
Larry Brown is one of the most successful coach in basketball history. He was inducted into the Naismith Basketball Hall Of Fame in 2002 and would go on to become the only coach in basketball history to win both an NCAA Championship, as well as an NBA Championship. For as great as a coach as Brown is, he is perhaps even better known for is tendency to pack up and leave a job as quickly as he came.

Brown’s longest tenure as a coach was with the Philadelphia 76ers with Allen Iverson. He lasted six years with Philly, before bolting to Detroit to win a championship with Rick Carlisle’s team. Brown’s well traveled career led him to coach Southern Methodist University at 72 years old. Bereft of NBA coaching opportunities, Brown returned to college for the first time in 25 years to coach the Mustangs.

Predictably, after some initial success, Brown bolted due to a “contract dispute” as well as multiple NCAA violations, which resulted in SMU being banned from postseason play for a year. Brown is now 76 and has officially dried out the professional and collegiate basketball opportunities. So where does a coaching Hall of Famer and basketball lifer turn next? To high school basketball of course.

According to Newsday, Brown has been offered the opportunity to become the head coach of East Hampton High School by the school’s athletic director. Brown, who has spent summers in the Hamptons for the last decade, evidently values the opportunity to live in one place and do the job he loves the most.

In case you were wondering if this was somehow a money grab by Brown, here’s Darren Rovell to assure you that’s not the case.

Larry Brown, who made $86,103 PER DAY for 331 days of being Knicks coach, is considering taking East Hampton HS job for $7K a year.

— Darren Rovell (@darrenrovell) September 20, 2016

If Larry Brown accepts the position at East Hampton, he would be coaching some students that weren’t born when he was inducted into the Hall Of Fame and others that may not even remember him coaching Allen Iverson. Our question is, once Brown gets bored at East Hampton where does he go next?

Our intramural team is looking for a head man. Just saying.

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