
I am new to this very useful website. I am here to seek your help in Bulk business data import to my Joomla website. I am not a programmer/ web designer myself.So i have only very little knowledge about joomla.
We are using joomgalaxy extension in the business directory part of the website. The developers have added some new fields in the business listings.As per the developers, i need to pay an awful lot of money to have an easy bulk business directory data import toour joomla website. Unfortunately I am not able to fund this much amount of money. As per developers, i need to do bulk upload in two sections and after the first part i have to get the entry id manually and insert it in the CSV file of the second part.It seems really difficult. I would like to know whether it is possible to bulk upload in an easy way rather than spending lots of money.
Unfortunately i cannot upload any images . So if you can go to this link, then you will get some idea.https://www.dropbox.com/sh/hhrx8j34ilee4k1/AABhizYD0xtAydWqjBXyXgGGa?dl=0
It would be very helpful if anyone can help me by giving an answer.
Thanking you

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