This episode had a lot going on. For me it was firing on all cylinders. The Stitch this week was as interesting as I had hoped when we found out that the victim was a psychic.
Kirsten carefully slices strawberries for the homemade crepes Liam is making her. It’s a bit of nice quiet couple time without Camille. As expected, Liam wants an answer to his proposal.
He also wants to know why she’s getting so many messages from Maggie and Cameron and why can’t he play the video game she’s working on.
What really surprised me was Kirsten evading a topic. It wasn’t the smoothest attempt I’ve seen, but I don’t think it’s something she does that often. No matter, she’s saved from any more awkward discussion about marriage proposals by another text summoning her to work.
Remember that really sweet scene last week when Linus told his parents about his new girlfriend in order to distract them from their awareness that something was wrong with their son? This week he is faced with the consequences. They want to meet this girlfriend and invite her to dinner. This invitation threatens to ruin Camille’s upbeat day. She reluctantly agrees to dinner. It was kind of difficult for me to tell which swayed Camille more, Linus’ puppy dog eyes or the menu. I’m looking forward to seeing how this goes.
Maggie summons Kirsten to her office to discuss Liam again. She doesn’t trust the timing of Liam re-appearing in Kirsten’s life. Kirsten is still defensive. I can understand both points of view. Kirsten is annoyed that her co-workers are involved with her private life. But from Maggie’s perspective, Kirsten did blab about the Stitcher’s program very easily at the beginning of the series. Also it is a Top Secret program.
Cameron offers up a friendly ear and some good advice. The simple fact of the matter is that Kirsten, given her childhood, wants to ensure she’s making the right decision about her future. I love that she won’t be rushed into a decision for or against.
The Stitch this week is looking into the death of a psychic named Vanessa Sawyer. Initially I’m with Cameron. She’s obviously a fake. I feel this assumption is being proved true because Vanessa and her partner are doing a Taro card reading, on their TV show, for a client on the computer. Add to that the fact that the “reading” is vague, generic fortune cookie hoo ha. “… the search brings happiness not the destination.”, “your future is full of possibilities.”
But, Kirsten sees, what looks to me, like a real psychic flash. She sees flames burst out around a couple having an argument across the studio. Kirsten exits the Stitch when she sees someone else’s murder and realizes that Vanessa was killed because she witnessed a murder.
Kirsten, Cameron, and Fisher stop by the studio to start the investigation into what Kirsten saw. (Fun note: Kirsten restyled her hair based on a suggestion from Liam.) She’s identified her prime suspect, Rick, the owner of the studio. Kirsten asks about the argument she saw. He seems completely confused.
They speak with Vanessa’s partner, Jessica Barnes, who also seems to be a psychic. She explains that their visions aren’t always literal, and the fire that Kirsten saw would represent anger and tension. Jessica reads Cameron and Kirsten. She knows that Kirsten is struggling with a decision and tells Kirsten that she needs to know herself before she can share her life with anyone. She also knows about Cameron’s heart surgery and hands him a crystal to protect his ‘sensitive heart’. I’m guessing we’ll see the pay off for this next week.
As Cameron and Kirsten argue about the validity of psychics, Kirsten sees the stage light spark that that she saw in Vanessa’s memory. She begins to realize that perhaps not everything she saw in the Stitch had happened when Vanessa saw it. Some of the events, like the murder, may not have happened yet.
Just after that realization, they see the murder victim, Mia, alive and on set. We get a bit of an idea about why she and Rick were arguing. Apparently, his contract gives him a piece of any profits his clients make for an unreasonable amount of time. “Read your contract carefully.” Excellent advice for the real world too…never sign a contract without having a lawyer look it over for you. She gives them invitations to her launch party later that night. Kirsten promises they’ll make it in the hopes that they can prevent the murder Vanessa saw. Cameron, frankly, thinks she’s nuts. But if there is one thing we’ve learned about Cameron…he will follow Kirsten into a burning building. So he too will be at the launch party.
Kirsten is at home still struggling to make her decision about Liam’s proposal. She’s listening to some of Vanessa’s advice given on her show and recalling some advice from Ed, and none of it constitutes a big giant neon sign with the answer printed on it. Liam returns from a run disturbed because he’s been the worst, most inept tail I have ever seen. Unless the assignment was to mess with Liam’s head this guy deserves to be fired.
