








man i just want check please! to be adapted into a netflix original and i want it done RIGHT

i have so many ideas for this ho shit:

MOVE-IN DAY//SERIES PREMIERE: all these wide shots of bitty absorbing the pretty ivy league campus and the pretty boys on this campus. a guy hands him his ID and says “the picture you picked doesn’t do you justice” and bitty gets so so blushy and then bitty’s mom pulls him away, cause they gotta go check out the gift shop!!! (boys will flirt with bitty So Much)

juxtaposition of the pretty ivy league campus with the gross frat haus

over the course of the season haus gets more homey??? it’s like a subtle change…like the lighting around it gets warmer and it looks generally cleaner

bitty’s roommate is a character. he’s a cs major and when bitty comes back from that first team meeting to this guy, he ends up being just. not a huge conversationalist. and bitty’s like “….ok!”

later when jack zimmermann starts banging on the door for bitty to come to checking practice the roommate has like. the best afterthought line. i haven’t figured out what it is yet.

since everyone who read the comic already knows how graduation in year 2 ends id draw out the moment between bitty leaving and bad bob’s monologue so that you see the alumni event and then bitty packing in this transcendent montage and you’re like “wait WHAT!!??? WHY ISN’T JACK RUNNING ARE THEY CHANGING TH–” for a little bit

also. ALSO. auditory parallel with jack hearing bitty sing “halo” through the walls of the haus and when jack opens the door, the song is less muffled

actually seeing the sunlight through the window as they kiss

SEASON 2 PREMIERE - COLD OPEN could be bitty looking at his cellphone as a callback to last season or like his cellphone buzzing with a text from jack on the counter - so we as an audience immediately know that jack and bitty have been keeping up with each other - as he’s getting ready and then jack and bitty see each other for the first time. suzanne’s like “oh i’ll pull out my camera” but they don’t take their eyes off of each other. and then we flash to ransom at samwell asking bitty “so what did you do over the summer?” and then we cut to the theme song cause we all know what who he did

and then the whole episode’s madison and then we cut back to samwell, bitty staring off dreamily, “oh, same old stuff.”

i. want. an entire episode called “34 Days” but we need to find kids who look like the 17-year-old versions of the actors who play jack and parse and maaannnnnnnn that’s gonna be tough

so some twitter events become episodes (spring c + bitty’s birthday so like ONE HALF of “kiss the ice” basically) but then some comics get consolidated into one episode (i.e. “the closet story”, “parse”, other half of “kiss the ice”, “graduation” and “goodbye for the summer”)

at the end of the episode before parse johnson says something like “you know shit’s about to get crazy when it starts in media res”

i got tired of typing but i have More Ideas

*bangs fist on table*

YES YES I WANNA SEE THE BEER PONG TOO and yes, the johnson line i wrote in the last bullet point was considered with post-credit scenes in mind anD ALSO

hockey shit with r & h is a little short that starts off some episodes and ransom and holster are basically filming it with this low-grade shaky camera and in the butts one they’re whispering behind the camera and just PANNING CLOSER AND CLOSER TO JACK’S BUTT, like zooming in and out to get the right focus but also to get as much butt-detail as possible, and then they pan to the mirror and YOU CAN SEE THE EXACT SECOND WHEN JACK NOTICES AND THEN IT JUST CUTS OFF THE LITERAL SECOND WHEN RANSOM SAYS “i think he saw us”

the pop-up effect happens with texts in house of cards too and one of the ideas i had for the madison ep was just a cold open of jack and bitty texting each other over the summer!

in addition to seeing clips of actual vlogs you actually see bitty make the vlogs so in “parse” you actually see bitty walk in his room, set up the camera and press record, and my idea for Women, Food, and American Culture was to have bitty’s voiceover the second after he Realizes and the real-time dialog between jack and bitty is something like

bitty: i uh…i have to go do [lame excuse]

jack: oh–

[bitty runs upstairs into his room and collapses on his bed]

and then bitty’s voiceover is “never fall in love with a straight boy” wHAM end of episode


The opening sequence is like, I’m imagining something like the Baccano! opening credits, short and sweet with like 70s style freeze-shots of the main characters staring at the camera with their name/number superimposed on the screen, set to bouncy cheesy pop music (Bitty’s pregame playlist??) and TONS of visual parallels between hockey / baking / college like

Countdown timer in the rink transitioning to an oven timer

Team assembling, someone tosses a stick, mid-throw transitions into Bitty catching a rolling pin or vice versa

someone pouring their drink into those awful red plastic cups, person lifts cup to drink then transitions to like, idk, one of the teammates chugging water/gatorade at practice

Like panning down a row of sriracha. Just an entire row of sriracha

While these words are superimposed: “BASED ON THE COMIC BY NGOZI UKAZU”

Just zooming in and out all around the Haus, with the credits scrawled on the wall in the basement next to the bylaws as well as in various places

While I think this’ll look AMAZING in Live-action as a homage to the comic itself it’d be cool to have little animated bits, maybe for the closing/opening credits

Anyway thats all I have they’re corny but (oh golly I’d love to storyboard that sometime if i had the chance sighhh)

More things I’d like:

The meet the team scene should probably be drawn out longer so that we the audience can get a better feel for all the guys’ personalities–like it’ll cut forward to Bitty sitting in his room in the dark going “Well. I met the boys.” and then flashback again to the entire thing with them just dEVOURING that pie while Bitty looks on with hesitancy and disgust

Just long shots that contrast Bitty’s height in the beginning to emphasize that whole “fish out of water” uncomfortableness thing–as the series goes on and Bitty becomes more and more integral to the team it’s less emphasized

When Jack is introduced–pretty much exactly the same as in the comics–first we see him pass in front of the camera, then cut to just him setting his tray on the table, then slowly tilt pan all the way up to his beautiful face with his very unamused expression before delivering his  iconic “Bittle. You need to eat more protein.”

