
Not for the faint of heart (or muscles)—Brooklyn Bodyburn is a must-try class for serious fitness enthusiasts and those looking for a high intensity, full body-sculpting experience.

Located in The Edge complex, right by the water in Williamsburg, the Brooklyn Bodyburn studio is less than a year old, and we have to admit, it’s home to one of the most intense workouts in ALL of the five boroughs. The studio definitely embraces the “Brooklyn” vibe, with cool grey cinder blocks walls, a huge lofted ceiling and industrial flooring throughout. The workout space consists of a large area filled with weights, stabilizing poles and about 10 MegaFormers—the machines responsible for the fat-blasting, sweat-pumping workout.

For the most part, Bodyburn is 50 full minutes of low impact muscle toning. But if that sounds easy enough, don’t let yourself be fooled—there is NO rest between movements, and this body-sculpting class will have your muscles trembling within the first couple of minutes (or seconds!). Did we mention the fact that you burn 500-800 calories in each session?

The resistance-based movements are slow and very controlled throughout, with the aim to isolate hard to reach muscles. You’ll be working your entire body, even though you may not realize it at the time, you’ll definitely feel it later. Traditional exercises like lunges, mountain climbers and planks are performed on the MegaFormers, which challenges your body in a completely new way. We’ve never experienced a workout quite this tough, but if you want lightening fast results, this would likely like be your best bet.

In general, serious fitness enthusiasts will love this class. It’s also great to try if you are a beginner looking to step up your workout game—just mentally yourself prepare in advance for the extreme intensity. There is no doubt that a couple of these classes will whip your body into shape in no time.

If you’re new to the studio, your first class is $18 or you can buy a package of five for $79. This is a great deal considering typically, each class goes for $34. There is also the option to do a 30 Day Unlimited pass for $340 (if you’re feeling superhuman). Good luck—and be ready for some serious sweating during and soreness for a couple of days after your first class!

Arielle Sidrane is the Associate Editor of Spa Week Daily.

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