7 Things to Know About Castle’s Season 7 Premiere
When we last checked in on almost-weds Rick Castle and Kate Beckett, things had taken a turn for the worse.
On his way to the wedding of our dreams, Castle’s car was cruelly driven off the road where Kate discovered it moments later, engulfed in flames.
Is Rick dead? What about the wedding? And what’s all this about the show taking a new direction this season?
Having reviewed the premiere episode, courtesy of our friends at ABC, we can finally dish on some of those questions. Here, in no particular order are 5 things to know about Castle’sseason seven premiere episode “Driven.”
What Happens Next?
We’ve been specifically asked by ABC not to reveal what happened to Castle but trust us, you won’t want to be spoiled on that front. Beckett’s search for her husband to be forms the backbone of this mile a minute episode and sets up some really juicy plot lines for the rest of the season. What we can tell you is that she almost goes up in flames too while attempting to drag Rick from that burning wreckage. That wedding dress won’t be walking down any aisles any time soon. Also, Castle will be missing for two months before real answers are revealed.
Double Whammy
And if the thought of Castle’s mangled body in twisted burning metal hasn’t sufficiently freaked you all out, you’ll be treated to a double whammy of horrible car death terror before the opening credits roll. Well done Castle!
Friends and Family
Although Kate is driven (geddit?) to find Castle at any cost, Agent Connors of the FBI reluctantly suggests that friends or even family may be behind Rick’s kidnap plot. Although Kate is reluctant to believe or accept this possibility, what she uncovers will shake her to the core. And speaking of cores, our delicate Caskett core was kicked about and trampled on quite a bit this episode. Prepare to be confused, angry and demanding of answers, dammit!
A Difference of Opinion
The search for Rick not only rattles Kate, but Ryan and Esposito too. Our favorite cop buddies fall out during their two month investigation when they are challenged to accept a hard truth about Rick.
Outside the Bounds of the Law
Expect to see Kate leaning on a witness (read breaking some fingers) to get at the answers she desperately craves. Ouch!
Where’s Rick?
We’re not saying, but you will be all at sea over his sudden return.
Unlimited Resources
It looks like Rick’s disappearance was by the hand of a new villain with “unlimited resources” … and quite an imagination!
Castle’s season 7 premiere “Driven” airs Monday Sept. 29 (10:01-11:00 p.m., ET/PT) on ABC.
Castle’s Season 7 Premiere: 12 Teasers
ABC’s Castle won’t unveil its Season 7 premiere until Monday, Sept. 29, but TVLine just caught an early showing of the much-anticipated hour.
To help tide the rest of you over (and more importantly, add fuel to all those theory-building fires), I jotted down a few non-spoilery thoughts about the intense, even twistier-than-expected episode, which was penned by new showrunner David Amann. Take a look:
* The cold open, which picks up immediately where the finale left off, is gorgeouslydirected by Rob Bowman, as Kate processes the ghastly scene before her, fights tooth and nail to get a closer look and, at first, can only believe the very worst.
* All told, the first seven minutes (leading up to the first commercial break) are quitefrenetic. Real edge-of-your-seat, no-coming-up-for-air stuff.
* Bracken, 3XK and a third blast from the past all get name-checked as Kate takes stock of her and Rick’s assorted enemies.
* Rick is first seen about one-third of the way into the episode — and in a most unexpected context.
* Someone at one point is made to wonder about the missing groom, “Maybe there’s a secret side to the man nobody knows?”
* Someone at one point is made to wonder if Rick perhaps had last-minute “misgivings” about marrying Kate.
* Among the guest stars, Jon Lindstrom (General Hospital) plays an FBI agent who makes Kate at least consider a harsh reality, while Matt Letscher (Scandal) plays someone with information that throws the investigation into a peculiar new direction. (And before everyone asks, yes, Tory is in the episode.)
* Make no mistake, the best-selling novelist’s vanishing does make headlines. Lots of ‘em.
* As first reported by TVLine, there is a decent-sized time jump about midway through the premiere.
* Dueling theories about what transpired (and who may have had a hand in it) will put Esposito and Ryan at odds.
* Whomever is behind this mystery is deduced to have “unlimited resources” at his or her disposal.
