USS Theurgy | Theurgy-class Starship
Theurgy-class Dorsal Schematics
Theurgy-class Aft Schematics
Theurgy-class Forward Schematics
Theurgy-class Ventral Schematcis
Theurgy-class Starboard Schematics
Theurgy-class Starboard MVAM overview
Theurgy-class MVAM Schematics
Release the Lone-Wolves!
Tactical Advance
U.S.S. Theurgy NX-79854 | Theurgy-class Starship
With these illustrations, the Theurgy-class is officially unveiled, and with it, the first of many images to come were this ship will be featured.
While she was inspired by the Odyssey and Bellerophone-classes in Star Trek Online, and retaining the MVAM capacity of the Prometheus-class, the 3D model was a commissioning by Omar Tavera (Omardex) on DeviantArt ( & The model and its concept is owned by me, but this project could not have turned out the way it did without Omardex. The model was made in Cinema 4D and rendered in Thea Render, which is quite ironic given that the A.I. of the ship is named Thea.
This role-play group and the promotional trailer functions solely as a non-profit entertainment for writers where no economical gain is perceived by any of its members as a result of the available media. Star Trek, Star Trek: The Original Series, Star Trek: The Next Generation, Star Trek: Deep Space Nine, Star Trek: Voyager, Star Trek: Enterprise, the Star Trek movies, etc. are © Copyright Paramount Pictures and CBS Studios.
Star Trek: Theurgy is a well-established Play-by-Post Simple Machines Message Board RP, and also a part of the House of Eros online community. This Star Trek Group RP has 17 active players and it is but one of hundreds of role-playing opportunities presented at the House of Eros ( So, in order to join the Star Trek: Theurgy group, you will have to join the House of Eros community.
The House of Eros is an adult community, and while the Star Trek: Theurgy RP is extremely storydriven, it should be mentioned that it is still rated 18+ and has sexual content. The House of Eros site as been submitted as ‘Explicity for Adults’ to various rating groups, in the interests of protecting minors from its various sexual and mature content. The site is intended for online roleplay and erotic web fiction. You must be 18 or older to be a member. If we find anyone who is younger than that, it will result in an immediate ban. Please see site rules for further information:
Deviant Art gallery:
Link to joining information (after joining HoE):
Link to the Star Trek: Theurgy MB: