Some programs offer discounts for members; prices listed are for the general public. Classes and programs might be closed due to the observance of Kamehameha Day on June 10 and Independence Day on July 4.
>> Archery Summer Day Camp: June 6-10 and July 25-29, 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m., YWCA Camp Kokokahi in Kaneohe. Drop-off from 8 a.m. and pickup by 5 p.m.; add $10 for pickup after 5 p.m. and $50 after 6 p.m. Participants ages 8 and older learn about safe archery training, participate in “DodgeBow” games and field archery, create make-and-take equipment and watch archery movies and videos. Also includes nature hikes; clinics on safety, survival, bully awareness and self-defense; healthy snack and smoothie workshops; rock climbing; an introduction to fishing; sports stretching and movement training; and more. Bring home lunch; snacks provided. Cost (includes handmade bow and three nonlethal arrows): $349, $269 for three days only, discounts for siblings and former students, tax applies. Call 675-6858 or visit
>> CARE (Connecting and Reinforcing Education) Academy Summer 2016: June 6 through July 8, weekdays from 8 a.m. to noon, Wilson Elementary School, 4945 Kilauea Ave.; drop-off available from 7 a.m., with supervision beginning 7:15 a.m. in the cafeteria. This enhanced and supplemental curriculum program offers daily math and language arts enrichment, and specialty programs such as music, STEM activities, art, cooking, Disney songs and dancing, keyboarding and more. For students in kindergarten through fifth grade. Cost (includes all supplies and field trips): $700, plus $95 registration fee. To register, visit For details, call 223-4040 or email
• An extended YMCA on-site after-care program, including an optional lunch program ($150), runs noon to 6 p.m. for an additional fee. For information, visit
>> City and County of Honolulu Department of Parks and Recreation’s Summer Fun Program: June 8 through July 22 (start and end dates might vary by site), weekdays at numerous sites for keiki in kindergarten (age 5 before Jan. 1 of current year) through sixth grade (or 13 years old who have not entered seventh grade), with arts and crafts, sports, games, excursions, special events, drama, Hawaiiana and more. Hours are 8:30 a.m. to 2 p.m. Registration fee is $25, but additional costs (up to $75) might apply for various activities at each site. Visit
Walk-in registration:
• District I (Hawaii Kai to McCully, 373-8013) and District II (Makiki to Aiea, 768-9292): April 23 from 9 a.m. to noon, and April 25 and 26 from 2 to 5 p.m.
• District III (Pearlridge to Waianae to Wahiawa, 675-7130) and District IV (Waialua to Waimanalo, 233-7300): May 14 from 9 a.m. to noon, and May 16 and 17 from 2 to 5 p.m.
There will also be an optional Summer Plus Program (at select sites) that offer before-care (6 to 8:30 a.m.) and/or after-care (2 to 5:30 p.m.) programs run by Kama‘aina Kids for an additional fee (separate from the city’s Summer Fun program). For teens, offerings include the Summer Fun Junior Leader Program and the Summer Teen Program for grades 7 through 12. Visit
>> The Green House “Summer EcoExplorer Camp”: Four camps, June 6-10, June 13-17 and 20-24, and June 27 through July 1, 9 a.m. to 2 p.m., 224 Pakohana St., Pauoa; optional after-care until 4:30 p.m. (additional $30 per day or $100 per week). Weekly hands-on themed sessions include garden exploration, recycling, garden art, cooking from the garden, story time and more. For ages 5 to 10. Bring lunch. Register by May 20. Cost: $57 per day or $285 per week; discounts for siblings. Call 524-8427 or visit
>> Hawaii Academy: Weekly programs June 1 through July 29, weekdays from 7:30 a.m. to 5:30 p.m., 1314 Moonui St. (Kalihi gym). Includes academic enrichment in basic math and reading comprehension, science experiments, arts and crafts, cooking lessons, movies and study hall, with daily gymnastics and trampoline instruction to help increase fitness levels. For ages 4 and older. Lunch included for full-day students. Cost for the first week begins at $380; single- and half-day options also available; discounts for siblings. Call 842-5642 or visit
>> Hawaii Children’s Discovery Center: 111 Ohe St., Kakaako. Limited enrollment; some weekly sessions are already full. Register by May 13. Call 524-5437 or visit
• Preschool Discovery Camp: Themed weeklong camps May 30 (“Summer Olympics”), June 6 (“Explore the Dinosaur”), June 13 (“Explore the Dinosaur,” continued) and Aug. 22 (“Commotion in the Ocean”), 9 a.m. to 3 p.m.; courtesy drop-off begins 8:30 a.m. with optional after-camp care until 4 p.m. ($20 per week). For ages 3 and 4; keiki must be able to use restroom independently. Features interactive lessons, outdoor play, visits to the center, snacks and nap time. Bring lunch or purchase from Kids Cafe for $4. Cost: $250 per week.
