
Witch O Chick Script 28

The Word “witch” comes from the same Anglo-Saxon root as “wit” and “wise,” and in its original form Wicce or Wicca meant “a knowledgeable person” or “wise man.”

The knowledge in question was arcane and generally forbidden by the religious or civil authorities. Witch O Chick Script 28

Any form of consultation of a witch by a layman was and still is always begun by an occult diagnosis of the situation inquired about, prior to any action being taken. “Finding things out” is therefore of the same primary importance to the modern witch as to her Dark Age counterpart. Nowadays there are many such methods of magical diagnosis extant, ranging from elaborate ceremonial Tarot divinations to numerological analysis or simple teacup reading. But the true methods of divination as practised by the traditional witch still remain relatively unknown. Witch O Chick Script 28

To the aware witch, time is not a continuous ribbon passing under the keys of some celestial typewriter, but rather a complex field extending into many different directions and dimensions. Given that view of time, that a man should possess a definite future as concrete as his past and present, albeit unseen for the most part, will not strike a witch in any way as odd or unrealistic. The whole process of divination of the future rests on this approach to an understanding of the true nature of time.

Paradoxically, although the future is already “out there,” the witch does not feel that her actions are already doomed to one simple course by rigid predestination. The nearest approach to an explanation would be to say that each one of us, at every moment of time, confronts a series of different choices in action. One of these ways we will take, for whatever reasons. That way as well as others is already “out there.” However, be that as it may, we still have a control over our choice of actions. We can make the destiny “out there” become a good one or a bad one, depending on our varied talents, opportunities, and, of course, choices. Witch O Chick Script 28

When a witch talented in the arts of prophecy or divination predicts a destiny for someone, she will, however, be basing it solely on a reading of the deep mind of her client. She will be reading the strongest marked “possible future” of her client at that present moment. This does not mean that there are no other possible futures, but that the one she perceives is the most likely one from the point of view of the moment of time she is prophesying in. If she is an expert diviner, she will be reading her client’s deep mind at its most profound and basic level, which contains the firmest “guidelines” to its own future. But even these are still open to choices and different interpretations, depending on the will and inclination of the person concerned and whether he becomes sufficiently aware of where his nose is leading him—of his karma, if you will. Witch O Chick Script 28

At this point it would be germane to mention the subject of curses and blessings inflicted by witches on people. In view of the preceding, you will see that when you as a witch inflict your will magically on someone, what in effect you are doing is throwing the weight of your witch power into the balance of a person’s choice of future, and thus guiding his selection in favour of one direction as opposed to a set of others. This, of course, can be affected only through a contact with his deep mind, the place where the mysterious choices are made, hence the whole rigmarole of the magical operation.

But remember, and this is an important thing to bear in mind at all times, should your victim or client prove to be an extremely highly motivated person, with the guidelines to his actions strongly dictated from a great depth within his deep mind, or if he in fact is a powerful warlock, which is tantamount to the same thing, then the likelihood of your persuading his deep mind to accept anything other than its own selected destiny is going to be slim indeed. Witch O Chick Script 28

Not only is any spell you cast going to affect him in no wise, but the magical current you set in motion by your action will recoil on you as the sender and probably expend its energy on your own deep mind!

This is the eternal danger in malefic witchcraft, to be hoist on one’s own petard. Witch O Chick Script 28

Antifungal Salve

These herbs may be made into a salve, to help heal broken and cracked skin, or vinegar to help relieve itching when the skin is not broken.

Dilute vinegar by two-thirds with water before applying to cracked or open tissues. It stains the skin, as iodine does.

This formula works well for athlete’s foot, ringworm, and ectopic or eczematous skin conditions.
1 part walnut husks (antifungal)
1 part thyme leaf (antiseptic)
1 part rose leaf (astringent)
1 part plantain leaf (soothing)

DISCLAIMER: Essential oils and herbs may be harmful and dangerous if used improperly. Allergic reactions and unpredictable sensitivities or illness may develop.  Witch O Chick Script 28
Some will even trigger asthma attacks! I do not advocate, endorse or guarantee the effects of any ‘recipes’ posted.
Any recipes referred to on this page or elsewhere on this website made about traditional uses of essential oils for healing purposes is not intended as medical advice, but purely as historical information.  Witch O Chick Script 28
Consult a medical practitioner, certified aroma therapist, certified herbalist or other health care professional for any prolonged or serious symptoms you may have.
This content is not intended to replace conventional western medical treatment.
Any suggestions made and all herbs listed are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease, condition or symptom.  Witch O Chick Script 28
All material on this website/email is provided for general information purposes only and should not be considered medical advice or consultation.
Always check with your personal physician when you have a question pertaining to your health and healthcare.