* There’s a long-lost Derrick Storm novel…?
Want more scoop on Castle, or for any other show? Email insideline@tvline.comand your question may be answered via Matt’s Inside Line.
CASTLE Season 7 Premiere: ‘Driven’ You Ask, I Answer
CASTLE left fans in quite the position when the sixth season concluded — instead of Beckett and Castle getting their happily ever after, Castle’s car was run off the road, and he was presumed dead. (Though, the show is called CASTLE. So while he may be MIA, odds of him actually being dead were slim.)
And with the premiere less than two weeks away, ABC made “Driven” available to press. Unsurprisingly, when I asked for your questions, you guys came out in droves. Unfortunately, a lot of what you wanted to know was on the list of things I can’t talk about (or things I don’t think it’s right to flat-out spoil), so I can’t answer as many questions as you might like. But hopefully you’ll get some fun teases out of this…
Do we get to see Rick at some point in the premiere? - ?@AmandaEnnes via Twitter
Nathan Fillion is in the premiere.
When is the time jump? And what state of mind/psych is Castle when they found him? – @BecklebeeCastle
via Twitter
The time jump is about the midway mark. As for whether they find Castle in the premiere, I’m afraid you’re going to have to wait until it airs to find that out.
Is this one of those eps which you can’t properly judge because its the start of a mythology and we are supposed to be left hanging? – Rida via e-mail
I do feel this way to an extent. As new showrunner David Amann teased, episode 2 will hold some answers about what happened to Castle, so I’m really curious to see how the two episodes play out as an arc.
Any clues to the new mythology. It seems AWM and DA said only a little is given in first two eps – @elmerspears via Twitter
It’s true, so far, we’re barely scratching the surface. At this point, all I can really say is this guy may prove to be very useful in the future.
Does the conflict between Alexis and Kate get resolved or ignored? – Sarah via e-mail
I got a lot, lot, lot of questions about tension between Beckett and Alexis, and I’m a bit surprised because it’s not really an issue? There is a nanosecond where Alexis questions something Beckett says, but it’s almost instantaneously better. The focus for Castle’s family (and that includes Beckett) is just trying to figure out where he could be/what happened to him.
And because I know that’s not a whole lot, a couple of my own teases:
Lanie may be used to working on dead people, but she gets to work a different skill set in this episode.
Beckett’s grief and frustration over Castle being MIA get taken out on a suspect. And it’s kind of awesome. (Well, not for the suspect.)
Ryan and Esposito have very different opinions about what happened to Castle, and what Castle’s own responsibility in the matter might be.
The photos that have been released are all from before the opening credits roll.
Don Stark (AKA, THAT 70’S SHOW’s Bob Pinciotti) guest stars as an associate of Castle’s who may be tied to the attempted destruction of a key piece of evidence. Jon Lindstrom guest stars as Agent Connors, who is Beckett’s FBI liaison for Castle’s case. But, as you might expect, they don’t always see eye-to-eye.
Beckett, being smart, goes through a list of a familiar names/faces who would have motivation to hurt her or Castle. And her list does include a couple of the names that were brought up immediately post-finale.
Castle Season Premiere: Everything You Think You Know
Sometimes it’s great being a TV reviewer. Today is one of those days, as I just got done watching Castle Season 7 Episode 1.
Be forewarned that ABC has specifically asked that we not reveal whether or not Rick Castle is found, so if that’s what you’re looking to find I’m afraid you’ll have to tune in Monday, September 29.
(But the show is named Castle, so it’s fairly safe to say Rick doesn’t wind up a crispy corpse in his Mercedes.)
If you want to go completely spoiler free, I suggest you turn back now, but if you’d like some idea of what to expect from “Driven” read on…
It picks up right where it left off, then quickly jumps weeks ahead in the investigation.
Bad ass Kate Beckett gets physical with more than one suspect.
A familiar face ends up on the other side of Beckett’s interrogation table.
Several old cases are looked at and the FBI is brought in.
Key pieces of evidence make even those closest to him wonder how well they know Rick Castle
A dingy, a tent, a key, and the #38 all play a part in the hunt for Richard Castle.
You’ll be left with one important answer yet lots of unanswered questions.
