
Start My Consulting Business - Ditch your day job. Make things happen. Change your life.

I’ve been writing a lot lately about mistakes I see people make that prevent them from getting clients. Chances are, you’re probably already making at least one of the mistakes I’ve talked about. And chances are that you’re struggling with figuring out how to get clients for your consulting business. Probably the most common mistake I see people make is with their consulting niche.

Typically, I see people who:

don’t realize that being in a niche creates lots of advantages for your consulting business,

think they have a niche but actually don’t, or

don’t know how to do market research to identify a profitable consulting niche.

A powerful technique for identifying a profitable niche

During my most recent webinar, I taught several powerful techniques for identifying a profitable consulting niche.

I got a lot of feedback from attendees about how incredibly useful they found the strategies and tactics I taught during that webinar. So today, I’m going to share 1 of those techniques with you.

This technique is something that, until now, I’ve only shared with students who’ve signed up for my paid courses.

However, I want to share it with you because it’s such a powerful tool to help you create a solid foundation for your consulting business.

How to use hard data for your market research–BEFORE you even commit to a consulting niche

For any business, market research is a requirement. Without it, it’s like sailing a ship without a map or compass.

Market research answers questions like:

How can you find out if there’s a market for your services?

How competitive is the consulting niche you’re considering?

Is your niche profitable?

But how exactly can you do market research for your consulting business? That’s what I show in the video below.

This proven technique is just ONE of the tactics I cover during my paid courses

Obviously, there’s not room here to go through everything I cover in my premium paid courses. However, I’m sharing this technique with you because I know how useful it is for building the foundation for a successful consulting business.

So, take a look at the video below to learn the technique. (You can also click here to watch the video: http://youtu.be/ytA37Wr1ILY)

Like what you see?

If you found this video helpful, comment below and tell me how you think it’ll help you.

Start My Consulting Business

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