
I am a newbie in iOS development. I want to create 2 screens - (1) Login & on successful login (2) a Tab based view.

I started up with creating Login text boxes & button for Login in Storyboard. Now, how do I create other Tab view & show that new tab view on login btw click.

What would be the best approach for creating this type of screens ? In tutorials, I can find of creating Tabbed View as main or dynamic. Couldn't find the way I am looking for. FYI, I would like my app to be compatible with iOS 4 and above. I wish to plan and use resources accordingly. Sharing this, as in case it affects the approach to be selected.


As shown/suggested in answer, I created a new project as TabbedView and added LoginViewController to the storyboard. In my LoginViewController under "Identity Inspector" - Identity - StoryboardID - gave name "loginViewController". Created Custom class for TabControl - MC_MainTabBarController.
My storyboard file name is Main_iPhone.storyboard.
In my AppDelagate file in didFinishLaunchingWithOptions method before return I added :

This should bring first Login screen and then the tabs, but it brings straight away tabs & no login screen. I feel I might be going wrong at 2 places - "Main_iPhone" OR I may have to set loginViewController as storyboard id somewhere else also. Where can't get it ?

Even after calling tabCtrler presentViewContorller ... also, still Login screen isn't showing up. Yet straight tabs are only visible.

Can please help to bring the login screen prior to tabs.


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