

This tournament features a cost system in which a team is given 100 points to spend on creating their team from a list of weapon costs. Players are required to select their desired weapon at time of registration and must use this single weapon throughout the entire tournament.

Prize Pool
1st Place -
2nd Place - Immunity from @everyone

Costs List and Rules

This tournament has a unique ruleset in terms of weapon selection.

Each team is given 100 points to spend from the costs list below. Upon registration, each team must elect which weapons each of their players will be using, with a total cost of less than or equal to 100 points. These weapons may not change at any time during the tournament; teams caught using different weapons than those selected during registration will receive a warning and will forfeit the game (not round) that this occurred in. If this happens 3 times, the team will be disqualified. The way these rules interact with disconnections is detailed below in the Sub Rules and Disconnection sections.

Cost list and FAQs will be up later today.

If you need anything on your roster changed, please PM Scarth or fat via Discord and we will rectify this when possible.


26 March, 1pm EST start. Check in will open 2 hours before the start of the tournament. http://www.timeanddate.com/time/zones/est


Double elimination seems to be the player favorite, so we'll stick with that.

The bracket can be viewed here: http://challonge.com/sfxmrcr

Map Selection

Coming soon.

The following system will be used.

First 3 maps are randomly generated with TO tweaking but follow the pattern of SZ-TC-RM

If the set is not decided after the third game, the losing team gets to choose the gamemode and map for the fourth round

If the set is still not decided, the team that previously didn't get to choose gets to do so now

If one team isn't universally better than the other team, the set will not end before the 4th game

This means every team will get to play the preferred mode twice every set

For the Grand Finals and Bracket Reset, it will work in the same way. After the first 3 games, the losing team will select a map/mode combination, then the losing team after each game will take turns selecting a map/mode combination

For the Grand Finals and Bracket Reset, the same map/mode combination may not be played twice, regardless if it is selected by player or decided by TO.

Sub Rules

Teams are not permitted to sub players between games or rounds. However, if a player disconnects, and continuing to play is unfeasible due to power outage, internet issues etc, a team will be permitted to make one sub per round. If such issues persist for the disconnected player, the sub player will be allowed to play on between the rounds. The sub player must use the weapon of the player he is replacing.


Communication will be done via Discord before the tournament and on the day.


If a player disconnects, each team is allowed one remake per round. Evidence must be provided.

In the event of a remake, teams are expected to have the same choice of weapons.


The 'lower' team on the Challonge bracket may choose who hosts.


Registration will be handled through the following Google form: http://goo.gl/forms/My68xMDdMy

You can view the currently registered teams here: https://goo.gl/DDQaOq

Registration closes 10 minutes before the start time. If you need something on your roster changed, please PM me here, on Discord, or post here with what team you represent and what changes you would like made.

Huge thank you to Mr. Rare (@rare_scarlet) for development of this format. Mr. Rare has successfully run two editions of this tournament for Japanese players. I have acquired his permission to run this tournament for a western audience, so hopefully it proves to be fun. I would also like to thank his English speaking friends for assisting with translation and communication between us.

Special thanks to TSB and JFG (Peace be upon them), fat, Weeablues and Katsuie for support and format work.

Please note due to the slightly more complex nature of this ruleset that rules may change. Please check back before the tournament start to ensure you are familiar with everything.

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