama came out and “modified” his story to say this:

“If you had or have one of these plans before the Affordable Care Act came into law and you really like that plan, what we said was, you could keep it if hasn’t changed since the law’s passed,” added Obama.

Let’s go back to the instant replay:

“If you like your current insurance, you keep that insurance. Period. End of Story.”

That is NOT what you said, Obama, you wicked liar.  Not even CLOSE.

I want you to note that that last quote was cited in a National Review article dated July 21, 2009.  And even THEN they were saying Obama was lying through his teeth.  That article cited facts why it was a lie, and then added immediately after quoting Obama above, “But what the president forgot to tell you is that his assertion is only true if the story were fiction.”

And a little more:

A recent NBC investigation found, “buried in Obamacare regulations from July 2010 is an estimate that because of normal turnover in the individual insurance market, ‘40 to 67 percent’ of customers will not be able to keep their policy.”

 But as recently as the 2012 presidential campaign, Obama was telling voters they could keep their plans.

We now know OFFICIALLY that senior White House officials KNEW that what Obama was saying over and over and over again about keeping your insurance was a lie.  And he kept saying it anyway.

And Obama has added lies to his lies, as an example lying about being able to call the phone number or fill out paperwork to get around the failed website – when BOTH merely kicked directly back to the failed website.

Like I have been saying all along, this demon-possessed man is a pathological liar without shame, without honor, without virtue and without integrity of any kind whatsoever.  Period.  End of story.

Even the überliberal Washington Post was forced to give Obama four Pinocchios on a scale of one to four Pinocchios.  Barack Obama lied to the American people.  Period.  And No Democrat will take it away.  No matter what.

But it actually gets even worse: Obama and his minions are STILL LYING.  As the (above-linked) WaPo fact check points out:

The administration is defending this pledge with a rather slim reed — that there is nothing in the law that makes insurance companies force people out of plans they were enrolled in before the law passed. That explanation conveniently ignores the regulations written by the administration to implement the law. Moreover, it also ignores the fact that the purpose of the law was to bolster coverage and mandate a robust set of benefits, whether someone wanted to pay for it or not.

The president’s statements were sweeping and unequivocal — and made both before and after the bill became law. The White House now cites technicalities to avoid admitting that he went too far in his repeated pledge, which, after all, is one of the most famous statements of his presidency.

The president’s promise apparently came with a very large caveat: “If you like your health care plan, you’ll be able to keep your health care plan — if we deem it to be adequate.”

The Obama White House knew as early as July of 2010 that every single thing Obama had said about ObamaCare - AND CONTINUED TO SAY – was a lie, and that upwards of 80% of people with individual health insurance would have their policies cancelled because of ObamaCare requirements:

“Remember: The President didn’t say if you like your plan and we approve it you  can keep it,” Stewart wrote, the Post reported. “He promised that if you like  your plan, you can keep it, period— “no matter what.”

Yet the NBC report  said the government knew that wasn’t true, saying that buried in regulations  from the July 2010 law was an estimate that because of normal turnover in the  individual insurance market, “40 to 67 percent” of customers will not be able to  keep their policy.

And because many policies will have been changed  since the key date, “the percentage of individual market policies losing  grandfather status in a given year exceeds the 40 to 67 percent range.”

“This says that when they made the promise, they knew half the people  in this market outright couldn’t keep what they had and then they wrote the  rules so that others couldn’t make it either,” Robert Laszewski of Health Policy  and Strategy Associates, told NBC.

He estimated 80 percent of those in  the individual market will not be able to keep their current policies and will  have to buy insurance that meets requirements of the new law, which generally  requires a richer package of benefits than most policies today.

Most analysts expect to see 15 million Americans’ health plans cancelled.  And they AREN’T being cancelled because insurance companies are greedy or evil, but rather because Barack Obama and Democrats in their sweeping takeover of the health care industry were greedy and evil in their tyrannous overreach.  They are being cancelled because older people had been allowed to buy policies that addressed their individual needs; now Obama is forcing everyone to have, for example, maternity coverage, even if they are elderly and well beyond their child bearing years.  The policies that do not have such coverage (and many other types of coverage as well) are FORCED to cancel them.

Democrats scoffed at 15 million people as a “mere five percent.”  But let’s remember that these demon-possessed liars imposed ObamaCare on us to provide insurance for only THIRTY million people who were uninsured.

Now, according to what we know, ObamaCare won’t actually help the people who were uninsured.  When ObamaCare is fully implemented, there will STILL be 30 million people uninsured.  ObamaCare did nothing for the people it most promised to help.  But now add to that 15 million who just got kicked off the insurance they HAD because of the devil’s little helper Obama.

