
I have a problem with a dropdown menu. I just can't make a secondary sub-menu in a way that he opens on the right side. He just opens under the submenu (id doesn't matter if the sub menu is the last one in the list or the first, he will open under it and mess all the other submenus). here's a pic where the submenu with the child category is the last one, this is the best position I found:

I want to make secondary sub menus in a way they open in the right side, like they should! But in the way it is now I can just use the secondary sub menu on the last sub-menu, so it doesn't mess the others up. I'm lost here. I tried to find a way but looks like the submenu and the secondary are linked, and when I tried to put it (the secondary) on the right, all the submenu started opening on the right side too. Maybe this is really easy, but I have no idea what to do, I'm not used to do this kind of thing, I just know the basics, and I don't know someone who knows more, so here's the blog url http://asianwavebrasil.blogspot.com.br

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