If the user enters a path like so - //components/rel/core/src/myfile.txt
The output would be the hierarchy of owners for this file. For example, some person could own //components/ and therefore own everything past the /components/.
Say Jenny owns components. Then she would also own everything underneath rel, core, and source. If another person, say Daniel, owns /rel/, then he would own everything underneath rel. Finally, some other person, Sergii, owns /src/ so he would be the direct owner of myfile.txt
So, if I entered the above path, the output would print out a list of owners, with the first owner printed being the closest or direct owner.
So far I have used Python's ElementTree XML API to input a single path and assign owners to it by asking the user to input the owner of the folder. This is then loaded to an XML file that hold's my tree structure. If I need to add another path to the tree, it would update the XML file with the new elements.
These are some features I want:
Bulk Entry
I would like to be able to copy and paste many paths at once and put them in a tree structure. So far I am only able to do one path at a time by splitting up the path and putting the elements of a path into a list and then converting the list into tree.
Users can ask, "What do I directly own?", "What do I own?" and can add, update, and remove ownership.
This is going to be used to easily find who owns files on a program called Perforce. I'm a newbie to the programming world, can you offer any ideas? Would I need to use SQL or Django? The idea was to put the xml file of my tree into an SQL database, but i'm not completely sure how or if this is even the best way to approach my problem.