
I have been running an Apache Jean Fuseki with a closed port for a while. At present my other apps can access this via localhost.

Following their instructions I start this service as follows:

This create and updatable in memory database.

The only way I currently know how to add data to this database is using the built-in http request tools:

This works great except now I want to expose this port so that other people can query the dataset. However, I don't want to allow people to update or change the database, I just want them to be able to use and query the information I originally loaded into the data base.

According to the documentation (http://jena.apache.org/documentation/serving_data/), I can make the database read-only by starting it without the update option.

Data can be updated without access control if the server is started
with the --update argument. If started without that argument, data is

But when I start the database this way, I am no longer able to populate with the initial dataset.

So, MY QUESTION: How I start an in-memory Fuseki database which I can populate with my original dataset but then disallow further http updates.

(My guess is that I need another method to populate the Fueseki database that is not using the http protocol. But I'm not sure)

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