
I have started an OrientDB Enterprise 2.7 with two nodes. Here is how my setup look.

Now I have two Vertex classes User and Notes. With an edge type Posted. All Vertex and Edges have properties. There are also unique index on both the Vertex class.

I started pushing data using Java API :

Similarly for the Notes and edges.
I populate around 200k user and 3.5M Notes. Now I notice that all the data is going only to one node.

On running "clusters" command I see that all the clusters are created on the same node, and hence all data is present only on one node.

I see the CPU of one node is like 99% and other is <1%.

How can I make sure that data is uniformly distributed across all nodes in the cluster?

Database is propagated to both the nodes. I can login to both the node studio and see the listed database. Also querying any node gives same results, so nodes are in sync.

Server Log from one of the node, and it is almost same on the other node.

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