I need to redirect multiple URLs with% character, through htaccess.
Currently the lines are:
Any ideas on what I'm doing wrong? My knowledge is basic almost, not quite understand why the redirects with % in the URL do not work.
I researched on the use of flags as noescape [NE], but I have not managed to get the redirects from the URLs with the character %.
("url redirection" in te lines of htaccess is the URL that being new to the forum I can not post).
Thank you.
Sep 23: I thank those who have helped me with this problem. However, the URLs with special characters (% and ?) and capital letters do not forward.
I copy and paste the complete code for my htaccess file:
Here: http://pastebin.com/yXGQiQzd
I saw in this post How to Redirect to a url containing an anchor (#)? that apparently the answer is posted. However, the matter is in the use of ([]) for the rule. The example is: ([a-zA-Z0-9-_]+)
In my case, for example, these URLs:
images/SchoolContry/wef/pdf/SomethingOfFiles/the reasons behind?s of the ca?da.pdf
images/stories/Money/memo Matric?cula 2010.doc
Any idea why URLs with special characters (% and ?), space and capital letters redirect not?