• Summer Break Discovery Camp: Themed weekly camps May 30 through Aug. 19, 9 a.m. to 4 p.m., with optional after-camp care until 4:30 p.m. ($10 per week). For ages 5 to 8. Includes hands-on educational activities, outdoor play, snacks and visits to the center. Costs range from $250 to $255 per week.
>> Hawaii Nature Center: “Summer SNAP (Sensational Nature Adventure Program) 2016,” June 6 through Aug. 19, 2131 Makiki Heights Drive. Hours are 7:45 a.m. to 3 p.m. weekdays, with optional extended care until 5 p.m. (additional fees range from $95 to $120 per week, or $30 per day). Eleven single-week sessions include nature activities, forest hikes, stream investigations, nature crafts, insect safaris, beach explorations, field trips and more. For ages 6 to 11. Costs range from $300 to $375 per week. Enroll in three weeks or more and receive a $25 discount. “SNAP Pack” (backpack filled with a T-shirt, stainless-steel water bottle and bug box) is $50. Registration deadline is two weeks prior to the start of each session. Late fee: $25. Call 955-0100, ext. 126, or visit
>> Hawaii Women in Filmmaking: “2016 Summer Reel Camps for Girls” offers four programs at Hawaii Filmmakers Collective, 3167 Waialae Ave. For ages 13 to 19. Camp costs range from $300 to $400, but a “pay what you can” option based on a sliding scale fee according to family size and income is offered. Register by May 20. Visit
• Basic Reel: June 27 through July 2, 8:30 a.m. to 4 p.m. Learn about storytelling, storyboarding, scriptwriting, lighting, audio, editing and working in small teams to produce a short video. Cost: $400.
• Advanced: July 11-16, 8:30 a.m. to 4 p.m. Already armed with a basic understanding of the filmmaking process, participants pitch ideas for films, and the best four will be produced during camp. Cost: $400.
• 2D: July 18-22, 8:30 a.m. to noon. Create original animated films by exploring the world of two-dimensional animation drawings. Cost: $300.
• Stop Motion: July 25-29, 8:30 a.m. to noon. Create original animated films by developing stories and images using paint, clay, puppets, objects or people. Cost: $300.
>> Hawaii Youth Symphony: “Summer Strings,” June 6 through July 8, weekdays from 2:45 to 3:45 p.m. for beginners and 4 to 5 p.m. for intermediates (with one year of experience), Boys & Girls Club, Spalding Clubhouse, 1704 Waiola St., second floor. Choose from classes in violin, viola, cello or bass. Participants must be members of Boys & Girls Club Spalding Clubhouse who are born on or before June 1, 2008. Cost: $250. Instrument rental fees range from $45 to $60. Register by May 27. Call 941-9706 or visit
>> Hawaiian Humane Society: “Teens4Animals Summer Experience,” June 27 through July 8, weekdays from 8:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m., ‘Iolani School, Sullivan Center, 563 Kamoku St. Two-week program for high school students (ages 15 and older) offers animal training, community outreach projects, learning about animal welfare and more through animal-handling classes, visits to a farm and veterinary tech college, and interaction with animal cops and shelter staff. Cost: $195. Call 356-2223 or visit
>> Honolulu Museum of Art at Spalding House: Art Camp includes 28 sessions June 6 through July 13, weekdays from 10 a.m. to 3:45 p.m., 2411 Makiki Heights Drive. Students explore various media such as drawing, painting, sculpting and printmaking, with tours and sketching sessions at the museum galleries. For first- through third-graders. Bring lunch and snacks. Cost (includes supplies): $1,100. Call 532-8741 or visit
>> Honolulu Theatre for Youth: June 6 through July 1, weekdays from 8:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m., Tenney Theatre at St. Andrew’s Cathedral; culminates with June 30 performances at 11 a.m. and 6 p.m. Daily sessions involve movement, theater games and creative exploration that enable students to develop performance and artistry skills that strengthen team-building and creative problem solving. Cost: $595 ($530 for siblings registering together). Register by May 25. Call 839-9885, ext. 704, or visit
• Summer Drama Adventure: “Beyond the Point,” ages 7 to 9, allows keiki to go on a journey and travel to curious places with wondrous creatures by stretching their imagination.
