
See this JSFiddle

Here blue-bar appears if we mouseenter on any Span (Span1 or Span2 or Span3) and disappear after mouseleave. And when clicked on any Span (Span1 or Span2 or Span3), blue bar will stick to tha respective Span. What I want is after one Span is clicked, and we hover on another Span the blue bar must disappear on clicked Span and appear on hover Span.

For reference:

here in links ( home, chi siamo, serizi , portfolio, contatti)
If 'chi siamo' link is pressed, a blue bar appears on top and when hover on another links blue bar disappears on 'chi siamo' and appears on which link is hovered. If nothing other link is clicked, blue bar reappear on 'chi siamo'. I want this without the blue horizontal scroll bar thing.




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