
I haven't had much luck sorting this out the Laravel way. So I pose two questions.

Given that I have a Car and that Car can have many Features, but that Features are also separated by Feature Type, how can I return all Features, separated the Feature Type, for said Car?

I have four tables, with listings_features being the pivot table:

listings (id)

listings_features (listing_id, feature_id)

listings_features_types (id, type)

listings_features_values (id, listing_feature_type_id, value)

I have the following code, which produces what I need, but when I use it, I get a Laravel error ... "Call to a member function addEagerConstraints() on string" ... because I invoke it as such:

The code I am using to produce the data in the format I desire (not steadfast on) is

Which returns:

Here are the models (very basic, just starting out):

How can I create the Laravel model relationships to achieve the same result set but calling it as mentioned above? Alternatively, how can I call it as above but stop the error from occurring?

If you made it this far, thanks!


I wasn't able to get it working as is, I got a SQL error which makes me feel like I need a belongsToManyThrough so I can specify the table names:

But using the exact code posted as the answer below from @Carter Fort and changing the features() method to

Also adding to the model ListingFeatureValue

I get the output of:

That is better than I was at, but it would be nice if the results were grouped by type then features within then instead of it being each feature with a type attached. Makes it harder to parse for display. Thanks for the help thus far!

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