
Update: 9th December 2013 Time for another Spring Clean with updated screens and new sections.

How Does SpoilerTV Work?
New people are visiting SpoilerTV all the time and to avoid people emailing the staff asking questions about how to use the site, how to stay updated etc etc. we have put together this section which explains everything about the site.

If you want to know how to get the most out of SpoilerTV, read this guide...

Working Your Way Around The Site

Navigation of the Home Page - All Content
The site's homepage, spoilertv.com provides a constant stream of TV news, information, spoilers, teasers, reviews &articles from across the globe. The most current item is at the top of the page.

Clicking on a post title will take you to the content of that post as well as giving you the ability to view any comments that have been left or to add your own thoughts.

Finding Show Specific Content
Instead of searching through tons of all the content to find information on specific shows, you can search for that individual show in a few ways.

1. Find the show you want on the main menu bar at the top of the homepage. Shows are sorted by US network, for example 'Castle' can be found under 'ABC':

2. You can also find the show by selecting it from the Drop-Down menu (Alphabetical Order) on the right hand side of the homepage:

3. Clicking one of the 'Labels' that can be found attached to every post on the site:

Searching for Information

It can be found at the top of the right hand sidebar

Simply type in your search, it will also auto-suggest some searches as you type, and press Enter or click on the Search button.

The results will then be displayed in a popup.

Once you have the search results displayed, there are a few things you can do.

Search Only Images
At the top of the Search Results you will see 2 tabs. One for web/articles and one for Images.

Clicking on the Images tab will display images that match your search.

The Search Engine searches both the main SpoilerTV.com site as well as our Image Gallery.

2) Relevance vs Date
By default the results are sorted by Newest Matches first (Date). This is because we feel that you will want to see the most recent posts, rather than looking at old press releases/sneak peeks etc for episodes that have aired.

However you can also sort your Search Results by Relevance to improve the accuracy of the search. Click on the Sort By field and select Relevance.

3) Further Refinements
You can also further refine your search by items such as Press Releases, Reviews, Sneak Peeks etc

Simply click the appropriate tab.

Submitting TV Scoop
SpoilerTV relies on you, as TV fans to help us bring as much TV content as possible onto the website. To do that you can 'Submit a Scoop' by clicking on the Start or Features Menu and select'Submit Scoop' in the menu bar.

Clicking 'Submit a Scoop' will bring you to a Pop-Up Box where you simply enter name, email address, the website url of where you found the information (for us to validate) and then a description of what you have found. Click Submit and it will arrive with the SpoilerTV staff:

Keeping Up To Date With SpoilerTV/ Social Media Interation

SpoilerTV has many ways to keep on top of the latest news and content through a wide variety of systems and social media websites:

1. Twitter
Nowadays thousands of people are following SpoilerTV on twitter, where we have automatically set up live updates so as soon as content is put on the site, Twitter knows about it; and therefore so do you. We have over 30 specific show twitter feeds for you as well. Find all of our Twitter Feeds HERE

2. RSS Feeds
SpoilerTV also provides you with a large number of RSS Feeds that you can use in your favourite feedreaders or use in any RSS widgets. To view the RSS Feeds available simply head HERE and scroll down to select which feeds you want to subscribe too.

3. Facebook
SpoilerTV also have a Facebook page where you can get all the latest content straight to your wall, all you need to do is 'Like' the group by following the link HERE.

We also have show specific Facebook Pages for some of the most popular shows. You can see a Full List Here.

4. Google+
We also have a Google+ Page for those on Google new service. You can view our page here.

5. Tumblr
We also have a Tumblr Page here.

Daily Digest
Not everyone likes Twitter or RSS Feeds and prefers a more relaxed and less immediate form of staying up to date. We also provide a simple Daily Digest Email that will email you daily and list all the new content that has been posted since your previous Daily Digest arrived. This is a great way to ensure you don't miss anything or if you are on the road. Simply use the form below to signup.

Enter your email address:

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Google Chrome Extension
Recently we introduced our very own extension for any Chrome users. This will alert you in your browser whenever there is new content on show or shows that you specify. We already have over 3,000 users using this.

To download our Google Chrome Extension page, head HERE

If you've not used the Chrome Browser yet I cannot stress enough how much you should use it. It's the fastest and most secure browser currently available.

Instant Email Service
We also offer an instant email service, whereby you can also receive an instant email as soon as a new post is made.

You can see how to set this up HERE

The SpoilerTV Community & Commenting
One of the things we pride ourselves on is the friendly community of people from around the world that visit our site on a daily basis. There are several tools/sites that we use to help build this community further.

1. Commenting
Each post that appears on SpoilerTV provides you with the ability to comment on it. We love reading your comments/questions and try to answer any questions you have. It's also a great way to find new friends who also share the same interests in your shows.