• The ’Tween Scene: “Create Your Journey!,” ages 10 to 13, enables students to create a dramatic adventure by bringing it to life.
>> Honolulu Zoo: Themed weeklong camp sessions June 6 through Aug. 12, 8 a.m. to 2:30 p.m. weekdays, with optional after-care (first-come, first-served basis) until 5:30 p.m. ($60 per week) at the zoo, 151 Kapahulu Ave. Snacks provided; bring home lunch. Cost: $300 per week. Call 461-3022 or visit For information, call 926-3191.
• Camp Menehune, “Small ‘Kine’ Explorers,” is for potty-trained keiki ages 4 and 5 and includes educational lessons with sensory biofacts, craft activities, songs, stories, animal tours, keeper talks and games.
• Camp ‘Imi Loa, “Explore Our Zoo, Our Islands, Our World,” is for ages 6 to 8 and offers craft activities, songs, stories, behind-the-scenes tours, keeper talks and games.
• Camp Wildlife Koas, “Connecting Keiki to Conservation,” is for ages 9 to 11 and is filled with hands-on lessons, behind-the-scenes tours, interactive technologies, craft activities, games and more.
>> “I Got Skills” soccer camps: Hours are 9 a.m. to 3 p.m., with drop-off from 8:30 a.m. and pickup until 3:30 p.m. Camps focus on footwork, techniques and moves while players improve skills and build confidence with the ball. Beginning players work on fundamentals and ball mastery; elite players work on advanced skills training. Players are grouped by age and abilities. Must wear cleats and shin guards and bring a soccer ball, water bottle and lunch. Cost (includes T-shirt): $225 per camp. Visit
• Honolulu Summer Camp, May 30 through June 3, Waialae Iki Park, 4850 Kalanianaole Highway. For ages 6 to 14.
• Central Oahu Summer Camp, May 30 through June 3, Central Oahu Regional Park. For ages 6 to 16.
>> Kalakaua Summer Basketball Camp 2016: June 2-4, Manoa Valley District Park Gym; session 1 runs 8 a.m. to noon for ages 7 to 11, while session 2 runs 1 to 5 p.m. for ages 12 to 18. Participants must bring a basketball and water bottle. Cost (includes T-shirt): $125. Submit payment by May 16 to ensure requested shirt size. For registration form, visit Email or visit
>> Kama‘aina Kids: Call 262-4538 or visit
• Weekly day camps May 31 through July 29 for students who completed grades K through 6, 6 a.m. to 6 p.m. (programs begin 8 a.m., half-day option available until 2:30 p.m.) weekdays at the following sites: Mililani Tech Park; Voyager Public Charter School at 2428 Wilder Ave.; and Ben Parker, Enchanted Lake, Hahaione, Keoneula, Liholiho, Salt Lake, Waikele and Waimalu elementary schools. Activities include swimming, sailing, kayaking, team games, singing, dancing, excursions, “Super Science” and more. Costs range from $140 to $175 per week, or $1,320 for Summer Package; register online for discount; lunch programs also available. Register by May 18. Late fee: $25.
• Summer Plus: This program is an extension of the City and County of Honolulu Department of Parks and Recreation’s Summer Fun Program and provides Summer Fun after-care until 5:30 p.m., while some sites also provide before-care programs. Activities include sports, games, performing arts, crafts and more. Snacks provided. Registration is in conjunction with the city’s Summer Fun program. For dates, costs and locations, visit
• After Summer School Program: Some schools may request this program following summer-school dismissal for after-school care until 6 p.m. On-site activities include indoor and outdoor games, music and dance, arts and crafts, weekly excursions and more. Locations and costs vary; call 262-4538 or check with your summer school office.
