
Wilo has launched the Wilo-Stratos GIGA here in the UK – the first high efficiency glanded pump – and it’s targeted specifically at the building services and industry sectors.

The Wilo-Stratos GIGA offers building designers, specifiers and architects the chance to easily optimize the energy costs and environmental balance of a building or industrial complex. With its hydraulic output and specification, the new Wilo-Stratos GIGA is ideal for commercial, industrial and residential buildings - in essence, any new building where energy consumption and emissions need to be reduced and any existing building where the current pumps are elderly, uncontrolled pumps, consuming far more electricity than they should in the current energy climate. It’s targeted at projects where energy saving pumps will pay significant dividends over a typically fifteen year lifecycle.

The figures associated with the new Wilo-Stratos GIGA are quite staggering.

Due to the combination of new hydraulics with a new highly efficient drive concept (HED – High Efficiency Drive) the Wilo-Stratos GIGA offers major energy saving benefits. Specifying the GIGA for your projects will result in a saving of emissions amounting to approximately 8,000 kg CO2 per year as well as saving up to £70,000 in electricity costs per pump installed over a 15 year lifecycle, compared to conventional uncontrolled pumps (based on the Blue Angel load profile). The new GIGA has a typical payback period of less than two years, which highlights the benefits and value of installing high efficiency Wilo pumps.

For the first time glanded pumps are driven by highly efficient energy-saving EC motors and the pumps' hydraulics are optimally adjusted to the motor technology. GIGA pumps can claim particularly high total efficiency based on a motor efficiency of up to 94 per cent at a nominal motor power of 4.5 kW.

For more information head for www.wilo.co.uk.


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