
First of all, I would like to thank you all for taking the time to read my ramblings this past week while I was in Prague.  I am not certain I helped lots with many insightful weight loss tips, but it allowed me to feel as if I was still connected with you, and as I have said many times before, during your weight loss journey, I want you to always feel that the SP team and me are with you every day.  During my trip, I met with a group from Ukraine that wants to bring the SP Program into Hungary and Ukraine, then Russia.  This is very exciting for me because it is a real “high” for me to think that the stuff I/my team have worked on here can help people elsewhere.  Similarly, in the United States, seeing the SP Program grow to different states gives me the same wonderful feelings.  Along the way, when I speak to business people that we engage to help our expansion, I am asked lots about “scalability”.  ”How do you know that the SP Program works without you and your team there seeing patients?”  Well, if it were true (and it is not) that you would have to see Bob Posner, Donna, Krista, Laurie and be seen in Burke, VA., then the SP Program is not “scalable” to others.  Experience has shown this differently, as the results seen at our national centers equal the results we see here.  It is the system/program that helps people lose weight, not Bob Posner and team.  This allows SP to be “scalable”.  This fact is really cool for me cause now I know SP can help millions of people, not just thousands.  Now, I want to focus on “you”.  If you can lose 1 pound, that means you can “scale this”.  Using the same systems (hopefully SP and the dietary plan) you can turn that 1 pound to 2, 2 to 4, 4 to 8,etc etc. I want you all to think it terms of the scalability of your own personal weight loss efforts.  Do not look at 50 pounds or more (just as I should not look at millions of people) but rather, look at one pound at a time (just as we should look at helping one new person every day, not 1000).  You can “scale” your weight loss to your final destination.  Take it one day/one pound at a time.

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