
I am trying to decrypt and update password into a mysql database table. while doing it is giving me a weird error.

PHP Warning: PDO::exec(): SSL operation failed with code 1. OpenSSL
Error messages: error:0906D06C:PEM routines:PEM_read_bio:no start line
on line 306 PHP Warning: PDO::exec(): MySQL server has gone away in
on line 306 PHP Warning: PDO::exec(): Error reading result set's
header in
on line 306

passwords are encrypted using private key.

openssl_private_encrypt function is used for encryption.

decryption is done using openssl_public_decrypt

encryption along with insertion into databse works fine

decryption along with update does not work. PDO::exec fails for some

Platform i am using is Ubuntu, PHP 5.6.24-1+deb.sury.org~xenial+1

Encrypt-Insert, Decrypt-Update is the order of operations.

Mysql connection is open before encryption and decryption is performed

code for encryption decryption:

Any insight on this problem would be much appreciated.

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