
Snoop Dogg’s Son Cordell Broadus — Football Star SUSPENDED … For Cheap Shot in HS Football Brawl

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Cordell Broadus is 6’3″, 186lb 16-year-old wide reciever. He’s a senior at Diamond Bar High School in southern California. He’s being recruited by Notre Dame, USC, and LSU. And none of these things matter, because he’s Snoop Dogg/Lion’s son. No, his son’s last name isn’t Dogg or Lion. It’s Broadus.

As in Calvin Cordozar Broadus, Jr. (That’s Snoop’s real name.)

Broadus was one of eight “Brahmas” suspended (that’s their mascot, we think). Strange that fighting could affect his status as a top prospect coming out of high school. If anything, we’d have assumed a positive test for, oh, I dunno, weed maybe, would be more fitting grounds for suspension for the kid. Oh well, it’s not like he won’t have a chance to do that, too.

Diamond Bar was forced to forfeit the game. Broadus will likely face at least a one game suspension.

Snoop Dogg’s Son Cordell Broadus — Bench Clearing Brawl

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