
James M. Wall is the former editor-in-chief of The Christian Century, one of the most widely respected publications of liberal Christianity. He is still listed as “senior contributing editor,” though he doesn’t seem to have contributed anything since August of 2008. Since stepping down from leadership of the Century, Wall has been business pursuing his obsession with the evilness of Israel. It used to be, as I wrote about at The Reformed Pastor in 2010, that Wall was content to quote from, and have his stuff published at, Internet loony bins such as Veterans Today, My Catbird Seat, and Salem News, a interlocking collection of sites all of which are cesspools of anti-Semitism, Holocaust denial, and 9/11 Trutherism (with Mossad as the culprit, of course). Now, it appears, he’s decided to go all in, as Viola Larson exposes at Naming His Grace:

Much of the material placed on Veterans Now.com is as anti-Semitic as the original material on the Veterans Today Site. What is different is that Wall has now been welcomed as an associate editor and one of the writers.

Here’s the list of editors and writers at VN:


Debbie Menon, Editor-in-Chief [runs My Catbird Seat]

Dr. Alan Sabrosky, Contributing Editor

Michael Leon, Founder and Editor-at-large

Charles G. Fawkes Veterans Issues Editor

Denise Nichols, Staff Writer Veterans Issues

James M. Wall,  Associate Editor

Stuart Littlewood,UK Correspondent

Dr. Kam Zarrabi,US-Iran Issues Editor

Managing Editors

Charles G. Fawkes

Debbie Menon

Frequently Featured Writers

Alison Weir

Alan Hart

Anthony Lawson

Charles Fawkes

Debbie Menon

Dr. Alan Sabrosky

Finian Cunningham

Jack Speer-Williams

James M. Wall

Justin Raimondo

Kam Zarrabi

Michael Leon

Phillip Giraldi

Paul R Pillar

Paul Craig Roberts

Prof. William A.Cook

Ray McGovern

Rick Rogers

Stephen Lendman

Stephen Sniegoski

Stuart Littlewood

If you ever climb into the Dumpster that contains the anti-Semitic left or right, you’ll recognize some of those names. To give you a flavor of the kinds of people that James Wall now calls his buddies, here are a few excerpts from an item that stands second on the VN list of “hottest” (presumably most read) articles this week. It’s called “Earth’s alpha predator: Zionist Mafia” (subtle, huh?):

Is it possible for the American public to think their way out of Zionist enslavement . . . or is Gaza a preview of our future?

There certainly is genius behind creation of the terms, “conspiracy theory,” and, “anti-Semitism.” Mere concepts, these two seem among the highest human inventions in terms of neutralizing independent thought. Both terms are amazingly popular and effective; a function, perhaps, of both being technically meaningless—a reliable Zionist mind-control touch, confusion. ...

Before 9/11 birthed the “Global War on Terror” (GWOT) to aim American blood and treasure at Israel’s enemies, 189 of Earth’s 196 recognized “sovereign” nations had a Rothschild-controlled central bank. Afghanistan, Libya, Sudan, Iran, Cuba, Iraq, and North Korea were those last seven nations resisting Rothschild enslavement.

Now, only Cuba, North Korea, and Iran remain free. Notice how high Iran and North Korea are on our list of enemies? ...

How’s this for a textbook Zionist mind-control twist? Our “best friend” that has given us more ever-accelerating grief and extracted from us more blood and treasure than all of our “enemies” combined has as a number-one enemy called Iran. Zionists are willing to spill every last drop of American blood, divert every American social expenditure to fund war crimes, and exhaust American treasure not already plundered by the GWOT, TARP, the Fed—all those classic symptoms of runaway RUM infection . . . building up to their ultimate usury coup de grâce, WWIII. ...

You get the idea. This is the kind of stuff that James Wall to which has inextricably linked himself, and with him the mainline denominational organizations and those they support that use him as a source for information and opinion.

Dexter Van Zile of the Committee for Accuracy in Middle East Reporting in America has more.

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