And it is simply a FACT (as the liberal WaPo points out) that ObamaCare from the very outset was depending on people paying considerably higher premiums to subsidize the uninsurable and the uninsured who would also be forced into the market by government dictate.  Obama is subsidizing these people at the cost of forcing most Americans to pay far more for their health care than they had previously.

But it gets so much worse its unreal.  And remember, Obama promised over and over again, swore to the American people time and time again, that if you liked your insurance you would be able to keep it, no ifs ands or buts.

Try this on for size:

Expert: At least 129 million will ‘not be able to keep’ health care plan if Obamacare fully implemented

12:45 AM 11/04/2013

If Obamacare is fully implemented, 68 percent of Americans with private health insurance will not be able to keep their plan, according to health care economist Christopher Conover.

Conover is a research scholar in the Center for Health Policy & Inequalities Research at Duke University and an adjunct scholar at the American Enterprise Institute. In an interview with The Daily Caller, he laid out what he estimates the consequences of Obamacare’s implementation will ultimately be.

“Bottom line: of the 189 million Americans with private health insurance coverage, I estimate that if Obamacare is fully implemented, at least 129 million (68 percent) will not be able to keep their previous health care plan either because they already have lost or will lose that coverage by the end of 2014,” he said in an email. ”But of these, ‘only’ the 18 to 50 million will literally lose coverage, i.e., have their plans entirely taken away. This includes 9.2-15.4 million in the non-group market and 9-35 million in the employer-based market. The rest will retain their old plans but have to pay higher rates for Obamacare-mandated bells and whistles.”

If you are lucky enough to keep your insurance and not just have it cancelled outright from under your feet, you will be paying a whole lot more for it and probably getting a higher deductible to go with fewer doctors and options in whatever network you get stuck on.

The New York Times can’t bring themselves to say that their messiah whom they endorsed and voted for and worship lied.  Instead, he “misspoke” when he said something that was absolutely false.  These people are liars who lied for these last several years while the cancer of ObamaCare metasticized and now they’re lying about all the lies they told to sell us their lies.

The New York Times editorial smarmily lectures us in the following way:

Many higher-income people who won’t qualify for subsidies, however, will have to buy policies providing more benefits than they want. Maternity care for those who will not have children is one sore point. But that is one price of moving toward universal coverage with comprehensive benefits.

Tell you what: I want women to be forced to cover prostate exams and see how they feel about the shockingly higher cost of their health care premiums.  I think that my erection is a matter that every single woman in America should be forced to concern herself with and pay for – so I demand every woman be required to pay for my damn Viagra pills so Mister Happy can be happy again.  And just remember, women, that your higher premiums is just “one price of moving toward universal coverage with comprehensive benefits.”

People by the MILLIONS are going to be dumped off their health insurance plans that they paid for and were happy with because Obama doesn’t think they provide enough left-wing goodies.

Allow me to paraphrase some lines from the Clint Eastwood classic “Unforgiven”:

Will Munny: It’s a hell of a thing, killing a man’s health insurance plan. Take away all the health care he’s got and all he’s ever gonna have.

The Schofield Obama: Yeah, well, I guess they had it coming.

Will Munny: We all got it coming, kid.

We’ve all got it coming in the Obama States of America.

God judges a nation for the wickedness of its king.  And we’ve elected ourselves a most wicked king, indeed.  Believe me, we’ve got it coming.

Obama and his lying minions are similarly claiming that all of the people who are being cancelled are having their plans cancelled because they are substandard and a burden on the taxpayers because they don’t provide adequate coverage.  This is also a lie, as is documented in the case of a California woman with “world class insurance” who is losing her coverage.

Barack Obama will be guilty of this woman’s murder (note the subtitle):

You Also Can’t Keep Your Doctor
I had great cancer doctors and health insurance. My plan was cancelled. Now I worry how long I’ll live.

By Edie Littlefield Sundby

Nov. 3, 2013 6:37 p.m. ET

Everyone now is clamoring about Affordable Care Act winners and losers. I am one of the losers.

My grievance is not political; all my energies are directed to enjoying life and staying alive, and I have no time for politics. For almost seven years I have fought and survived stage-4 gallbladder cancer, with a five-year survival rate of less than 2% after diagnosis. I am a determined fighter and extremely lucky. But this luck may have just run out: My affordable, lifesaving medical insurance policy has been canceled effective Dec. 31.

My choice is to get coverage through the government health exchange and lose access to my cancer doctors, or pay much more for insurance outside the exchange (the quotes average 40% to 50% more) for the privilege of starting over with an unfamiliar insurance company and impaired benefits.

