
I need to match only questions which can be answered Yes or No (Non Strict).

For now my regex should match the question words ["are", "aren't", "wanna", "do"] but should ignore if the sentence contains a non Yes or No question words as ["where", "how", "when", "or"].

I think it's possible to match it with a single regex for a single sentence, If not which manipulations do you think i need to do before using Regular Expressions ?

Here is my currently Regex:

Wanna go out ?

Dan, Wanna go out ?

Are you ok?

You ok aren't you ?

Are you good or bad ?

are you ?

Where are you ?

How are you?

The ones in Bold are the ones that it matches and are good.

The ones in Italic are the ones that i need the regex to match but it doesn't.

The normal are the ones that I don't want to match.

Live link to the regex: Rubular Regex

So as far as i can tell I'm missing sentences that contains other words such as names or other prefixes. I need to include prefixes but only if they aren't one of these ["where", "how", "when"]

Any suggestions ?

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