
HI! I'm trying to create the web service in the cakePhp. I'm new to cakePhp and only recently start working on it. I found a useful tutorial at http://www.littlehart.net/atthekeyboard/2007/03/13/how-easy-are-web-services-in-cakephp-12-really-easy/
I created both the controller and index.ctp files as described in the tutorial. But when I typed the url (http://localhost:81/cakephp/foo) of the controller to run the file, I got the following error:

CakePHP: the rapid development php framework

Missing Controller

Error: FooController could not be found.

Error: Create the class FooController below in file: app\controllers\foo_controller.php

Strange thing is that (everyone can see) that controller text is loaded in the error page, but error shows that controller file is not found.
I also tried to follow the tutorial on book.cakephp.org/view/477/The-Simple-Setup.
But same error also occured here. Anyone can help? By the way I also changed the text of routes.php to work it with web webservices.

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