Awakening and Cleansing Your Crystals

Since ancient civilization, tribal ceremonies involved the activation of crystals. If you lived by the sea, crystals were cleansed in the water.

If not, they were awakened by placing them in the Sun or Moon light for several hours. Still today, we can use these methods to “recharge” our stones.

Leave them out doors during a new Moon. Witch O Chick Script 28

Soak in sea salt for about 6 hours.

Some even bury their crystals in the Earth during a new Moon.


I have found this potion is best mixed during the waxing moon. A chant I like to say while preparing it is as follows: I ask of you a real brew,
one of protection all and few,
Thank you Lady for your time,
respect and love goes with this rhyme.

You will need the following: Witch O Chick Script 28
1/2 cup light sesame oil
2 tablespoons coconut oil
2 tablespoons cocoa butter chunk

Mix all ingredients in a clean, ovenproof container.

Heat the mix gently, stirring all of the ingredients together (you may place the container in the micro-wave on high for 1 minute, or heat it gently in a double boiler or water bath on the stove top.) Witch O Chick Script 28

Let the mixture cool completely.

Place the suntan oil in a clean jar or container with a tight-fitting lid.

(Although sesame oil has some sun-screening properties, it is not a sunscreen.) Witch O Chick Script 28

Programming Healing Crystals

When programming a crystal you do so for a specific purpose either to heal and illness, for meditation, achieving a goal and any number of other reasons.

Again the ways to do this are plentiful. I will explain but just a few.

The easiest way is to simply hold the crystal and tell it what is required.

Use your Reiki Symbols to program the crystals for a particular task, concentrating on what is required. Witch O Chick Script 28

You can hold the crystal in your hand and imagine it surrounded by white light and say, “I program this crystal to be used for the highest good of all and to assist in the healing of my sore throat” (place what it is you want to heal here). Witch O Chick Script 28

Another method is to hold the crystal, consider your purpose, seeking healing, say exactly what condition it is you want to be healed. Say “I program this crystal for {your purpose}. Then place the crystal in a prominent position or keep it with you until the condition is better.

Pure, Potent, Natural Plant Remedies Witch O Chick Script 28

Uplifting, protective, calming, and regenerating, essential oils are a unique gift from the natural world. Often referred to as “nature’s living energy” or the very essence of a plant, essential oils are aromatic liquids derived from shrubs, flowers, trees, roots, bushes, and seeds. They not only determine the plant’s aroma, but are vital for plants to grow, live, evolve, and adapt. Essential oils also help defend plants from insects, environmental conditions, and disease. Witch O Chick Script 28

Today, research shows that when used aromatically, applied topically, or taken internally, essential oils can calm, energize, balance, purify, and rejuvenate the mind and body.

From perfumes and aromatherapy to cooking and medicinal purposes, essential oils have been a vital part of everyday life, dating back to 4500 BC.

After personally experiencing the many benefits of essential oils, D. Gary Young, Founder and President of Young Living Essential Oils, began a personal campaign to promote the ancient healing art of essential oil therapy.

The result? An abundant line of pure, therapeutic-grade essential oils, including over 140 single essential oils and unique essential oil blends, and the world’s largest community dedicated to achieving wellness via nature’s purest, most potent gift. ramond bucland

atrue wiccan will never harm you

Should you wish to contact me my email address is:                       witchochick@yahoo.com

My Home Page Is Here

Thank you for visiting our website, may your God or Goddess be with you.

a true wiccan will never harm you Witch O Chick Script 27

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The post Witch O Chick Script 28 appeared first on SpellsForAll.com buy spells online Here.

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