Cameos from actual hockey players might be too much to ask for but it’ll be hilarious

On a more serious note:

Since Jack is going to spend a whole lot of Year 1 being a petty dingus to Bitty there’s going to be a point halfway through (or earlier) that will probably be the “Make Jack A Sympathetic Character” episode which will probably be a combination of the comic episodes “Bad Bob” and “The Hockey Prince” but to make the transition much less abrupt there will need to be more foreshadowing of course

Earlier during practice Jack gets frustrated about sOMETHING, probably the fact that Bitty/the rest of the team isn’t doing ENOUGH to his standards and is being especially irritated about it that Coach Murray or the others maybe takes him aside for a moment and says a line thats like “Son, I know this is really important to you but u need to be mature about this,” cue Jack respectfully acknowledging it and trying to do better but still continuing to be pissy

THE HOCKEY PRINCE SEQUENCE OKay okay I have a lot of feels on how it should go, obviously I think the narration should stay mostly the same but I feel like in a video format it can both reveal (and conceal) sO MUCH MORE

It’s a very strange sequence in how it’s placed in the narrative, we’re not sure WHO is telling the story so I think it’ll work best as an opening to a new episode perhaps.

Like it’ll be like that stylized animated format that emulates the golden book style Ngozi uses for that episode, show stylized little Jack running around with his famous Hockey King dad in a golden shiny kingdom of trophies and paparazzi, then transition to like the dark bedroom where the shadows of his anxieties creep up on him

when it gets to the “And he slew trolls!!” Jack w/ the Memorial cup + PARSE CAMEO! To the side of the composition so he’s not emphasized but he’s THERE

Show Jack in the hospital, and here I have some ideas to show the whole unreliable narrator in Jack’s mind–show Jack sitting on his bed during the “So he was banished. The Kingdom would not have him…” scene. Show Bad Bob slowly coming inside, as if trying to talk to Jack, but Jack turns away and Bob sadly leaves the room, while the narration goes “He was a disappointment to the King”–idk how it would work but it would be interesting to show that slight inconsistency between the narration and the actual events (i.e., Bob trying to reach out and comfort his son, Jack not being able to accept it)

Extra thoughts (this is too long but whatever)

Shows and movies that take place at a college often get filmed at UCLA because it’s pretty accessible and is very generic-college looking, which also happens to be my school so for like the typical background campus scenes it will most likely be at UCLA, dressed up to LOOK like New England (snowy shots will be somewhere else ofc)

ANYWAY I can’t wait until this can be a REAL THING, obviously i feel like the comic would have to finish first so anyone who wants to develop this can actually have complete material to work with so they can do it RIGHT…sighh

So if I were to do a short film of this, people would enjoy it, yes?

- Petition to have all the main players and characters introduced like they are in hockey games, except their player headshots and stats are all dumb things like Lardo’s is “reigning beer pong champ” and Kent’s as “human disaster”

- Hazeapalooza has a ton of jump cuts so we don’t actually know what happened, but we get weird callbacks throughout the show

- Johnson is our narrator we never see, like the narrator in Jane the Virgin, but he gets referenced all the time, just like in the comics. We could even see bits of his room or stuff he’s left around the Haus and the boys are always wondering where he is and we get voiceovers saying dumb Johnson-y things responding directly to them. Johnson could also stop footage to clarify if necessary, like in The Emperor’s New Groove

- I just really want a scene of Dex and Nursey bickering and getting closer and closer with Chowder in the middle trying and failing to keep them apart and being his precious sunshiney self like “guys, I think Bitty’s making pie we should probably go…” and one or both of them definitely ends up in the lake at some point.

- Sometimes we get to watch Bitty recording like we do in the comics, but I need 1000% more of him getting interrupted by shenanigans going on in the Haus (especially Rans and Holster).

- There’s a website/youtube channel where you can watch extra content like vlogs with Bitty’s recipes, more R & H content, Chowder talking about his favorite players on the Sharks, etc. Bitty’s twitter account stays live, while Johnson’s is used for updates on the actual show, not their universe.

- Jack and Parse’s argument in Parse pt. III should be filmed through the keyhole or something like in some of the wider shots in The Office. We don’t actually see much of it in the episode, but that footage will be important later.

- R & H also film other dumb stuff like pranks or Bitty singing to himself and those go up as part of the blooper reel and DVD extras at the end of each season.

hope @youputitthere and @real-smug-caryatid won’t mind if i added to this post! i spent some time making a tiny little clip based off “Countdown timer in the rink transitioning to an oven timer”. Problem is I couldn’t find a countdown timer if I wanted to finish it by tonight and so I used an uber generic timer (let’s call it an ancient prototype video haha)! anyways, hope this is okay u w u

and i’ve included credits in the video!

*breathes heavily and flails wildly*



*falls down, gasping for air*


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