• Weekly specialty camps include programs at Bishop Museum ($205 per week), Sea Life Park for Junior Animal Trainer Program ($225 per week) and Wet ‘n’ Wild ($205 per week); Play-Well TEKnologies (STEM Design using LEGO, $165 per week); and SPIRIT Adventures for students in fifth through eighth grades (ranges from $160 to $200 per week). Dates, times, costs and locations vary.
• Junior Lifeguard Program: Weekly sessions for ages 12 to 17 (must possess basic ocean swimming ability), 9 a.m. to 2 p.m. at Ala Moana Beach Park (June 6-10 and 13-17 and July 11-15) and Kalama Beach Park (June 20-24, June 27 through July 1, and July 18-22). Participants learn about ocean safety, CPR, first aid, surf rescue techniques and more, and participate in ocean skills, physical and competitive training. This is not a certification program; students receive a certificate for course completion. Bring lunch; swim goggles, fins and a mask/snorkel are recommended. Cost: $100 per week. Registration deadline is one week prior to start of session. Visit
>> Lyon Arboretum: Summer nature class, May 31 through June 3, 8:30 a.m. to 2:30 p.m., 3860 Manoa Road. The four-day program includes nature-based art activities, traditional cultural practices and knowledge, hikes, scientific inquiry, stream surveys and organic-gardening techniques. For ages 6 to 12. Cost: $160. Call 988-0456 or visit
>> Moiliili Community Center: “Summer Carnival,” May 27 through July 22, weekdays from 7 a.m. to 5:30 p.m., 2535 S. King St. Activities include Japanese language sessions, recreational swimming, cooking, arts and crafts, “weird” science, track and field, a field trip to Wet ‘n’ Wild (July 1 for full-day students at an extra cost) and more, including a “Summer Night’s Carnival Celebration” July 8 with a performance by students and staff, games, food and fun. For students in kindergarten through sixth grade. Bring lunch; optional lunch orders available for advance purchase; snacks provided. Package costs (if paid in four increments) for six-week program (ends July 8) is $812, and $992 for full eight-week program; discounts for payment in full ($780/$960). Membership fee: $30. Register by May 6; late fee is $25.
• A parent orientation night May 18 6:30 to 8 p.m. Call 955-1555 or visit
>> Pacific Aviation Museum Pearl Harbor: 319 Lexington Blvd., Ford Island. Call 441-1005 or visit
• Flight School for Boys: 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. June 21-23. Cadets in sixth through eighth grade experiment with the forces of flight, practice air operations on the Battleship Missouri Memorial, climb into legendary aircraft and take a spin in the Flight Lab. Cost includes materials, lunches, snacks and a T-shirt: $180. Repeats July 12-14.
• Flight School for Girls: 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. June 14-16. Same details as above. Cost includes materials, lunches, snacks and a T-shirt: $180. Repeats June 28-30.
• Explorers Club: “Cleared for Takeoff,” which runs May 31 through June 3, is a four-day aviation-themed STEM (science, technology, engineering and math) program in which students will engineer an egg-carton airplane using the four forces of flight; design and build an operational airport; and create and launch a glider using flight properties. “Eyes on the Sky,” which runs July 5-8, is a four-day aerospace-themed STEM program in which students will operate robotic telescopes, engineer a mechanism for “soft landings” on another planet, create unique artwork through astrophotography and more. Both programs run from 9 a.m. to 3:45 p.m. and are for students in third through fifth grades. Cost includes lunch, snacks and a T-shirt: $240 per program.
• Aviation Adventure: Coed residential camp July 19-21 for aviators ages 13 to 15 (or graduates of the museum’s “Flight School” course). Participants explore STEM concepts of aviation and aerospace. Cost for the three-day, two-night program is $325 (includes materials, meals, snacks, a T-shirt and overnight accommodations aboard the USS Missouri memorial). Repeats July 26-28.
