
I can't get Flowplayer to automatically play video in a WebView on Android. The video plays fine if the in-HTML play button is pressed, but it won't start by itself. This seems to be Chrome-related since autoplay doesn't work in the Android Chrome browser either. It does work in the stock Android browser and in Chrome for the (Linux) desktop.

I've seen this page that suggests adding a WEBM file to get MP4 content to work, but it didn't help. I've also seen this page that mentions using the new setting setMediaPlaybackRequiresUserGesture(), but that didn't help either.

Here is my test code that distills the app down to its essentials.

Here is the source of my web page. The Flowplayer and jQuery calls are to standard installs. The Flowplayer library is the latest free version; the jQuery library is the latest production version.

I know links can go stale, but here's a copy of that web page with working Flowplayer and jQuery installs.

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