
As we speak, the polls show that people blame Republicans more than Democrats for “shutting down the government.”

The people believe a lie: Republicans are shutting down OBAMACARE; it is the DEMOCRATS who are shutting down EVERY OTHER PART OF GOVERNMENT.  As I will document below.

But first let me talk a little about “the people” and “the polls.”

Founding Father John Adams put it thus:

“Our Constitution was made only for a moral and religious people. It is wholly inadequate to the government of any other.”

I have long given up on the American people as a good or decent people.  We have crossed the moral Rubicon and we are going down.  That is why we are following the world – and particularly socialist nations/regions such as Europe has been – rather than following our Constitution.  And we are going to pay for our national wickedness.  The Bible doesn’t mention the United States in the last days because America will either have become so diminished it no longer matters, or because it will soon outright collapse as a viable nation.

That’s why the polls are pretty much irrelevant to me these days.  Bad people believe lies and want bad things and vote for bad things and bad people ultimately perish because of all the bad things that they have surrounded themselves with.  That’s why we can point to all the cultures and nations that have risen to glory and perished ignominiously throughout history  as their people “fundamentally transformed” into BAD people.  Today we have a media that is so propagandist and so ideologically biased that it is beyond unreal who outright lie to the American people, and we have an American people who are becoming – if they have not already become – a bad people who prefer lies to the truth.

So if the polls say that people blame Republicans more than Democrats or Obama for the government shutdown, I couldn’t care less.  Because these are the same sort of people who were once screaming, “Give us Barabbas!” (Luke 23:18), and “Crucify Him!” (Luke 23:20) when Jesus was offered to them by a feckless Pontius Pilate and his big government who were desperate to appease the days’ ”Occupy” mob.

I couldn’t care less about the opinion of such people.  And while it may shock me as much today that the people have become so toxic just as it would have shocked me in Jesus’ day that the people had become so toxic, I care about TRUTH and the FACTS.

So let’s consider the facts as to how the Democrats are conducting themselves.

First, let’s consider Democrat Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid who demonized Republicans as killing children with cancer because the NIH was going to have to shutdown services.  But then the TRUTH comes out that Republicans were only too-willing to fund the NIH BUT THAT IT IS HARRY REID WHO IS KILLING CHILDREN WITH CANCER JUST SO HE CAN ACCUSE REPUBLICANS OF KILLING CHILDREN WITH CANCER:

Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid is blaming Republicans for the National Institutes of Health turning away cancer patients. But when asked why the Senate wouldn’t try to help “one child who has cancer” by approving a mini-spending bill, he shot back: “Why would we want to do that?”

Consider this exchange between Harry Reid and CNN correspondent  Dana Bash:

“If you can help one child, why won’t you do it?” asked CNN reporter Dana Bash.

“Why, why, why would we want to do that?” countered Reid.

“I have 1100 people at Nellis Air Force Base that are sitting home,” because of government employee furloughs, he told Bash and a roomful of other journalists. “They have – they have a few problems of their own.”

“This is – to have someone of your intelligence suggest such a thing maybe means you’re as irresponsible and reckless.”

The CNN correspondent had challenged Senate Democrats’ earlier lament that clinical trials for pediatric cancer therapies were among government services cut off Monday at midnight. The two houses of Congress, run by opposite parties, were unable to agree on the terms of a continuing resolution to fund the government in its new fiscal year.

“You all talked about children with cancer unable to go to clinical trials,” she began. “The House is presumably going to pass a bill that funds the NIH. Will you, at least, pass that? And if not, aren’t you playing the same political games that Republicans are?”

House Republicans have pressed forward with a collection of six legislative proposals to independently fund specific portions of the federal government through the length of the shutdown.

Why are 1100 people at Nellis Air Force Base siting at home?  Republicans have offered to fund the Air Force.  The fact of the matter is, those 1100 people are sitting at home because Democrats refuse to ALLOW them to go back to work.  Just so they can demonize the Republicans for keeping them sitting at home.

But of course that’s not anywhere near the worst of Harry Reid’s dishonesty: Democrats are so vile that they accuse Republicans of killing children when DEMOCRATS ARE KILLING CHILDREN WITH CANCER JUST SO THEY CAN SLANDER AND DEMONIZE THE GOP.  And when one correspondent had the guts to challenge the Democrats about their lies, well, they treated her like she was some hybrid between Fox News and the GOP (more on Democrats’ unhinged demonic slandering of their opponents later).

Democrats are terrible, wicked, evil, demon-possessed human beings.  And those are facts.

