I am running a select query on mysql table and trying to order it by the "name" column in the table.
The name column contains both English character names and names with Latin character like â.
I am running into the below problem.
The query I run returns the results ordered in the below manner i.e.
Eg: if Name contains "archer", "aaakash", "â hayden", "bourne", "jason"
The results returned by the query is ordered as below
"aaakash", "archer", "â hayden", "bourne", "jason"
However I want to order it based on unicode code points (like below)
"aaakash", "archer", "bourne", "jason", "â hayden"
(See the difference in the position of â hayden in the orders)
What can I do to order the results based on the character's position in unicode character set?