Liam is, understandably, upset and demands to know who Kirsten works for and why he is being followed. He pushes hard for answers and Kirsten manages to avoid giving them. Perhaps they finally had her read and sign the non-disclosure agreement? In TV land these agreements, at this level of government secrecy, tend to have clauses like ‘if you tell anyone it is considered treason and you an go to prison for life.’
She is summoned back to the Stitch lab, but first storms into Maggie’s office full of righteous indignation. Maggie shuts her down by noting that whether Liam is as honest and loyal as Kirsten believes, Kirsten is definitely the deceptive person in the relationship. She doesn’t believe a relationship can survive that kind of deception. Maggie confesses to understanding the cost; she lost her relationship with her son because of lies and secrets. I find it interesting that Maggie did NOT confirm or deny having Liam followed. If she did not, then I feel better about the ineptitude of the guy in the SUV.
It’s time to Stitch back into Vanessa. Vanessa tries to talk Mia out of doing something that would mess with her karma. Kirsten touches one of the crystals in the Stitch and has a very disturbing vision of Cameron in the sample box. Kirsten suddenly winds up lost in what appears to be a premonition. Linus can’t find Kirsten in the system at all. When Kirsten bounces out, no one believes her about what she saw. Cameron is convinced she projected her idea about what the launch party will look like. She determines to save Mia herself. Cameron offers to join her, but after that frightening vision she decides to go without him.
Kirsten gets to the launch party and is surprised to find Cameron there. Though not as surprised as she is when Liam walks in jealous and annoyed. He wants Kirsten to leave with him. Kirsten can’t because she’s got a life to try and save. Cameron asks Kirsten the real root question. ‘Does she love Liam?’ Before he can answer, Mia and Rick return.
They find Rick strangling Mia. Rick entered the studio and found Mia pouring gas all over the place. Kirsten realizes that the fire Vanessa saw in her premonitions wasn’t symbolic. She knew Mia was intending to burn down the studio and confronted Mia about it.
Fisher shares Mia’s confession with Cameron and Kirsten. Vanessa had been worried that some innocent people would be hurt in the fire Mia set. She was about to call and let Rick know. She and Mia got into a shoving match, a geode fell from the shelf and hit Vanessa in the head. Mia panicked and ran. Kirsten solved a murder and prevented one.
Unfortunately that is her last win of the night. Liam is waiting for her when she gets home. He still thinks Cameron is his competition. Kirsten makes it clear that there has been no one else, but she does tell him that she can’t marry him. She needs to figure out who she is first. Good for her. Especially because moments later we find out that Maggie’s instincts are dead on. Liam is working for someone. Liam agrees to stay in town and help with plan B. It would appear that things to come on this series could be very interesting.
Camille and Linus’ dinner with his parents was the B-story tonight. Linus went just a teeny bit overboard. He wrote an entire history of their relationship, which I couldn’t help but think Camille would toss out the window the moment they sat down to dinner. What fun would it be if Camille followed all of the rules the very nervous Linus laid down? Turns out Linus’ parents made Camille look like an amateur at making Linus squirm.
Camille turns on the charm and is more herself than Linus instructed. Consequently, his parents love her. When they step out of the room Linus begs her to ‘reel it in’. The more they like her the more difficult it will be for him to dump her. Linus’ eyes bulge out when his mother pulls out his great-grandmother’s ring for Camille to try on. (Camille’s startled “Holy Cow” and her realization of what she’d just said was adorable.) Camille took Linus’ embarrassment up a notch by making him put the ring on her finger. Camille’s expression of how warm Linus’ parents are rings so true that she answers Linus’ mother’s question of “Maybe someday?” with “I never say never.” I’m inclined to believe that Camille wasn’t just telling her something Linus’ mother wanted to hear. I think Camille means it.
The case was interesting. We got the truth about Liam. I really enjoyed the dinner scene with Linus’ parents. I like the friendship developing between Cameron and Kirsten. Personally, I don’t want this relationship to go romantic. I find them much more interesting as they help each other grow and get past issues in their childhood.
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About the Author - Prpleight
Prpleight is a screenwriter and senior software engineer with solid geek cred. When not writing code, screenplays, or watching TV (sometimes she does all three at the same time), she uses her broadsword Bessie to battle evil. She's been a frequent contributor to the SpoilerTV discussion boards for several years now. Currently, she's reviewing Stitchers and Major Crimes.
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