
I'm getting site <Reference pomDeps not found> in my ant panel and cannot launch my demosite for broadleaf commerce.

and I get the following error when I run jetty-demo

I can't seem to find the resolution. I've uninstalled, reinstalled with no luck. I ran mvn -u and it builds properly. It just won't build in eclipse.

Here more information about this issue, I am stuck in the same point

I am using windows 7, eclipse Kepler Service Release 1 for Web Developers, maven 3.0.5 and ant 1.8.4 (emmbebed) and I have problems when I want to run a build.xml file with ant that starts or invoke a pom.xml file.

This is the build.xml file, the target I am trying to run is jetty-demo and this file use a file pom.xml in line 97:



output : after run jetty-demo target in build.xml

build.properties :

I have made some reserach in this links but each one has at least a diagnosis of the causes ( wrong dependencies for example). In my case I don't have this diagnosis and when I run pom.xml file with maven install it runs without problems:



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