Good news! Revit Project Organizer has just been released. We have been working on it for long time and finally worked it out.
As our other software products, it's free to download, free to try, free to get support and free to get updated in each major version. It can be found and downloaded from our web site.
It is an addin for Revit. It works with version 2016, 2015, and 2014 (both x64 and x86, all flavors with addin support such as Revit Architecture, Revit Structure, Revit MEP, Revit, and various Bundles). It helps organize Revit projects in many different and good ways. It provides various viewers, editors, inspectors, arrangers, placers, failure handlers, event monitors, flippers, renumbers, renamers, suite organizers, dialog suppressers, file explorers, loaders, upgraders, cleanup tools, and selection tools.
It has 93 tools so far. Here is what its ribbon looks like.
Project Setup tools (14)
Revit Settings: to pop up a few Revit dialogs to help check Revit settings or change some if necessary.
Upgrader: to upgrade Revit files (project ones, family ones or template ones) in batch from old versions to the current Revit version.
Level Creator: to create multiple Revit levels based on various settings.
Grid Creator: to create multiple Revit grids based on various settings.
Plan View Creator: to create multiple Revit plan views based on various settings.
Elevation View Duplicator: to duplicate multiple Revit elevation views based on various settings.
3D View Creator: to create multiple Revit 3D views based on various settings.
Sheet Creator: to create multiple Revit sheets based on various settings.
Family Explorer: to explorer Revit family, project and template files.
Load Families: to load Revit family files into the current project model.
Load Parameters: to load multiple shared parameters from an external shared parameter file to the current project as project parameters.
Settings: to pop up a grid to help inspect or change settings for the toolset.
Project Info: to pop up the Revit Project Properties dialog to help check or change project settings.
Unit Info: to pop up the Revit Project Units dialog to help check or change project units.
Project Process tools (22)
Auto-Place Columns On Grids: automatically place columns of either architectural or structural onto grids with various settings.
Auto-Place Foundations On Grids: automatically place foundations onto grids with various settings.
Auto-Attach Foundations To Columns: automatically attach foundations to columns with various settings.
Auto-Attach Beams To Columns: automatically attach beams to columns with various settings.
Pinned Finder: to find all pinned elements and inspect or even update them one by one.
Untagged Finder: to find all untagged elements and inspect or even update them one by one.
Floor-Walls Visual & Auto Joiner: to find all walls connected with a floor to visually inspect or join them automatically based on settings.
Save Groups Out As RVTs: to save all groups in the current project model out as external RVT files.
Load RVT As Group: to load an external RVT file into the current project model as a group.
Convert Group to Assembly: to convert a group to an assembly.
Convert Assembly to Group: to convert an assembly to a group.
Wall-Layers Inspector: to inspect the information of wall layers.
Group Types Inspector: to inspect the information of all group types.
Views Inspector: to inspect the information of all views.
View Templates Inspector: to inspect the information of all view templates.
Suite Organizer
Define Suites: to define suites from rooms as picked on screen.
Tag Suites: to tag suites that are defined.
Edit Suites: to edit suites, e.g. changing their component rooms, room numbers, suite numbers, and tags.
Update Suite Area: to update the area of a suite as picked in case it is updated.
Update All Suite Areas: to update the area of all suites in case some of them are updated.
Settings: to pop up a grid to inspect or change settings for the toolset.
Failure Handlers: to handle Revit failures as happened in history and chosen as of now.
Project Refinement tools (21)
Level Editor: to edit all Revit levels in a single nice place.
Grid Editor: to edit all Revit grids in a single nice place.
View Editor: to edit all Revit views in a single nice place.
Sheet Editor: to edit all Revit sheets in a single nice place.
Flip Doors: to flip multiple doors as selected one by one visually including the To/FromRoom direction.
Flip Windows: to flip multiple windows as selected one by one visually including the To/FromRoom direction.
Flip Walls: to flip multiple walls as selected one by one visually.
ReNumer Spatial Elements
ReNumber Rooms Sequentially: to ReNumber rooms sequentially based on settings.
ReNumber Rooms Along Corridor: to ReNumber rooms along a corridor based on settings.
Update Room Numbers: to update all other room numbers automatically if one is changed.
ReNumber Areas Sequentially: to ReNumber areas sequentially based on settings.
ReNumber Spaces Sequentially: to ReNumber spaces sequentially based on settings.
ReNumber Doors
ReNumber Doors Sequentially: to ReNumber doors sequentially based on settings.
ReNumber Doors by Rooms: to ReNumber doors by rooms based on settings.
ReNumber Windows
ReNumber Windows Sequentially: to ReNumber windows sequentially based on settings.
ReNumber Windows by Rooms: to ReNumber windows by rooms based on settings.
ReNumber Window Types: to ReNumber window types based on settings.
ReName Groups: to rename groups in a single nice place.
ReName Assemblies: to rename assemblies in a single nice place.
Settings: to pop up a grid to inspect or change settings for the toolset.
Dialog Suppressers: to suppress some Revit warning or error dialogs happened in history and as chosen now.
Project Cleanup tools (19)
Views Cleanup
Clean Up Unreferenced Views: to clean up unreferenced views.
View Simple Cleaner: to clean up views in a simple manner, through direct selection.
View Super Cleaner: to clean up views in a super manner, through selecting, searching, and filtering.
Sheets Cleanup
Clean Up Empty Sheets: to clean up unreferenced sheets.
Sheets Simple Cleaner: to clean up sheets in a simple manner, through direct selection.
Sheets Super Cleaner: to clean up sheets in a super manner, through selecting, searching, and filtering.
Schedules Cleanup
Clean Up Unreferenced Schedules: to clean up unreferenced schedules.
Schedules Simple Cleaner: to clean up schedules in a simple manner, through direct selection.
Schedules Super Cleaner: to clean up schedules in a super manner, through selecting, searching, and filtering.
Unplaced Cleanup
Clean Up Unplaced Rooms: to clean up unplaced rooms.
Clean Up Unplaced Areas: to clean up unplaced areas.
Clean Up Unplaced Spaces: to clean up unplaced spaces.
Unused Cleanup
Clean Up Unused Elevation Markers: to clean up unused elevation markers.
Clean Up Unused Viewport Types: to clean up unused viewport types.
Clean Up Unused Design Options: to clean up unused design options.
Clean Up Unused Groups: to clean up unused groups.
Clean Up Empty Tags: to clean up empty tags.
Settings: to pop up a grid to inspect or change settings for the toolset.
Purger: to pop up the Revit Purge Unused dialog for purging.
Project Gadgets (14)
Hide & Seek: to hide & seek elements based on various criteria in multiple views.
Element Browser: to show what kinds of elements and their numbers in a nice window; can be inspected one by one thereafter.
Selection Organizer
Select by Filter: to select elements by a saved filter.
Select Similar: to select more similar elements from those selected on screen.
Iterate Selection: to iterate through all the elements in a selection in a nice window.
Iterate Selected: to iterate through all the selected elements in a nice window.
Save Selection: to save the selected as a new named selection.
Restore Previous: to restore the selection that was saved previously.
Export Selected: to export selected elements to a CSV file.
Manage Selections: to manage all saved selections in a single nice place.
Manager Filters: to manage all saved filters in a single nice place.
Settings: to pop up a grid to inspect or change settings for the toolset.
File Locator: to locate and highlight the file associated with the current model in Windows Explorer.
Alias Namer: to give alias to various elements such as Levels, Phases, Views, Templates, Sheets, Schedules and so on.
Information (3)
Log: to show the log for all operations in the current Revit session.
Help: to show the help for the software.
About: to show the about for the software.