
Early apologies if this is an incorrect forum but it's what i found about app development. If so can someone link me to something relevant?

I am going to preface this post by saying I have been using OOP languages for a long time now yet all localized self contained programs usually in python. I've gotten fairly used to some of the android API and parsing XML data to java and the reverse however I'm completely ignorant when it comes to php parsing.
I'm working on an android project for a client. I want to do an commerce application. Starting off I have already established XML UI's for a logging in, new user, main menu, and product search page. My main concern at this point is getting the remote data. Please correct me if I'm wrong but this was my plan for data handling.

Three different PHP scripts on a remote go-daddy server to access a database that holds a user data table as well as a product data table structure is as you'd expect user:{first_name, last_name, password, ect....} product:{SKU, UPC, Name, ect...}.
One of these PHP scripts pulls data from the products table for the products activity. One compares log-in credentials for the log-in activity so people can find purchase history ect... and one inserts rows to the user table for the new user activity.

Again if this isn't optimal some advice would be helpful. If this setup works however I already have a written PHP script(again held on the remote server) that parses the data into JSON format. My next step would be to write the java for the products activity to run the script and parse the JSON back into a usable format. Is there a specific java library to do this? Any UML depictions or tutorial links would be appreciated,

Secondly a big concern would be the new user script specifically how do i pass data from the java activity into the php "Insert script" i've read some on GET and it seems to be applicable to html but not java also this would be stupid for password security. again any help on any of these matters would be appreciated.

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