In the same way, Republicans are perfectly willing to fund things like the World War II monument.  And do you know that such monuments have NEVER BEFORE been targets in ANY of the previous seventeen government shutdowns before?  Take for example the Lincoln Monument; it has NEVER been shut down before because we’ve never had a “president” so cynical and so demonic that he would be so deliberately vindictive.  But that’s what we have now.  That’s because Democrats have never been so willing to sink so low in their effort to hurt as many people as possible just so they could blame Republicans for the damage that DEMOCRATS are causing.

Don’t believe me?  Believe the Washington Times:

The Park Service appears to be closing  streets on mere whim and caprice. The rangers even closed the parking lot at Mount Vernon, where the plantation home of George Washington is a favorite tourist  destination. That was after they barred the new World War II Memorial on the Mall to veterans of World War II. But the government does not own Mount Vernon; it is privately owned by the Mount Vernon Ladies’  Association. The ladies bought it years ago to preserve it as a national  memorial. The feds closed access to the parking lots this week, even though the  lots are jointly owned with the Mount Vernon ladies. The rangers are from the government, and they’re only here to help.

“It’s a cheap way to deal with the situation,” an angry Park  Service ranger in Washington says  of the harassment. “We’ve been told to make life as difficult for people as we  can. It’s disgusting.”

Yeah.  Democrats are DISGUSTING.  Because it is Obama and Democrats who ordered those park rangers to close down everything they possibly could and make life as difficult as they could for as many Americans as they could.  Just to bring the shutdown home as much as they could so they could demonize Republicans as much as they could.

Obama and Democrats are putting up “Barrycades” to stick it to as many Americans as they possibly can.  And even though Republicans have voted to fund all this stuff it’s supposed to be all their fault because not supporting ObamaCare and taking the mark of Obama on your right hand or forehead is somehow numerically equivalent with wanting ALL of government shut down like the Democrats are doing.

Republicans are saying something that is morally obvious to any decent person: if we can’t reach any compromise (because Democrats refuse to negotiate) on what we can’t agree upon, THEN WHY DON’T WE AT LEAST AGREE ON WHAT WE CAN AGREE ON AND FUND THOSE THINGS???  But Democrats say that Republicans are “terrorists” and “jihadists” because they’re “holding ObamaCare hostage” WHEN DEMOCRAT JIHADIST TERRORISTS ARE HOLDING EVERY POPULAR PIECE OF GOVERNMENT HOSTAGE unless they get their beloved ObamaCare without ANY change or ANY delay (let’s not mention that Obama has himself abrogated the law and the Constitution by delaying a full THIRD of ObamaCare out of cynical political calculations).

WWII veterans – who frankly may die before they have another chance to see their monument – broke down the barricades that Obama put up to stop them.

And so Republicans voted to fund ”spending for veterans, the District of Columbia and the Park Service.”

The RNC said it would pay for half of the WWII memorial to remain open out of their own budget if the Democrats National Committee would pay half.  Democrats basically said, “We are the Party of exploiting OTHER PEOPLE’S MONEY.  We won’t use our OWN money to help the veterans of the greatest generation of Americans.”

Democrats and their media propagandist tools despicably accused Republicans of “grandstanding” and “politicizing” because Republicans tried to do something THAT ANY DECENT HUMAN BEING ON THE PLANET WOULD AGREE IS A GOOD THING TO DO.

WHO is trying to fund the WWII memorial and the rest of the National Park Service???  Republicans.  WHO is refusing to fund those things???  The same Democrats who are demonizing Republicans for what DEMOCRATS are actually doing.

But it actually gets worse.

Democrats are accusing Republicans of being “economic terrorists.”  But let’s take a look at our “Economic Terrorist-in-CHIEF”:

Washington (AFP) – President Barack Obama sent Wall Street a blunt warning Wednesday that it should be very worried about a political crisis that has shut down the government and could trigger a US debt default.

Obama said he was “exasperated” by the budget impasse in Congress, in an interview with CNBC apparently designed to pressure Republicans by targeting the financial community moments after markets closed.

The president then met Republican and Democratic leaders for their first talks since the US government money’s ran out and it slumped into a shutdown now well into its second day.

But few informed observers held out much hope for a sudden breakthrough.

Obama was asked in the interview whether Washington was simply gripped by just the latest in a series of political and fiscal crises which reliably get solved at the last minute.

In unusually frank comments on issues that could sway markets, Obama warned that investors should be worried.

“This time’s different. I think they should be concerned,” Obama said, in comments which may roil global markets.

