
I need to analyse a binary data file containing raw data from a scientific instrument. A quick look in a hex viewer indicates that's probably no encryption or anything fancy: integers will probably be written as integers (but I don't know what byte order), and who knows about floating point.

I have access to a (closed source) program that can view the contents of the file. So I can see that a certain value is 74078. Actually searching for that value I'm not sure about - do I search for 00 01 21 5E, some other byte order, etc? (Hex Fiend doesn't support searching for decimal values) And how would I find a floating point number?

The software that produces these files runs on XP. I'd prefer tools that run on OSX if possible.

(Hmm, I wrote up this question, forgot to post it, then solved the problem. I guess I will write my own answer.)

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