
Four years ago I talked Stevie into moving in with me.  We had already been living together in Venice, but I had something different in mind.  By “in”, I meant into my van, which, in a lonely way, I had already been living in for years. The plan was to enjoy a short road trip to Ushuia, then return to California, work, and make a baby.

Never did we consider the possibility that four years later we’d still be living out of the van with a little baby in South America. But here we are, celebrating 4 years of Sprinter Life! It was really the beginning of a new life for both of us, and it’s been one hell of a ride.

Yeah, I know, it’s only 4 years. It’s not like a 10 year, or 25 year anniversary. But I’m really proud of where we are and couldn’t imagine being happier than I am right now. I’ll never forget the moment I saw this painting on the wall of my friend’s sailboat.

I looked at it and I knew… this is it! What we are doing RIGHT NOW is IT!

I’m living my dream, on the road with the two loves of my life, seeing new countries and making new friends, all while kayaking, rock climbing and surfing my way around the world!

My two loves

Paddling in Arequipa, Peru

Climbing with the bros in Mendoza, Argentina

Surfing Pavones, one of the best lefts in the world!

Anyway, if you’re interested in what led up to our decision to hit the road, Stevie wrote a great post on it a couple of years ago. Check out…

Happy To Be Homeless – click here

“So, here’s to living your dream. Ain’t nothin to do but just do it”


In other daily life news, I’ve gone off on a little road trip of my own. I headed back over to Santiago, Chile to pick up my brother. He is visiting us for the next month.

I really do love that drive from Mendoza to Santiago. It is straight up beautiful!

My brother arrived with a bunch of bags filled with all the stuff we couldn’t fit on our return trip last month.

About 1/3 winter gear for Sol, 1/3 food supplies (like hemp seeds), and 1/3 new climbing gear. Stoked!

We don’t plan to stay in Chile long. I have a really hard time being away from Soleil these days. 24 hours feels like an eternity.

But we’ll hang long enough to scope out a couple of the climbing areas and put in some laps.

And, of course, we’ll try and get into some trouble in the Chilean wine country.  We’re a couple days in and already making a dent on both fronts.

Then it’s back over the mountains to reunite the crew. Sure miss these ladies!



A few more throw backs from the last 4 years of Sprinter Life….



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