>> Pearl City Foundation: “Summer Fun Days 2016,” May 31 through July 29, weekdays from 6 a.m. to 6 p.m. with half-day option from 6 a.m. to 2 p.m., Momilani Community Center, 715 Hoomoana St. Includes academics, sports and fitness activities, games, arts and crafts, cooking, pool time (Mondays and Wednesdays at Leahi Swim School), weekly field trips (Fridays) and an end-of-summer celebration. For students who just completed kindergarten through sixth grade. Cost: $1,050 for full session if postmarked by May 9, or $1,200 thereafter. Half-day program is $875, with weekly ($125 to $150) and daily ($35 to $40) options also available. Catered lunch option is $170 or bring home lunch (required Fridays for field trips). Registration deadline is May 20. Call 456-2073 or visit
>> Performing Arts Center of Kapolei: Sessions will be held at Kapolei High School cafeteria, 91-5007 Kapolei Parkway. Visit
• “Lil’ Ones”: Four-day session, May 31 through June 3, 9 a.m. to 2 p.m. Keiki ages 5 to 10 are introduced to musical theater. Cost: $200.
• “Disney’s Jungle Book Kids”: May 31 through June 17, 2:30 to 5 p.m. weekdays, and culminates with a final performance June 17 at 6 p.m. Includes three weeks of training in vocals, acting and dance. Cost: $425, or $600 if also enrolled in “Lil’ Ones” program. Discounts apply for enrolling multiple children.
>> Rainbow Art Studio Hawaii: Summer Art Camp, 1212 Punahou St. No. 3503. Two-day sessions run 8:30 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. June 6 and 7 (“Wild Jungle”); June 8 and 9 (“Art Rocks”); June 27 and 28 (“Under the Sea”); June 29 and 30 (“Hello, Matisse”); July 18 and 19 (“Color the World”); and July 20 and 21 (“Carnival Fun”). Artists ages 5 to 12 explore art through drawing, painting on canvas, three-dimensional models, acrylics, pastels and watercolors. Cost: $140 per session. Register by May 20. Call 497-5718 or visit
>> Skate Care Hawaii Summer Camps: Skateboarding clinics for ages 5 to 15 for beginners ($325 per week) and intermediate/advanced levels ($295 per week), Hickam Skate Facility (Hawaii’s only indoor skate venue) at Pearl Harbor-Hickam, 900 Hangar Ave., Building 2065. Choose from June 20-24, June 27 through July 1, July 18-22, July 25-29, Aug. 8-12 and Aug. 15-19. All camps run from 9 a.m. to 2 p.m. Consists of group instruction and two hours of free-skate daily. Participants learn proper techniques with trained professionals in a safe environment. Must bring helmet, knee and elbow pads, a skateboard and lunch. Call 864-7887 or visit
>> Test-Prep Hawaii: Learn test-taking strategy tips for the SAT and ACT college entrance exams. For students in ninth through 12th grades. Register online for special pricing as noted below; costs include all materials. Call 261-6666 or visit
• Four-day ACT prep ($140): Moanalua High School, June 6-9, 1:30 to 3:30 p.m.
• SAT/ACT combo ($300): Moanalua High School, June 6-9, 1:30 to 3:30 p.m. (for the ACT); and July 18-22, 10 a.m. to noon (for the SAT).
• Workshops for SAT only ($200) at various high schools: July 11-15, 10 a.m. to noon at Roosevelt and 1 to 3 p.m. at McKinley; July 18-22, 10 a.m. to noon at Moanalua and 1 to 3 p.m. at Kalani; and July 25-29 for private school and home-schooled students, noon to 2 p.m. at Saint Louis School.
>> University of Hawaii Athletics sports camps: Led by UH coaches, staff and current and former players. Visit
• Rainbow Wahine Soccer Youth/Intermediate Camps: Two camps, June 6-9 and July 5-8, 9 a.m. to 1 p.m., UH soccer practice field. Youth camps are geared for ages 6 to 8 and focus on developing enthusiasm for the game while improving coordination and fluidity with the ball, while intermediates are challenged to learn advanced techniques and how to apply them in tactical game situations. Players receive a T-shirt; add $5 for customization (must be ordered two weeks prior to start of camp). Cost: $150 per camp. Call 956-6330.