“When you have a situation in which a faction is willing potentially to default on US government obligations, then we are in trouble,” Obama said.

Obama said he would not negotiate with Republicans on budget matters until House lawmakers pass a temporary financing bill to reopen federal operations and raised the $16.7 trillion dollar debt ceiling.

During the first day of the government shutdown, the market actually went UP.  What was good for America wasn’t good for Obama, who as a fascist needs to fearmonger a crisis, though.  Obama needs financial chaos and calamity for his plan to create suffering so he can blame his enemies for it.

So Obama deliberately roils the markets and of course they are plunging after Obama’s fearmongering.

So now he can blame Republicans for the financial disaster that HE wants to create so he can blame Republicans.

But – and this is frankly incredible - the sheer Democrat VILENESS actually gets even WORSE.

Again, Obama and his DEMOnic bureauCRATS want to foment and fearmonger a crisis so they can blame Republicans for the crisis they created.  So Obama sends out his chief intelligence stooge who fomented a national intelligence crisis:

Did anyone take the nation’s Director of National Intelligence (DNI) seriously when he told Congress this week that the government shutdown will put the country in danger, cause “insidious” damage and risk spy missions?

What about the part where he said financial stress—presumably created by not getting paid—could make his intelligence officers vulnerable to being bought off by foreign spies? It’s almost comical though it sounds really dramatic and quite distressing. Could it be true or was James Clapper putting on a show for lawmakers this week?

“The risk is 75 percent more than it was yesterday,” Clapper told the Senate Judiciary Committee. “The danger here… will accumulate over time. The damage will be insidious so each day that goes by, the jeopardy increases.” This is due to all that valuable intelligence that’s being lost because there are fewer workers to track targets, according to a news report of the hearing. Before anyone loses any sleep, the DNI chief assured that he’s keeping enough employees on the payroll to guard against “imminent threats to life or property.”

Then he upped the ante by insinuating that financial stress could make his intelligence officers vulnerable to being bribed by enemy governments. “This is a dreamland for foreign intelligence service to recruit, particularly as our employees already, many of whom subject to furloughs driven by sequestration, are going to have, I believe, even greater financial challenges,” Clapper said.


That is about as evil as it gets.  Democrats remind me of the Arab states following the 1948 war in which Israel miraculously successfully fought for its right to exist.  Thousands of Palestinian refugees were created, but the Arab states refused to take them into their own countries or take care of them in any way.  No, because they wanted to be able to point a finger of blame at Israel and say, “Look at what Israel did to these poor people!”  And of course that is still the situation to this very day.  Israel has brought in Jews from all over the world while Arab states won’t even allow Arabs in from next door just so they can blame Israel for the plight of the poor Palestinian refugees.

The Democrat Party is the party of genuine evil in America today.  It is the Party of Romans chapter one and the wrath of God that follows.  It is the party of sodomy worship and baby murder.  And it is the party of lies and deceit.

Obama has been all-too willing to negotiate and compromise with America’s worst enemies and with the terrorists who would joyfully murder us all.  He’s been willing to negotiate and be “more flexible” with the Russians (and see here) who have been America’s chief enemy for the last sixty freaking years.  He’s been willing to negotiate with and compromise with the Syrians after they murdered over a hundred thousand of their own people and repeatedly used weapons of mass destruction.  He’s now willing to be the first president since the failed Jimmy Carter years to negotiate with and compromise with the Iranians who seek to get nuclear missiles and launch Armageddon.

But he won’t BUDGE and WILL NOT NEGOTIATE WITH OR COMPROMISE WITH anyone who loves America.

So he announces repeatedly that HE WILL NOT NEGOTIATE with Republicans even as he accuses them of not being willing to compromise and blames them for everything under the sun.  Democrats of course used to blame George Bush for everything under the sun even though Democrats controlled both the House and the Senate just because a Republican was president.  But now the last man on earth who can be blamed for ANYTHING is the Democrat President who has been nothing short of a coward and a fascist thug since the day he took office.

So Obama calls for a meeting with Republicans at the White House to negotiate while saying HE won’t in any way, shape or form negotiate.  Why?  So he can dishonestly and deceitfully present himself as the one who was willing to do what he himself said he WON’T do:

The White House says President Barack Obama has told congressional leaders he still won’t negotiate over re-opening the government or raising the nation’s borrowing limit.

Obama and top lawmakers met for more than an hour at the White House on Wednesday, the second day of a partial government shut down. The leaders emerged to say no progress had been made.