Countless hours searching for non-exchange plans have uncovered nothing that compares well with my existing coverage. But the greatest source of frustration is Covered California, the state’s Affordable Care Act health-insurance exchange and, by some reports, one of the best such exchanges in the country. After four weeks of researching plans on the website, talking directly to government exchange counselors, insurance companies and medical providers, my insurance broker and I are as confused as ever. Time is running out and we still don’t have a clue how to best proceed.

Two things have been essential in my fight to survive stage-4 cancer. The first are doctors and health teams in California and Texas: at the medical center of the University of California, San Diego, and its Moores Cancer Center; Stanford University’s Cancer Institute; and the M.D. Anderson Cancer Center in Houston.

The second element essential to my fight is a United Healthcare PPO (preferred provider organization) health-insurance policy.

Since March 2007 United Healthcare has paid $1.2 million to help keep me alive, and it has never once questioned any treatment or procedure recommended by my medical team. The company pays a fair price to the doctors and hospitals, on time, and is responsive to the emergency treatment requirements of late-stage cancer. Its caring people in the claims office have been readily available to talk to me and my providers.

But in January, United Healthcare sent me a letter announcing that they were pulling out of the individual California market. The company suggested I look to Covered California starting in October.

You would think it would be simple to find a health-exchange plan that allows me, living in San Diego, to continue to see my primary oncologist at Stanford University and my primary care doctors at the University of California, San Diego. Not so. UCSD has agreed to accept only one Covered California plan—a very restrictive Anthem EPO Plan. EPO stands for exclusive provider organization, which means the plan has a small network of doctors and facilities and no out-of-network coverage (as in a preferred-provider organization plan) except for emergencies. Stanford accepts an Anthem PPO plan but it is not available for purchase in San Diego (only Anthem HMO and EPO plans are available in San Diego).

So if I go with a health-exchange plan, I must choose between Stanford and UCSD. Stanford has kept me alive—but UCSD has provided emergency and local treatment support during wretched periods of this disease, and it is where my primary-care doctors are.

Before the Affordable Care Act, health-insurance policies could not be sold across state lines; now policies sold on the Affordable Care Act exchanges may not be offered across county lines.

What happened to the president’s promise, “You can keep your health plan”? Or to the promise that “You can keep your doctor”? Thanks to the law, I have been forced to give up a world-class health plan. The exchange would force me to give up a world-class physician.

For a cancer patient, medical coverage is a matter of life and death. Take away people’s ability to control their medical-coverage choices and they may die. I guess that’s a highly effective way to control medical costs. Perhaps that’s the point.

Ms. Sundby lives in California.

Again, Ms. Sundby - may God heal her because Barack Obama will surely callously murder that woman – is (still) living proof that everything Obama and Democrats have said and are now saying about ObamaCare and about insurance companies were diseased lies from the most rabies-ridden depths of hell.  This woman did NOT have a “substandard” plan; she had an excellent plan.  The insurance company was NOT “greedy” or “evil”; it had paid out over a million dollars to keep this woman alive in a fight that Barack Obama just surrendered for her on her behalf.

On this blog, I have been consistently saying that ObamaCare was truly evil.  And I say it more loudly and with more evidence to support my cries today than I have ever had.  And if this demonic takeover of health care continues, I guarantee you I will have even MORE evidence because this thing is as catastrophic of a failure as it is an evil takeover of what had been the best health care on the planet such that world leaders came HERE when they faced serious illnesses.

I think of Republicans who tried in vain to stand against ObamaCare - only to get excoriated by a demonic Nazi Joseph Goebbels media just a few weeks ago.  Just realize: they TRIED to do what was right for the American people, but the American people would have none of it.  And so when you lose your insurance, Democrat, independent, or Republican RINO who wouldn’t stand with Republicans like Senator Ted Cruz, just remember that you deserve it.

I submit for the record that Edie Littlefield Sundby’s sin was what she expressed in her second sentence: “My grievance is not political.”  Because it damn well SHOULD have been if she wanted to live.

If you want to live, you’d better be out in the street demanding that Barack Obama be forcibly impeached and removed from office and put on trial for his crimes.  And you had better be demanding that the Democrat Party be criminalized and that every single Democrat be hunted down with dogs and burned alive lest they inflict an even worse evil upon what is left of this nation.

Under Barack Obama, in these days before the Antichrist whose useful idiot Obama has been and continues to be, things are going to get increasingly ugly.

And this nation, this “one nation, under Obama” richly deserves it.

Let’s remember to say our pledge of allegiance as messiah leads us into hell:

[In unison]: “I pledge allegiance to the flag of the Obama States of America, and to the Messiah for which it stands, one Nation divided by race, class and gender, with redistribution and Marxist fairness for all.”

And don’t forget to praise the Antichrist and get ready to accept the mark of the coming ultimate big government tyrant.

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