• Rainbow Wahine Soccer ID Camp: July 18, 4 to 7 p.m.; July 19, 8:30 to 10:30 a.m. and 3 to 5:30 p.m.; and July 20, 8 to 11 a.m., UH soccer practice field. Campers receive an authentic college training experience with individual feedback from and interaction with UH coaching staff in challenging sessions focused on personal development. For students entering ninth grade and older. Cost: $150. Call 956-6330 for information.
• Swim Camp: Two camps, June 6-9 and 13-16, 8:30 a.m. to 3 p.m., Duke Kahanamoku Aquatics Center, UH campus. For ages 7 to 17 with competitive swim experience and capability to swim at least 50 yards in all four competitive strokes (fly, back, breast and freestyle). Learn proper stroke techniques and starts and turns, and receive individualized attention and video analysis. Cost (includes goody bag and key chain, T-shirt, water bottle and UH swim cap): $350 per week; discount for active-duty military.
• Rainbow Wahine Volleyball Camp: Four camps for boys and girls, June 17-20 and July 15-18, 19-22 and 25-28, Stan Sheriff Center, Gyms 1 and 2, and Klum Gym. Beginners practice basics of setting, passing, spiking, digging and serving; intermediates focus on advanced development and skills refinement, and learn about team offense and defense; advanced students will be challenged in training sessions that focus on personal development. Cost (includes T-shirt): $175.
• Rainbow Warrior Volleyball Camp: July 11-14, 9 a.m. to noon for ages 5 to 11 ($100) and 1 to 5 p.m. for ages 12 to 18 ($150), Stan Sheriff Center. Participants practice the basics of serving, passing, setting, spiking and digging with an emphasis on individual techniques, and learn about team offense and defense. Open to boys and girls; must wear volleyball shoes and kneepads, and bring a water bottle. Cost includes T-shirt.
>> YMCA: Call 531-YMCA (9622) or visit
• Day camps: For students entering first through seventh grades, May 31 through July 29, weekdays from 6 a.m. to 6 p.m. at the Kaimuki-Waialae (737-5544), Kalihi (848-2494), Leeward (671-6495), Mililani (625-1040), Nuuanu (536-3556) and Windward (261-0808) branches; times and dates vary by branch. Features sports, crafts, science, cooking, story time, swimming, games and more. Choose from weekly or four-, five- and nine-week programs. Lunch and snack available at some branches. Costs begin at $145 per week (varies by program and payment package).
• After Summer School Programs: Students entering first through seventh grades who attend summer school spend the afternoon completing homework or participating in arts and crafts, sports, music and dance, swimming and field trips. Dates and times vary according to summer school schedules, with transportation from select schools to the YMCA branch. For details about individual YMCA branch programs, visit the website or desired branch.
• Club MID and STRIVE Summer Teen Programs: May 31 through July 29 at the Kaimuki-Waialae, Kalihi, Leeward, Mililani, Nuuanu and Windward branches. Teens in grades 6 through 12 build leadership skills and participate in team-building and service-learning activities, hikes, social events, sports and cultural experiences. Choose from weekly or four-, five- and nine-week programs. Costs begin at $185 per week.
• Specialty Day Camps: Weekly themed sessions May 31 through July 29 at the Mililani and Nuuanu branches. Students in third through seventh grades choose from Outdoor Camp, Arts & Cooking or Sports & Cooking, and all camps include a field trip to Wet ‘n’ Wild water park. Dates and costs vary.
• Camp Erdman: Weekly sessions May 29 through Aug. 5, 69-385 Farrington Highway, Waialua. For students entering grades 2 through 11. This six-day program allows campers to participate in sports, arts, swimming and overnight tent camping on the oceanfront property while customizing their experience by choosing from a variety of activities. Enhance camp with “specialty options” that include swimming lessons (for ages 7 to 10), Horsemanship Camp (for ages 11 to 16), Surf Camp (for ages 9 to 16), Farm Camp (for ages 11 to 16) and English as a Second Language Camp (for ages 8 to 16). Additional camp offerings include Teen Overnight Camps (Adventure Camp for ages 14 to 16, Leader-in-Training Camp for ages 14 to 16 and Counselor-in-Training Camp for ages 16 and 17) and Family Camps. Costs vary. To register, call 687-6236 or 637-4615, or visit
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