I mean, what a surprise after the president says he won’t budge a nanometer that the leaders would come out of such a charade meeting to say no progress was made.

Let me close this up by pointing out all the incredibly demonic slandering rhetoric coming from Democrats as they get shriller and shriller and more and more hateful.  Democrats have called Republicans terrorists and jihadists and anarchists with bombs strapped to their chests and accused them of being “legislative arsonists” (Nancy Pelosi) and blackmailers and extortionists (Obama Press Secretary Jay Carney) and – as I cited above at the beginning of this article – literally child murderers (Harry Reid).  Oh, and Obama accused them of holding the nation for ransom, which I believe would be a prosecutable crime.  Hateful, inflammatory rhetoric.

Think about the Democrats’ position: unless the Republicans fund EVERYTHING they will fund NOTHING and shut the whole nation down.  Unless the Republicans fund ObamaCare Democrats will cut off the funding for veteran’s benefits.  And Republicans are supposed to be the “terrorists.”

What is most ironic about that is the second worst domestic terrorist attack in American history was committed by a Muslim terrorist named Major Nidal Hassan.  This terrorist – who carried business cards that announced himself as a “Soldier of Allah” and shouted “Allah Akbar!” as he gunned down fourteen American servicemen and wounded another thirty-two; who had been in email contact with al Qaeda, etc., etc., – COULDN’T BE CALLED A TERRORIST, said the Obama administration.  Nope.  it was just a case of “workplace violence.”

Democrats reserve the title of “terrorist” and “jihadist” for Republicans, rather than actual TERRORISTS.  Democrats refuse to call people who murder American servicemen while screaming “Allah Akbar!” terrorists, but they will call Republicans who are guilty of the crime of using their constitutional powers terrorists with rabid spittle dripping from their poisonous socialist fangs.

These are wicked people.  And if a nation is wicked enough to support them, then let that nation say, “Let it be on our heads and on the heads of our children!” as they shouted once before.

Update, 4 Oct 2013: If you want to know how Obama REALLY thinks about this, consider the following acknowledged to the Wall Street Journal by a SENIOR Obama official:]

Said a senior administration official: “We are winning…It doesn’t really matter to us” how long the shutdown lasts “because what matters is the end result.”

Wait a minute….. WHO’S “winning”???  I want Obama to identify the average Americans who are “winning” right now the way his rabid inner circle says THEY’RE winning.

I’ll be replaying this line again and again if the nation goes off the debt ceiling cliff and America defaults on its debt.  I’m thinking this Obama official is like Charlie Sheen in the sense of “not bi-polar, but bi-WINNING.”

Imagine if the government shut down under George W. Bush, and people weren’t getting the services they needed and couldn’t go to the jobs they and their families depended upon.  Oh, and children were dying of cancer and the nation was no longer safe from terrorist attack and all that stuff because of the shutdown that Bush was presiding over.  And some high-ranking Bush official turkey had been quoted as saying, “It doesn’t matter because it’s all about us and it’s all about our partisan politics and woo-hoo we’re winning.”  Imagine the screams of outrage that would have resounded throughout the mainstream media and the Democrat Party talking points then.  But the mainstream media are as hypocritical and as dishonest as the Democrat Party, and so the absence of any moral outrage is treasonous.

It’s just a game to Obama and his minions.  And they don’t give a flying damn who gets hurt or how many get hurt.  In fact, the more  who are hurt, the better to them.  And like the fascists they are, they are willing to fight to the last dead citizen to get their way.

You want more?  How about this: just LISTEN TO ONE OF OBAMA’S DEMONIC SPEECHES.  He’s giving speech after speech just flat-out DEMONIZING John Boehner and the GOP.  You listen to one and you find JUST ONE WORD of a real leader trying in any way, shape or form to reach out to the other side, to reach some kind of agreement.  Nothing.  Just the rabid ideological partisan rabid foaming-at-the-mouth hate from our “president.”  Why?  Because Obama doesn’t WANT a deal on the government shutdown or the debt ceiling or anything else.  No.  He wants an issue to demonize the Republicans on in the 2014 elections.  He wants the same dictatorial political tyranny that he enjoyed for the first two years of his tyrant presidency.  He WANTS the government to shut down; he WANTS America to default on the debt; he WANTS as much harm and misery and damage to the U.S. economy as he can foment SO HE CAN BLAME THE GOP and run against them in 2014.  Is that the mark of a real leader?  Even the Los Angeles Times says it is the exact OPPOSITE of what a leader who isn’t demon-possessed would do.

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