Most importantly, use caution! There are so many twists and turns in this episode it may give you whiplash. You may be left questioning everything you think you know about Castle.
If the show is starting a new mythology this is obviously just the tip of the iceberg but I found the hour intriguing. Don’t expect a light and fluffy episode. This is one of the show’s more dramatic hours. It was intense. There were moments where I was angry, others where I was relieved and by the conclusion I just wanted to give Kate Beckett a hug. In the end it left me on the edge of my seat waiting for Castle Season 7 Episode 2.
1. Kate Beckett (Stana Katic) can have both total faith and lose total faith in Richard Castle (Nathan Fillion) at the same time.
2. Kate Beckett trades her mother’s old murder board for a missing persons board.
3. Sometimes the evidence can be too overwhelming to deny.
4. That feeling of family Kate Beckett had with Martha and Alexis at the end of Season 6 becomes strained in the Season 7 premiere – there is unconditional love and then there is a feeling of abandonment.
5. Javier Esposito’s (Jon Huertas) looking at the dark side of things, and his continued Castle bashing is getting old.
6. Two months is a long time…
7. The first 30 minutes of the Season 7 premiere is kind of tedious and you want to speed it up.
8. Kate Beckett still has her apartment.
9. Lanie Parish (Tamala Jones) can get evidence from a live body just like a dead one.
10. Sometimes you just can’t pick up where you left off.
Extra Credit: Who wanted to see a scruffy Castle?
Castle Preview: Four Things You Need To Know About The Season 7 Premiere
And here we go again. Season 7 of Castle. Who would have thought we would get this far, right?
It is no secret to anyone that I wasn’t happy about the final scene of the season 6 finale back in May. I just simply could not understand why they would ruin the protagonists’ wedding after promoting the event all season long. After a stunning conclusion to the Johanna Beckett saga, it just felt like a cheap ending to a not so great season.
I didn’t understand it then and… well… I still don’t understand it now.
Now, before you throw any rocks, let me just clear something up. I understand why the accident happened. Sort of. The sole intention – or so it appears – was to set up a whole new mythology for the show with one huge mystery looming over us. If you think about it, it makes sense, now that the Johanna Beckett mystery has been resolved. So I can say this much, out with the Kate Beckett mythology and in with a Castle flavored one. Finally, after six seasons, the show will have a brand new story arc with a mystery featuring our favorite writer.
As usual, you guys know I can’t exactly discuss any key points of the episode. And you know what, the less spoilers you know about the premiere, the better. I didn’t know anything going in and it made for a much better experience. That said, I know you all are dying to hear anything about the new season, so here are four things I can mention:
1. You will be confused (or surprised) for most of the episode.
Seriously, I spent half the episode thinking “what the hell is going on”. Now calm down; that is not necessarily a bad thing, but some answers would have been nice. In a way, I kind of felt like I was watching the first season of LOST, when you watched an episode and you had no idea what was happening, you know? There were just a whole lot of questions and pretty much zero answers. Let’s just hope we get those as the season goes on.
2. You do not mess with Kate Beckett.
From the start, we already know that Castle is not in the car, so the entire episode focuses on the fact that he is missing and Kate is relentless. She does not give up. Not even when everything points to a not so favorable scenario, she still holds on to that tiny thread of hope that the evidence is wrong and everything is going to be okay. There is one scene – you have probably seen it already in the sneak peek released earlier this week – that she literally tackles this suspect and the guys have to drag her off of him by force.
3. New mythology, new mystery.
Get ready for a whole new mystery this season. We have had six full seasons dealing with the Johanna Beckett murder arc and, now that this particular one is done and Senator Bracken is behind bars, they are going to focus on a whole new mythology surrounding Castle and just what the hell happened after his car went up in flames. That said, the premiere raises a ton of questions and you don’t get a lot of answers, so don’t get your hopes up for any resolution on this.
4. Castle is missing for a lot longer than I thought he would be.
And that’s all I can say about that.
I wish I could say more, but everything else is related to something we can’t talk about yet. I can’t wait for you all to see it too, so maybe then you can shed some light in what just happened in this episode. I have to say, though, they managed to grab my attention.
Consider me intrigued, TPTB.