The commenting system is pretty easy to use. Simply type in your comment and press the Post Button. If you are already logged in then your comment will be posted immediatly, if you're not logged in your will be prompted to. You can log on using your Facebook, Twitter, OpenID, Disqus and/or Yahoo accounts or you can simply post as a guest with an Name/Email.

Edit Profile, Notifications and Avatar

You can edit your profile at any time and change your profile photo and notifications settings. Simply click the "cog" icon and click on your name.

Your profile will then be displayed in a Popup screen.

Just click the Edit Profile button to load the profile and make your changes.

Also you can see the most recent comments that have been posted on the site in the right-hand side bar.

2. Tweet Buttons
You can tweet articles that you like by clicking the Tweet Button to the right of the post:

Then click Tweet with the text you want written on your Twitter Feed:

By doing this you help us to grow and promote the site, so do it as much as you can.

3. Google+1
You can show your appreciation also for an article by clicking on the Google+1 Button.

4. Facebook
If you like an article, please use the Facebook button that appears under each article to Share it with your friends.

5. Popular Posts
One the right hand sidebar there is a widget that shows the Top 4 most popular posts for the past 7 Days.

The SpoilerTV Team
Interested in who puts all the website together? Well, we now have a page where everyone who works and adds content in any shape or form to SpoilerTV is featured and you can check out the team HERE You can also follow the team on Facebook & Twitter from there.

SpoilerTV on your Mobile

We realise that a lot of people now use their mobile more and more to access content on the Internet and to stay up to date. I use my mobile (Nexus One) more and more these days.

We've designed SpoilerTV to be as Mobile Friendly as possible with all the latest smartphones. All features such as Videos, Polls, Comments should all work.

Simply goto our Mobile Site here.


You can read about all the functions of the Mobile Site here.

The SpoilerTV Dashboard

So what is SpoilerTV Plus Dashboard?

Basically it's a complete front end for all SpoilerTV users to customise their SpoilerTV experience. This does NOT replace the existing SpoilerTV.com site, this is like an added extra. Some of the key features are:

- Customisable Show Favourites to display just the information you want.
- Comprehensive Episode Database from over 180 shows
- Nielsen Ratings for all the Major US TV Shows
- Ratings charts and comparisons.
- The Episode Database will have future episodes titles for a large number of shows before any other site.
- Calendar Features to see when your shows are on
- Quick access to Promotional Photos, Promos, Sneak Peeks and Press Releases.
- Popular Shows and Network Charts
- Highly Configurable with more configuration options coming.
- Notifications
- Ability to Rate Shows
- Current Status of each show along with Artwork and Show Descriptions

To access the site you go here


Please take some time to read the online help file here


And you can see the recent changes in our Release Notes here


We also have a dedicated Twitter Account for all STVPlus news and updates here. It is HIGHLY recommended that you follow this account to be kept up to date with any updates and downtimes etc.


This is just the first release of the system and there are likely to be some issues. If you have any questions, suggestions, bugs etc please use the Feedback from here.


Or in the comments below, or by emailing me directly.

All the above links can be easily found on the STVPlus dashboard.

As mentioned this is just the first of several releases we have planned for STVPlus and new releases will have new features and functionality.

Some of the things we hope to include are: Support for Multiple Sneak Peeks, Ratings Statistics, Improved Calendar, Article Sorting, User Submission Forms, Email Alerts, Browser Notifications, Colour Themes, Mobile Support, as well as any ideas you come up with.

This is all brought to you free of charge thanks to the awesome developers, helpers and the SpoilerTV team who help populate this data for you.

So jump on in to http://www.stvplus.com and let us know what you think in the comments.

SpoilerTV Video Portal Page
This video page will allow you to view nearly all the videos that we've posted on the site in one convenient place and is a great way to catch up on any video you may have missed.

To use the player simply goto the Video Portal Page and start browsing. At the Top Right of the player you will see the list of Channels that we have created. There are channels for Behind the Scenes, Sneak Peeks, Promos, Movies etc. You can scroll through the channels by using the little Left and Right Arrows and then clicking on the Channel Name.

Also, an added benefit is that you can also add this Video Player/Portal onto your site. Simply copy the embed code from HERE and paste it onto your site. Your readers will also get the latest videos as soon as we post them.

Any video that you play, you can easily copy it to your site or blog by clicking on the Share button and copying the embed code. You can then paste that code onto your site/blog so that others can view it.

Customizing the Site

You can change both the Site Banner Graphic as well as the background color to suit your own taste.

You access the Banner Selector for the Features menu at the top of the site.

You can either use the official banner, or one of the past official banners, or use one of your own or pick from our user created.

Simply click on the banner of your choice or use one of your own or completely remove it altogether.

Also on this screen you can select the background color of your choice.

We're always looking for you to help us make the site better, and you can do that by clicking on the "Send Feedback" link at the bottom of every page of via the top menu and letting us know what you would like to see on SpoilerTV in the future.

If you have any questions/issues please feel free to post in the comments below, or if you would like any additions made to this page please let us know.

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