
By using Zxing.Net, I can decode original image of the QR code encoded by ZXing.Net.

But when I obtain the image from Emgu.CV capture, it cannot be decoded by ZXing.Net even I

try to crop, resize and add canvas size.

But, the magic is the Android QR code scanner CAN scan those QR code even directly from camera capture. I tried to analyzed the Android source code but I found nothing special.
I wonder if the Android version one is using camera auto-focus function?

Below is my code:

My code can decode this

Camera capture like this

After crop,resize and add canvas, it becomes like this (testfunny678.bmp)

I added canvas at the first QR code picture because I found of the QR code surrounded by black colour, it cannot be decoded even by Android QR code decoder.

Old version of my code using HybridBinarizer cannot decode the first QR code.

My ultimate target is decode the QR code directly from camera (2nd QR code), but if I can decode the third QR code, I also feel happy. My friend tell me to sharpen the third image so that ZXing decoder and decode the third QR code.

By the way, I can detect the QR code existence (Found at points (23.5, 76.5), (23.5, 23.5), (75, 24.5))
of THIRD QR code via this two function

But even I tried to use the DetectorResult.Points from Detect() function by changing Detect() function to return the DetectorResult for Decoder, it is still fail at the decoder part by having null decoderResult.

Any suggestion or correction to successfully decode the 2nd QR code and 3rd QR code with ZXing.NET QR code decoder is welcome, thank you.

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